• letztes Jahr
Auf 28 Days Later (2002) und 28 Weeks Later (2007) folgt der postapokalyptische Horrorfilm 28 Years Later, der genau wie Teil 1 erneut von Danny Boyle inszeniert und von Boyle und Alex Garland geschrieben wird. Gerüchteweise soll auch Cillian Murphy wieder zurückkehren.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/28-months-later


00:08Wait, sit here.
00:10Auntie, what's going on?
00:12Don't move, sit still, keep quiet and do not move from this spot.
00:14It's from this spot!
00:327, 6, 11, 5, 9 and 20 miles today.
00:374, 11, 17, 32 the day before.
00:41Boost, boost, boost, boost, moving up and down again.
00:47There's no discharge in the war.
00:50Don't, don't, don't, don't look at what's in front of you.
00:55Boost, boost, boost, boost, moving up and down again.
01:01Men, men, men, men, men go mad with watching them.
01:06There's no discharge in the war.
01:15If your eyes drop, they will get atop of you.
01:20Boost, boost, boost, boost, moving up and down again.
01:26There's no discharge in the war.
01:33Cry, cry, cry, cry, but think of something different.
01:39Boost, boost, boost, boost, moving up and down again.
01:50There's no discharge in the war.
01:557, 6, 11, 5, 4, 17, 32 the day before.
