• last year
Spending: How an economy plays a part
00:00A person's personality and psychology plays a big role in someone's spending or saving
00:12But keeping that aside, just talking from a perspective of the economy impacting that,
00:17I think the two, three factors which affect that, one of the strongest one would be the
00:23unemployment level in any economy.
00:25If the economy is growing strongly and people have jobs and are earning good money and they
00:31have job security, then obviously they would have more comfort and confidence in going
00:35ahead and spending.
00:37So the economic growth in any situation matters.
00:41The second thing would be, once you have earned the money, you know, the exposure to media
00:47or the exposure to kind of advertising and promotions encourages consumerism.
00:53We see that this happens more in urbanized areas than the rural ones.
00:58So the more urbanized an economy is, the probably higher the propensity of the people living
01:03there to spend.
01:05And the third would be obviously the ease to goods and services, the access to goods
01:11and services.
01:12I mean, where am I spending the money on?
01:14So the economy, if it's a developed economy or whatever economy there is, but if I can
01:20access fancy food, if I can buy imported goods, if I can buy fancy clothes and they
01:26are easily available, there are malls and details and everything around, then obviously
01:30my ability to spend gets a little bit of encouragement from just that ease of access to goods and
01:37So to summarize, I think from an economy perspective, a strong growing economy with more open retail
01:43markets, easy access to goods and overall consumer's exposure to consumerism promotes
