Die Neuinterpretation von Goethes Klassiker Die Leiden des jungen Werther entführt Douglas Booth und Alison Pill ins heutige Toronto. Der Young Werther begegnet durch Zufall der introvertierten Charlotte und je mehr Zeit sie miteinander verbringen, desto mehr verliebt er sich in sie. Das einzige Problem: Sie ist bereits mit dem erfolgreichen Anwalt Albert verlobt.
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00:00what will you be doing with yourself this summer I'm off to Europe for expat
00:04adventures material for my memoir material I seek out smart confident
00:09progressive women that's good advice oh my sister is 18 so no she doesn't want
00:15to fly down to Miami with you on your sick jet I have never wanted anyone
00:19more I met a girl Werther she's incredible she's smart she's funny
00:25you're like a young dr. no air a Sean Connery girls are always saying that to
00:30me a girl from today that you just met the girl from today that I think I'm in
00:34love with were there I should have mentioned I'm what age what there is no
00:40way I'm just gonna leave town and let her stupid fiance have her his name's
00:44Albert you'd like him I'm Werther Werther Charlotte told me all about you
00:49guys perfect a worthy opponent he will shoot you with his shotgun oh you'd be
00:55amazing at murder any fun I get it get what Albert's steady loving safe where
01:02there's like this weird unpredictable adventure we're just friends you look at
01:06all your friends like that
01:20hi just pull fine right