Stocks retreated Tuesday as traders weighed a year-end rally and awaited U.S. inflation data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 35 basis points, its fourth consecutive decline. The S&P 500 fell 30 basis points, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 25, marking back-to-back losses. Oracle shares plunged over 6% after missing fiscal second-quarter estimates. Alphabet jumped more than 5% following a major quantum computing breakthrough, bringing its year-to-date gains to over 30%. Nvidia extended losses, down more than 2%, amid a Chinese antitrust probe. Investors await Wednesday’s CPI report, potentially influencing the Federal Reserve’s December rate decision.
00:00It's Benzinga, bringing Wall Street to Main Street.
00:02Stocks retreated Tuesday as traders weighed a year-end rally in a way to U.S. inflation data.
00:07The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 35 basis points, its fourth consecutive decline.
00:13The S&P 500 fell 30 basis points, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 25 basis points,
00:18marking back-to-back losses.
00:20Oracle shares plunged over 6% after missing fiscal second quarter estimates.
00:25Alphabet jumped more than 5%, following a major quantum computing breakthrough,
00:29bringing its year-to-date gains over 30%.
00:32Nvidia extended losses down more than 2%, amid a Chinese antitrust probe.
00:37Investors await Wednesday's CPI report,
00:40potentially influencing the Federal Reserve's December rate decision.