In den 70er-Jahren fährt ein Klempner aus New Brunswick nach Toronto, um dort die Kaution für seinen schwulen Bruder zu stellen, der wegen Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses inhaftiert wurde. Wie von ihrer Mutter gewünscht, fahren die beiden in Drive Back Home den weiten Weg gemeinsam zurück. Die Reise stellt ihre brüderliche Beziehung auf eine schwere Probe.
00:00This is the police department. Are you related to a Burleigh Henson?
00:05I guess.
00:06He's been arrested. They caught him having sex with a man in a city park.
00:10I'm getting him out and I'm coming straight back home on my own.
00:13Nope. You're bringing him here.
00:18You drove here? For this?
00:20He's my brother.
00:21Hey, how was your trip?
00:22How did I wind up getting roped into this?
00:26Aw, he ain't coming.
00:27I'm not getting in that truck without him!
00:29Well, I came all this way out here to get you.
00:31Did you drain the radiator last night?
00:33Did you fill it up again this morning?
00:34Well, the engine's overheating. I know that much.
00:39You still think bringing him here is a good idea?
00:43Does no one remember what happened last time?
00:45You scared me!
00:46You've done something so bad that it caused your own family to turn their backs on you.
00:50What's that say about you?
00:52You're asking that question the wrong ways around.
00:55You think marrying a woman is the answer to my problem?
00:58Get out of the truck right now!
01:00Stop! Stop! Let my brother go!
01:04What do we do now? Go forward or back?
01:09We're going forward.
01:12So what's the plan for tonight?
01:13No plan. Just driving.
01:15Come on.
01:16Come on.
01:26You don't have to be alone on this, Pearl.
01:30You always meet out like you were such a big shot whenever you came home for visits.
01:34These are luxury apartments. 300 a month.
01:37You're an idiot.
01:39There's a waiting list.
01:40You're a bunch of idiots.