• last year
Bashar al-Assad’s 14-year rule in Syria has come to a dramatic end as Syrian rebel forces seized control of the capital, Damascus. This shift in power marks a historic moment in the Syrian conflict, which has raged for over a decade, leading to immense suffering and turmoil. The collapse of Assad’s regime has been met with mixed emotions, as Syrians celebrate the end of an oppressive dictatorship that was characterized by brutal crackdowns on dissent, human rights abuses, and widespread destruction. The fall of Assad's government raises questions about the future of Syria, as rebel forces and external powers vie for control over the war-torn nation. The article explores the reasons behind Syrians' hatred for Assad and the legacy of his reign, shedding light on the complex dynamics that led to the revolution and the eventual overthrow of the once-powerful leader.

#BasharAlAssadFall #SyrianRebels #DamascusSeized #14YearsOfAssad #AFP #SyrianRevolution #AssadRegimeEnd #SyrianUprising #SyriaConflict #SyrianCivilWar #AssadDownfall #RebelVictory #SyriaFreedom #SyrianPeople #EndOfAnEra #SyriaStruggle

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Israel Strikes Syrian Air Defenses As Tensions Escalate Near Damascus :: https://www.oneindia.com/international/israel-strikes-syrian-air-defenses-as-tensions-escalate-near-damascus-4009789.html

Donald Trump Reacts To Assad Fleeing Syria, Blames Russia: 'They Lost Interest Because Of Ukraine' :: https://www.oneindia.com/international/donald-trump-reacts-to-assad-fleeing-syria-blames-russia-they-lost-interest-because-of-ukraine-4009737.html


00:18Any action against Syria will have greater repercussions than what they can bear for several reasons.
00:24The first reason is the political geographical location of Syria.
00:28The second reason is the capabilities of Syria, which they know a part of and do not know the other parts,
00:34and which they will not be able to bear the consequences of.
00:48When this region changes, the whole world changes with it.
00:52In the name of all the Syrian people, we are with you.
01:06This time it was...
01:08...the conditions that the Syrian square is witnessing,
01:11and the need to put in place emerging mechanisms...
01:14...the discussion of the mechanisms that are being adopted by the observers...
01:19...in the world politics.
01:21Riyab Khova affirmed the urgency of deep coordination between the leaders of the two countries.
01:26Sheikh Al-Buti confirmed the great significance of Eid al-Adha.
01:30The preparations are underway for the international conference in Geneva.
01:33President Al-Assad stressed that the real success...
01:36...is obvious, and the ongoing problems are not only in Syria, but in the neighboring countries.
01:43If there is a popular desire, and a public mood, and a public opinion...
01:50...that wants to run for office, I will not hesitate, not even for a second, to take this step.
01:57In short, we can say that the chances of running for office are great.
02:01When we are one hand...
02:09There are many examples of this, when he refused to defend Maaloula.
02:15This democracy is being violated.
02:21I am President Al-Assad, and today I am running for office.
02:25He is building his mind on...
02:32...the fact that he is a terrorist.
02:35The discussion about the differences made by terrorists...
02:38...emphasized that at this stage, the most important for Syria is...
02:43We have great confidence in Russia.
02:47And they proved during this crisis, four years ago, that they are honest...
02:53...and transparent in their relationship, and they are principled.
02:56These are important points.
03:01The group that was democratized was a group that we were a failure against.
03:10It is a group that we failed to be like Arabs.
03:16It was a group that was a failure to differentiate the state from the government.
03:18Many of the people did not differentiate between the concept of state and the government.
03:24For me, the ceasefire does not mean that each side will stop using weapons, this is a very
03:36narrow concept.
03:38The ceasefire means, first of all, that it is a stop to encourage terrorists to their
03:54The world, once again, with its vast participation, with one of the...
04:04And send down the verses in a clear surah, for you is Allah.
04:11Allah is the Greatest.
04:13Hassoun and governor of Hamas, Al-Barazi, and a number of others.
04:18I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
04:38A lot has been done to stabilize the situation in Syria.
04:43And I hope...
05:08I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
05:37I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
06:05I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
06:15I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
06:45I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
07:06I would like to start by saying that I would like to introduce people to you.
07:19Don't miss out.
07:20Log on to OneIndia.com for more updates.
