• last year


00:30Okay, okay, but it doesn't work. Yes, I'm tired. I don't know conesto. Yo por qué no le quiero fallar a nicolas
00:35Pues en serio quiero que sea la campaña más exitosa que hayas tenido
00:40Pues sí, pero tienes que pensar en los tiempos en la proyección no todo puede ser una ocurrencia
00:45Bueno, pero si estás aquí para ayudarnos si sí a ver por qué no grabamos la junta yo por si sale algo bueno
00:51Está bien, sí
00:54Maria está grabando
00:56Bueno, yo creo que mar sería perfecta
01:00No, yo no creo que sea una buena idea
01:03Si se acuerdan lo que pasó con camila no digo se fue de la casa por su culpa
01:07Sí, yo también creo que no es buena idea. Ella es muy apegada a su mamá creo que nos traerá problemas
01:12Bueno tiene que ver alguien más no ver en lo que necesitamos es una mujer espontánea natural
01:18Como está ella seria y esa
01:22Esa es una mujer que transmite esas ganas de vivir
01:25De sentir estamos hablando de una marca deportiva a ver bueno eso se logra cuando diriges a la modelo
01:31No, yo no lo creo yo creo que eso se trae se trae en la personalidad
01:34No puedes obligar a alguien que haga algo que no lo trae en eso arturo tiene razón
01:39Sí, se las compro entonces bueno sigamos pensando cómo resolver esto
01:44A ver no es tan fácil no tiene que estar inspirado para esto
01:49Bueno por lo que veo nos vamos a quedar a comer aquí, pero yo me encargo de tranquilos gracias
02:04Ya calmate
02:07No, no no puede estar tranquila hasta saber cómo está juan mira
02:12cuando no hay noticias
02:14Son buenas noticias no si juan estuviera bien me buscaría dale tiempo
02:20Seguramente pronto te busca además como le hace a dónde te llama pues sí pero podría venir a buscarme no crees
02:27Voy a ver si ya está de regreso en su casa o a ver si un vecino ya sabe algo
02:32No no puedes ir no me voy a quedar aquí de brazos cruzados tengo que saber qué está pasando
02:49Sí sí entendido
02:52Bueno aquí están coca-cola sin azúcar y si el enfoque fuera más sobre la ropa y no sobre la modelo
02:59Yo creo que van de la mano
03:01mira los diseños de nicolás
03:05Están hechos para favorecer a las mujeres cuando hacen ejercicio ve como ahí en la cintura le favorece el abdomen
03:11Se nota que pones mucha tensión en la ropa de las chicas en el gimnasio
03:15Esa es una inspiración cuando uno hace ejercicio tiene una buena vista
03:19Bueno al menos veo que estudiaste toda la línea de ropa
03:24Gracias pero pero eso era antes no arturo porque ahorita ya vas muy en serio con tu novia yo le compraste una casa
03:30eso que tiene que ver además entre ella y yo no hay nada entonces porque lo hiciste
03:34Porque no necesitaba leonardo porque no tenía en donde vivir
03:37Pues es un regalo muy caro yo jamás me imaginé que tú conquistarás así valeria no es una mujer que se pueda comprar
03:43Es más su mamá dijo que iba a pagar la casa con trabajo
03:47Si pensabas que te iba a servir para convencer a valeria
03:51Se me hace que ahora menos va a querer estar contigo
04:27Por favor déjame que juan está bien por honor a bien no está bien
04:32Eso no puede ser los doctores me dijeron que iba a estar bien ya sabía yo
04:37Que tú solo ibas a traer desgracias a mi familia no no puede ser cuando me voy del hospital él estaba bien susana
04:44No estén en el hospital
04:46Está en la cárcel
04:48Y todo por tu culpa
04:56Una casa no ya dejen de burlarse de mí no valeria no ha caído
05:05Entonces esto es un reto no es un reto no yo creo que esa mujer es demasiado inteligente si ni con la casa quiso
05:13A mí se me hace que no importa lo que hagas o lo que le compres ella no va a caer
05:19A ver yo de verdad lo siento mucho hermanito pero ya te tocaba una que te dijera que no si mejor busca lima
05:25es aseguro que lo voy a robar el corazón mi especialidad es hacer de lo imposible algo posible
05:32tú estás seguro
05:33no me crees verdad
05:36topuesto que quieres perder si no enamoró a valeria
05:41te doy las ganancias de todo un año de lanzamiento de nuestra nueva línea
05:48Así lo logras yo te doy un voto hecho
06:08No no no cuando puede estar en la cárcel pues así es
06:12En cuanto salió del hospital se lo llevaron preso eso es un error susana hay niña por favor no te hagas la inocente
06:20Tu mamá no ha quitado la denuncia de que supuestamente juan te secuestró
06:25Si te das cuenta de la gravedad no
06:28Es un malentendido mi mamá sabe perfecto que eso no es así tu mamá es capaz de mentir
06:33y de hacer cosas mucho peores
06:36Y sabes que es lo más injusto que ni siquiera se lo llevaron a los separados se fue directito al reclusorio
06:43Y eso todo es mentira todo es por tu culpa por cegar a mi hijo
06:50Con ella es imposible llegar a un acuerdo si algo le pasa a mi hijo jamás te lo voy a perdonar
07:17Pues hasta ahorita nadie se me ha negado
07:20Bueno, pero para que haya ganancias ya tenemos que terminar con esto en que me gastaré mi bonito hermano
07:27Sigamos no pues yo ya le dije lo que pienso es que no lo veo mal
07:31Pero dependemos de la modelo y si elegimos alguien al azar a ver déjenme chance de algo
07:38déjenme trabajo con mi equipo y mañana les presento algo
07:42No puede pasar de mañana
07:44tenemos que mandar todo al área de publicidad yo me encargo de eso a ver ya vieron que domino el proyecto todos los diseños hasta lo
07:50que se tiene que comunicar por favor
07:54Es que tú eres muy bueno lo que haces arturo si tan solo te concentrarás un poco más
08:00Anda mañana les presento todo
08:03Pues suerte
08:44So innocent
08:48So they sent all
08:51The other way
08:58Uno con mal de amores
09:00No sé por qué esta señora dice que yo me lleve a su hija ella es mi novia
09:05Los amamos se los juro ya cállate y mejor vete acostumbrando es un error que yo esté aquí por favor
09:13Soy inocente por favor
09:39Oigan una disculpa por la premura de la junta nada más que estaba trabajando con mis hermanos en la campaña
09:43Ya decirte algo sé que tenemos el tiempo en contra
09:48Y sé que se van a desvelar pero ya sabemos exactamente lo que se necesita no queremos filtros no queremos nada falso
09:55Lo único que quiero es que corrijan el color y traten de meter el logo de la compañía está bien
10:00quiero que la modelo se va natural
10:08Ella es la modelo de nuestra campaña
10:10Les presento a valeria sánchez garcía
10:16Ella es la imagen de nuestra marca
10:18Perdón perdón pero ella no hizo el casting no vi su foto de perfil no de hecho no pero tiene absolutamente todo lo que se necesita
10:26pero esa ni siquiera es una fotografía de estudio
10:28exactamente eso lo vuelve más humano
10:31más real
10:33eso es lo que quiero
10:35a esta foto por favor solamente le van a agregar el logo de la compañía y el de la nueva línea de ropa
10:40está seguro
10:43debajo de la fotografía de valeria por favor que diga
10:46mujeres en movimiento
10:50Esta es la imagen que la marca necesita proyectar una mujer libre feliz lena
11:00Listos bueno a trabajar gracias
11:25Que se siente saber que eso que estás haciendo lo vas a hacer 15 o 20 años más
11:32digo si es que duras 20 años
11:35Cuántos años dices que tienes que se le ofrece señorita
11:38necesita algo solamente quería platicar que amargada es que no puedo platicar yo si tengo cosas que hacer no sé por qué te enojas
11:47dijo fue tu plan no
11:49tener una casa
11:51asegurar tu trabajo
11:53digo porque si te corren aún debes la casa
11:57la señora gloria se atrevió tanto
11:59con permiso
12:05Por cierto
12:06que va a pensar la señora gloria de todo esto primero
12:10trágicamente tiene un accidente y después el accidente se queda con su trabajo aunque no lo crea señorita
12:17nada me haría más feliz que la señora gloria se recuperará y pudiera regresar a trabajar
12:23que linda
12:25nadie te cree no se preocupe nadie tiene que creerme
12:32Cierto no creas que tu hija va a volver a entrar aquí yo me voy a encargar de eso
12:36pues no creo que sea usted la que decida eso
12:39lo voy a ver directamente con el señor portilla su padre estás muy mal si crees que puedes hacer lo que quieras en esta casa
12:46esta no es tu casa y mucho menos tu vida tienes que regresar a tu colonia esquerosa y no estar aquí en serio
12:52tengo mucho trabajo te dejo hacerlo pero te advierto que lo que sea que estás planeando no te va a salir
13:00Mira te faltó limpiar aquí todo esto
13:21Aquí estás se le puede servir amar que prenda por favor que prenda
13:30a ver
13:32Prende prende prende por prende y bien
13:40No sé si escuché bien
13:43que te dijo exactamente susana
13:46le pasó algo a juan
13:49Juan está en la cárcel
13:53Y según susana todo es culpa de mi mamá
13:57Pero mi mamá sabe perfectamente que no fue un secuestro
14:01todo esto es una injusticia tengo que ir a verlo no no no no no no no
14:06Ya por favor no compliques mal las cosas no no me puedes detener
14:11es que nada de esto es justo la policía tiene que saber que lo que dijo mi mamá es mentira
14:18Valeria por favor
14:23Te puedo acompañar
14:25Si no puedo creer que mi mamá ya ha sido capaz de eso
14:30Juan lo único que he hecho es cuidarme y amarme
14:34Él no se merece esto
14:38Agarra tus cositas y nos vamos
14:53Donde está arturo se quedó trabajando tuvimos una junta los tres para ya meterle velocidad a la campaña gracias vaya
15:01hasta que veo que se unen en algo
15:03por eso me necesitan a la empresa no de hecho si
15:08te estamos esperando
15:10parece que por fin arturo escogió la modelo ya me mandó un mensaje y quien va a ser
15:14no sabemos pero parece que no va a elegir a ninguna de las que hizo el casting
15:27Todo bien pero ahorita no se preocupe
15:35Para una campaña si no suficiente una cara bonita
15:55Por fin qué pasó
15:58me hicieron muchísimas preguntas se tardaron años tomando mi declaración y
16:04Qué va a pasar con Juan me dijeron que iban a meter mi testimonio al expediente eso que quiere decir
16:11Pero lo que dije va a ayudar mucho el caso de Juan ojalá ojalá ojalá salga pronto a saber que sí
16:21Vámonos a la casa
16:27Solo tienes que hablar con ella es que eso va a ser imposible
16:30Encontraremos la manera porque se va a enterar y lo mejor es que tú se lo digas antes
16:45Puedo decir que no hice nada
16:49Ya les dije que soy inocente
16:54no digas mentiras
16:56eres un secuestrador
16:59Mujer que venía conmigo es mi novia es mi pareja
17:03secuestrar por dios a mí no me digas nada ese cuento cuentas en la juez a ver si te cree
17:17Por culpa de una vieja
17:20De paso lo mismo que mi compa
17:25Sus vieja declaró en su contra ya no regresó a visitarlo porque se fue con otro
17:44Señor y se era el lugar de mi mar era para mi mar
17:55Ella es el rostro más bello que exista
18:03Señor yo sé yo sé que me cumpliste que regresara pero
18:10sé que se dice que no se puede tener todo en la vida pero
18:14es que ella se lo merecía señor se lo merecía tan
18:21Porque mi mar
18:38Jenny misión a pelea
18:41de nuevo
18:44Dijimos que no lo hiciera pero está loco parece que está alterado no sé qué trae ni siquiera lo toque
18:50nosotros hicimos todo lo posible por detenerlo
18:53pero no puedo dejarlo así verdad
18:56De ti
18:59Muy carnal esto no te va a llevar a nada
19:02Yo no sé nada
19:04Siéntete y ande para la pelea
19:08Y detente resistir
19:10Por favor no
19:12Aviso médico urgente
19:14Aviso médico urgente
19:26Estas bien
19:30Si todo bien
19:32Ya llegue
19:34¿Y esa maleta?
19:36Son las cosas que nos faltaban de recoger de la casa de los portillo
19:38Por favor hija
19:40la puedes llevar al cuarto
19:42ya es que yo traigo los brazos bien cansados
19:46Es que traer
19:48esa maleta en el camión
19:50estuvo casi imposible
19:52me imagino que
19:54In El Camion, it was almost impossible.
19:56They hit you, they hit you, they push you.
19:59And the nurses.
20:00And there I go with the suitcase.
20:01And no one helps you.
20:02It was full.
20:03Mom, can we talk?
20:05Why so serious?
20:07Because it's something serious.
20:08What's up?
20:09Did you file a complaint against Juan?
20:13Who told you?
20:14No, don't answer me with another question.
20:16Did you do it or not?
20:17Yes, I did.
20:19But Mar was desperate.
20:21I didn't know what else to do.
20:23Oh, since you didn't know what else to do, you put him in jail, mom.
20:27My love, that guy took you away from me.
20:30He took you with lies and false promises.
20:33No, mom.
20:35I decided to go with him.
20:37And that's why I went to the police station to clarify everything.
20:42Because he's not to blame for anything.
20:50I love it.
20:51I want you to make the letters a little smaller.
20:54I want her to have all the attention.
20:57And please put more shine to her eyes in editing.
21:01I had never seen eyes with that strength.
21:05Perfect, I'll make that change.
21:07It's ready.
21:08You can send it to advertising.
21:11Thanks for the extra work.
21:13It's going to be worth it.
21:15You'll see that it's going to be amazing.
21:17That's right.
21:18Thank you very much.
21:26No, you didn't do that.
21:29Daughter, if you did it, they're going to let you out of jail.
21:33Yes, mom.
21:34No, no, daughter, my love.
21:36If he's free, he'll want to come get you.
21:39My love, understand me, understand me.
21:42You can't be with a poor man who was also in jail.
21:47He's in jail because of you.
21:49Because of whatever.
21:50Well, look, maybe I exaggerated with my reaction.
21:54Oh, maybe.
21:55It's just that, daughter, a mother gets very bad when they separate her from her children.
22:01You'll understand when you're a mother.
22:03But you have to promise me that you're going to look for only the life we've talked about.
22:09Even with that vagabond, Juan.
22:11Leave him.
22:12I'm not going to promise you that.
22:14For God's sake.
22:15Fall in love with your neighbor from the neighborhood?
22:18I can't say it without getting goosebumps.
22:21Juan has been very good to me and what you did was very unfair.
22:25Well, let's see.
22:26That's already been talked about.
22:28Yes, your mother is wrong, but that doesn't make Juan the best match for you.
22:34There are better men for you than that ex-con.
22:37No, no, don't call him that, mom.
22:40Let's keep quiet, because then we'll end up fighting.
22:44I love you.
22:46And I know you're going to be right.
23:09No, no, no, no, no, no.
23:15Why don't I take care of him?
23:23I trusted him.
23:27Dad, forgive me.
23:29I trusted the wrong person.
23:50He told me he was coming.
23:52Hey, have you seen anything yet?
23:53Well, the officer hasn't.
23:55Good morning, family.
23:56Good morning.
23:57Good morning.
23:58Son, what time did you arrive yesterday?
24:00Late, huh?
24:01But it was worth it.
24:03I hope it's amazing, Arturo.
24:05Well, I think by this time he should already be on the network of the brand.
24:08Come on, let's see.
24:11Very good.
24:12Well, I asked for a special design to be able to advance the image of the model.
24:16Later we will work on the design of the brand.
24:18Obviously, already seeing it with the clothes of the collection.
24:20Okay, if you think that's the right way.
24:23I hope it works for you.
24:24I'm sure it does.
24:26In fact, yesterday I was with my brothers, right?
24:28Yes, yes, we already told my dad.
24:30And believe it or not, it helped me a lot.
24:32A lot.
24:33Well, let's see.
24:34I want to see.
24:35Show us.
24:36I decided that the model was Valeria.
26:35Oh, yes, I need to see him.
26:37I'll wait for you.
26:39I have to talk to them.
26:43You again?
26:44I wanted to tell you that I already declared that I left with Juan because I wanted to.
26:48He didn't kidnap me, so I'm sure he'll be out very soon.
26:52No, he's not going out.
26:53But I already told the truth.
26:54Well, yes, but he was accused of a fight that took place inside.
26:58He's going to be in jail for at least two months.
27:01But he's not like that.
27:03I don't know him anymore.
27:05Since he's been with you, my son is someone else.
27:08And I'm not going to let you see him.
27:10In fact, you go first, old lady.
27:13That way I make sure that no one else is going to bother our son.
27:18You're to blame for everything.
27:23It's a joke, right?
27:24She's not even a model.
27:25She's Mrs. Garcia's other daughter.
27:27Yes, but she has absolutely everything that Nicolás wanted to show with his brand.
27:32Look at her, please.
27:34It's a new face.
27:35It's a fresh face.
27:38But at the same time, she has a direct look.
27:40She has a smile that shows that she is a free woman.
27:42Arturo, did you think about the press?
27:45I don't care about that, Dad.
27:47You made a scandal by colliding with her in your car.
27:49Then you present her as your girlfriend.
27:51And now you do this.
27:52None of that matters, Dad.
27:54Just look at the campaign, please.
27:56Valeria can't be the image of the brand.
28:04I don't like to see you like this.
28:06Juan is going to be fine.
28:08It's just a few months.
28:10I can't be away from him.
28:12I know.
28:14But you could take this time to think things over with Cali.
28:20I think it's going to help both of them.
28:22How can you say that?
28:24None of this is fair.
28:26He doesn't deserve everything that's happening to him, Valeria.
28:29None of this is fair.
28:30He doesn't deserve everything that's happening to him, Valeria.
28:33I know.
28:36Everything will be fine.
28:38Valeria, it's you.
28:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
28:47This is Arturo's nonsense.
28:49But Arturo is not going to play with me.
29:00Does anyone want coffee?
29:03Leave it there and leave, please.
29:05If this doesn't work out, because again you couldn't think of the consequences,
29:09not only will your campaign fail, you will harm your brother's brand.
29:13Dad, I know exactly what I'm doing.
29:15No, it's just that I can't believe everything you do for that woman.
29:18Priscila should never have looked at an idiot like you.
29:28It was Miguel.
29:34I didn't think you were going to do something like this.
29:36Arturo, why did you choose Valeria out of all the options you had?
29:43I already explained to you why.
29:45It's not enough for me, but it's your campaign.
29:47I hope you take responsibility for what happens.
29:50Dad, see it.
29:52It's something new.
29:53But it's not a model.
29:55If the girl can't handle the workload that awaits her,
29:58or receives criticism, it's going to be your problem.
30:01Excuse me.
30:12Valeria, don't pretend you didn't know.
30:14Look at the picture. You're posing and even smiling.
30:17Yes, because Arturo took that picture, but he never told me why.
30:21In fact, the day we returned to the neighborhood, do you remember?
30:24That day he took it from me.
30:26Oh, please.
30:27Of course, now I understand so much closeness with Arturo.
30:31What are you talking about, Mar?
30:32Of course.
30:33He spoke to you nicely.
30:34You also spoke nicely and he directed you as a model.
30:37Hey, let's see.
30:38All this is a misunderstanding.
30:40Please don't tell me that.
30:42If you had told me something, I wouldn't have imagined it was my opportunity.
30:46That was my dream.
30:48No, that's not true.
30:49No, it was your dream.
30:51It was my mom's dream.
30:52Because if it had been your dream, it would have been the night of the casting.
30:55You didn't do it.
30:56You stayed with Juan.
30:58Yes, right?
30:59It was from that day.
31:00You should have told me before to put me aside and not have the hope of being the model.
31:05Mar, things weren't like that.
31:07Why don't you believe me?
31:09It's not my dream.
31:10I don't want to be part of that.
31:12I swear, I don't want it.
31:13Oh, stop lying.
31:15I can't believe you betrayed me and your sister.
31:19Mar, no.
31:21Let me go.
31:30Oh, son.
31:32I can't believe you fought like that, my love.
31:36Come on, mom.
31:37Don't cry.
31:39I didn't do anything.
31:40I was unfairly blamed.
31:42Help me.
31:44I don't want to be here anymore.
31:45And how do you want me to help you?
31:47You took all the money I had in jewelry, my love.
31:52I have nothing else.
31:53They told me that Mar already declared that I didn't kidnap her.
31:56Nothing will help me after that fight, my son.
31:59Tell Mar to come.
32:00I need to talk to her, mom.
32:04Are you serious?
32:06I need to talk to her.
32:08My love.
32:09That's why you're here.
32:10Everything that's happening to you is because of her.
32:13No, mom.
32:14No, that's not true.
32:15I can't believe you want to see her.
32:19What has to happen for you to open your eyes
32:22and realize the harm she's doing to you?
32:33What a shame of a photo, huh?
32:35Well, look, I don't think it's that bad.
32:38In fact, I think it's a good opportunity for your dad to realize
32:41that your brothers don't care what they're doing.
32:44No, I'm sure Arturo did it to win the bet.
32:47What bet?
32:48He bet with Nicolás the earnings of the entire first year
32:51that Valeria fell in love with him.
32:53Oh, no.
32:55But then your dad has to know that.
32:57I have them recorded.
32:58Oh, no.
32:59Excellent, my love.
33:02That's how you kill two birds with one stone.
33:04Look, your dad will finally recognize
33:06that the only one who knows how to do business in this company is you.
33:09And I'm sure he'll change that servant
33:11who has absolutely nothing as a model.
33:14And when that happens...
33:17I can press so that the image of everything is you.
33:28Hey, take advantage of the fact that you have the evidence.
33:31You can finally put your brothers aside.
33:33We don't deserve it, my love.
33:57I think you're going to have to pay the bet, Arturo.
34:01Oh, don't be silly.
34:03Well, he did that to win the bet, didn't he?
34:06No, I don't think so.
34:08Let's see, please, Arturo.
34:10You're not going to be able to accept that that girl rejects him.
34:13The truth is, what he did was something new.
34:16I know it was all for the bet.
34:19Which worries me.
34:20Because I really thought I was doing things right for your brand.
34:25But this...
34:28Ernesto did it for her.
34:30And I'm sorry for your earnings.
34:32Everything can happen, Leonardo.
34:34I don't think this girl can resist fame.
34:37Sometimes everywhere.
34:39Well, if it's like Arturo says, I don't think that will happen.
34:43We'll see.
34:46We'll see.
34:56What's up, son?
34:58I think I know why Arturo made that decision.
35:03Yesterday, when we had a meeting, he bet with Nicolás that that girl, Valeria,
35:08would fall because she would fall.
35:10What are you saying?
35:11Since he didn't succeed in buying the house,
35:14I'm not surprised that now he wants to win it.
35:17Look, in fact, I have it recorded.
35:20In case you don't believe me, it's time for you to really see what my brothers are like.
35:24I hope you realize that the only one you can trust is me.
35:28Leonardo, do you want to take advantage of your job by exposing your brothers?
35:32I don't know what disappoints me more.
35:34Find out how you make decisions, Arturo.
35:37Or you, that you're capable of doing that.
35:40No, no, dad, wait.
35:42Don't take it like that.
35:43You're betraying their trust.
35:45And that's more serious than any campaign.
35:47Do you really record them and want to expose them to me?
35:50What a shame that you are like that.
35:55Yes, look, it's this one.
35:57Let's see.
36:02From what I see, this contract is also complete, Hector.
36:05I already checked with my legal department.
36:07Everything is fine and in order.
36:09It seems very good to me, I am very pleased.
36:11You can be calm.
36:13Only if there is something pending.
36:15Tell me.
36:16The model contract of the campaign that Arturo launched is not yet.
36:21The campaign that Arturo launched is not yet.
36:24What do you mean it's not yet?
36:26Well, if you check well, it's not signed.
36:28And it is also necessary that you authorize us to use your image.
36:34Are you sure there is no other copy?
36:36I already checked with my team.
36:37All the documentation of the models that went to the casting.
36:40And that authorization is the only thing missing.
36:42Well, talk to my brother, he has the contact of the model.
36:44I looked for it a while ago and it's not there.
36:46I've sent him several messages and I don't know anything about him.
36:48Sure, he doesn't answer you.
36:50The most advisable thing is to fix this as soon as possible.
36:53To avoid any problem.
36:56So that you can advance the contract.
36:58Look, the model is called Valeria Sánchez García.
37:02Write it down, Valeria Sánchez García.
37:05Will you have her address and the other data?
37:10Her sister also went to the casting.
37:11Yes, check her registration form.
37:13There you can get the address and everything else.
37:16And if you need anything else, talk to my house.
37:19Ask to talk to Mrs. García.
37:21She will be able to give you all the information you need.
37:25With this you help me a lot.
37:26But anything, I try to locate her in case I need something else.
37:30Yes, let me know anything, Hector.
37:32Of course.
37:45No, no, dad.
37:47Dad, I was recording because we were making a rain of ideas.
37:51Rather, it seems that you did it for your own benefit.
37:55Dad, I would be unable.
37:57Only I have told you many times that you have wasted time waiting for something from them that will not happen.
38:01I know very well how my children are.
38:04Look, maybe not.
38:05That's why I wanted to show you this.
38:07Dad, I'm very sorry if you are offended.
38:09I want them to look like a support, not like a competition.
38:13Imagine if they find out about the stupid things you are doing.
38:16No, dad, I'm sorry.
38:18Do not betray the trust and affection that the family has for you.
38:21Leonardo, please.
38:24They trusted you.
38:26Don't do something like that again.
38:28No more disappointments.
38:38Mom, I'm here. Where are you?
38:40I'm here. Where are you?
38:45We have to talk.
38:49Mar, it can't be.
38:59Go ahead.
39:00Good morning.
39:03What's wrong with you?
39:04Why did you do that?
39:05What's wrong with you?
39:06Why did you use my photo?
39:07But you look beautiful.
39:08I thought you would like it.
39:09No, no.
39:10And no.
39:11Don't think.
39:12Because I've never wanted to be a model.
39:14Much less than my face all over the city.
39:16I trust you.
39:17And look at what you do to me.
39:19The truth is, I didn't think you were going to react like that.
39:22I believe.
39:23I believe.
39:24I think.
39:25Stop thinking.
39:26Of course, what happens is that people like you think they have it.
39:29All the money in the world can do whatever they want.
39:31Well, no.
39:33Things don't work like that with me.
39:35So I'm going to ask you to delete my photo immediately.
39:37I don't want to see a single ad with my face.
39:41Let go of me.
39:42Someday I told you that you would look like I see you.
39:49You are beautiful.
39:52The whole country deserves to see that face.
39:54Please let me continue with the project.
39:56I need you to trust me.
40:01Trust you?
40:03How shameless you are.
40:05I tried.
40:06And look what you did to me.
40:08I will never, never trust you again.
40:37Why Valeria?
40:39Why did you steal my dream?
40:44I only wanted to imitate the talent I had.
40:48And now I have nothing.
41:07You abused my trust.
41:10I asked you to delete the photo.
41:12I never imagined you would use it for that.
41:16I'm not going to be your model.
41:18I'm not going to let you play with me.
41:20I've never played with you.
41:22Please, please.
41:24Valeria, why are you so hard on me?
41:26Because everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.
41:29That's not true.
41:30Oh, no?
41:33That's not true.
41:35Oh, no?
41:37I lent you my dad's sweater.
41:39The most important thing I had of him.
41:42And you broke it.
41:45I would never do that.
41:47Your dad's sweater is still in my room.
41:50See how everything you say is a lie?
41:53You didn't even realize I already had it.
41:57I'm serious.
41:59Arturo, stay away from me.
42:02Please, Valeria.
42:04Don't follow me.
42:05Don't look for me.
42:07Leave me alone.
42:09I don't want anything to do with you.
42:32I don't want anything to do with you.
