• last year
Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) yang merupakan bagian dari United Nations Global Compact terus mendorong emiten di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) menerapkan bisnis berkelanjutan dengan mengedepankan praktik anti suap dan juga anti korupsi.


00:00Indonesia's Global Compact Network
00:05Thank you for joining us.
00:07Let's move on to the next news.
00:10Indonesia's Global Compact Network,
00:12which is part of the United Nations Global Compact,
00:16continues to boost emissions in Indonesia's energy industry
00:18by implementing sustainable business
00:20by advancing anti-swap and anti-corruption practices.
00:24Indonesia's Global Compact Network
00:28The government and the national private sector
00:30need to continue to boost the ability to implement
00:32the principle of good corporate governance,
00:34including in the practice of anti-swap and anti-corruption.
00:38Indonesia's Global Compact Network, or IGCN,
00:42which is part of the United Nations Global Compact,
00:45supports Indonesia's energy industry
00:47to continue to boost emissions by implementing
00:49sustainable business by advancing anti-swap and anti-corruption practices.
00:54IGCN Executive Director, Yosefin Satyono,
00:57explained that his agency has been actively
01:00socializing about anti-swap and anti-corruption
01:03to stakeholders,
01:05both the government, the business world and the public.
01:09This involves how to implement good governance
01:12in business operations,
01:14so as to provide a good investment eclipse.
01:17Because of the good and transparent investment eclipse,
01:20it can be ensured that the flow of investment in Indonesia is increasing.
01:26I think this is a very positive thing,
01:29and it can also attract investors' interest
01:32to enter Indonesia more,
01:34if it is really implemented.
01:37So, not just talking,
01:40but how they walk the talk.
01:43I think, in reality,
01:48that's what the business world wants to see,
01:50and they all definitely support it.
01:55Yosefin also ensured that his party continues to encourage
01:58how emitters can conduct independent assessment,
02:01or self-assessment,
02:02while evaluating things that can be improved.
02:05So, IGCN collaborates with Bursa Fake Indonesia
02:09through the Responsible Business Forum 2024 event.
