• letztes Jahr
Eine junge Frau lebt ein oberflächlich betrachtet idyllisches Leben mit ihrem wohlhabenden Freund, der ein erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann ist. Doch als die Frau einem kernigen Handwerker begegnet, fällt das Kartenhaus in sich zusammen und ihr Leben verwandelt sich im Thriller Black Diamond in eine Spirale aus Begehren, Lust und Mord.


00:00These rich families come in on their private jets, stay a week in their mansions on top of the hill.
00:08Money's what keeps us here, so we do what we can for them.
00:13She looks like fun to play house with.
00:18Can you fix this cowboy?
00:20Oh yeah.
00:23How's the pressure?
00:24It's getting stronger.
00:26Where's the ring?
00:27My mother always said, don't get married, don't have kids.
00:31Smart woman.
00:47Is that real?
00:48Of course it is.
00:49It's a Moreau, right?
00:50Ding, ding.
00:51It's worth two million.
00:52You know baby, I have spent 22 years ripping the life out of other men.
00:58And when you're good at it, they call you a killer.
01:02Smart enough to suspect.
01:06You need to leave, right this minute.
01:08Footprints go in and out.
01:10They came for this painting.
01:13I can tell you the type who thinks everything can be yours for a deal or a steal.
01:17That house, that painting, the woman.
01:22The money's everywhere.
01:24You just need to know how to grab it.
01:28Here's to getting it.
01:34You don't miss much, do you?
01:38Not when I'm paying attention.