• yesterday
दिल्ली: कल मुंबई के कुर्ला इलाके में भयानक बस हादसा हुआ। इस घटना में 7 लोगों की मौत हुई और करीब 49 लोग घायल हुए है। इस हादसे को मोहम्मद अजहर शेख ने अपने सामने होते हुए देखा। इस घटना के बारे में जानकारी देते हुए मोहम्मद अजहर शेख ने कहा कि इतनी बड़ा हादसा मैंने कभी नहीं देखा था। 1992 से मैं महाराष्ट्र में रह रहा हूं लेकिन इतनी बड़ी सड़क दुर्घटना कभी नहीं देखी। घटना की रात करीब 9:30 बजे मैं बाहर गया और एक बहुत बड़ी दुर्घटना देखी। मैंने बम विस्फोट और दुर्घटनाएं देखी हैं लेकिन यह घटना अलग थी। बस सीधे लोगों को कुचल रहा था।

#kurla #kurlaaccident #kurlabusaccident #mumbai #maharashtra #roadaccident #


00:00It was around 9.30 or 9.30 in the afternoon. I went outside and saw it.
00:06It was a huge earthquake.
00:10I have been living in Maharashtra since 1992.
00:13I have never seen such a huge earthquake in my life.
00:16I have seen bomb blasts and all that.
00:18But I have seen accidents.
00:20It was coming and going, crushing everyone.
00:24People said that the tree fell.
00:28I heard about it.
00:30But I have never seen such an earthquake.
00:32The driver did not drink alcohol.
00:34We took him out ourselves.
00:36But he did not drink alcohol.
00:38Because we smelled it first.
00:40Then he did not drink alcohol.
00:42We can put allegations on him.
00:44Because in Maharashtra, people get accused very quickly.
00:46The bus was moving at a speed of 40-50 kmph.
00:48It was on the main road of Kurla.
00:52This is the main road of Kurla.
00:54So it will stay on this road.
00:56If you ask me, it has been 14-15 years.
01:00If you ask me, what can I say?
01:02It has been a long time.
