• last year
Tarek and Heather El Moussa Say Christina El Moussa is 'In a Good Place'


00:00I have to ask you about your new show. I know it's right around the corner, the premiere.
00:03What can you tease? Oh my gosh, it is so good. My ex-wife's in it. People know that.
00:09One of us wins. We can't tell you who. There's a lot of moments that people would never expect
00:15that when they tune in, they're going to find out what I'm talking about. And I know you guys have
00:19a cordial relationship and it was probably interesting filming that and she's going
00:23through a hard time. How are you supporting her? Gosh, we've been supporting her since we found
00:27out and we're just here for her no matter what she needs and raising the kids together and
00:33just keeping them happy and she's good. She's in a good place. Yeah, she's in a good place.
00:37Yeah, she's doing well. She's a strong girl. She is. She's a tough cookie. How do you guys
00:41balance the holidays together? I know you don't have the kids full time. How does that work?
00:46We usually split every year. Whoever had them last year has them the next year. But Christmas,
00:51we usually have them Christmas Day. She has them Christmas Eve, but I think we're going to spend
00:54Christmas Eve together. Yeah. All of us. All of us. Yeah. A big family affair.
00:59One of the first times. Obviously, holidays are fully in swing right now. What are some of the
01:05holiday plans? What's on the lineup? Okay. So, well, our new show is coming out. Well, actually
01:10not new show. Season 2 of Flipping on Mooses is coming out December 26th. We're doing the Irvine
01:15Railroad with the kids this week. What else do we have? All the Christmas stuff. We've got the trees
01:19up. The lights are up. You know, getting all the presents ready. And then after Christmas,
01:23we're taking the whole family up to Big Bear to go skiing for New Year's. I love that. What are
01:28some of the traditions? You guys have both, but you have little kids. What traditions are we
01:32incorporating throughout the holidays? Elves on the shelf for sure. The elves are real though.
01:36What do you mean incorporating? We do Christmas jammies every year. We do like a family photo,
01:42which started when Tariq and I started dating. That's fun. I wear onesies every year. The funny
01:48thing about elf on the shelf. So my nine-year-old is finally like, oh, there's no Santa. There's no
01:51elf. So all of a sudden he brings up, well, dad, I've been noticing this year the elf doesn't give
01:55treats. I said, I thought you don't believe in the elf anymore. He's like, I do now. This is my
01:59year off. Next year, Tristan will be three almost. And it will be, yeah, the elf will be back. Last
02:05year I went full force. So mommy gets a little break this year. You deserve a little break.
02:11That's so cute. And you know, New Year's is around the corner. What are some resolutions
02:16we have? Any family resolution? We try to just set goals. Um, I feel like I don't meet them very
02:23often. Of course you do every day. Um, I don't know. I feel like I have like mini goals that
02:28I like to set for myself. And, um, what are some for our kids and us? Oh, I mean, honestly,
02:34we set goals a few years ago to make, you know, at least I did fitness and lifestyle. So we've been
02:38following that and, you know, family's always number one to us. So we're continuing that. And
02:42really it's about just getting stronger and building the bond and spending special time
02:45with the kids. Quality time to us is really important to try to carve out with each other
02:49and the kids individually. They're all different ages, 14, nine, and then almost two years.
02:54So they're all into very different things.
