▌百秒AI报 ▌ 叙利亚变天!反对派“沙姆解放组织”在发动闪电战短短10天后,成功占领首都大马士革。消息称,总统巴沙尔已经搭飞机离开大马士革,去向不明。在叙利亚传出变天后,有民众上街庆祝,高喊口号,枪声大作。
AI主播:Elin tAI 戴伊琳
#叙利亚 #变天 #大马士革 #反对派
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报
🔴 更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot
AI主播:Elin tAI 戴伊琳
#叙利亚 #变天 #大马士革 #反对派
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报
🔴 更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot
00:00Welcome to the 100-second A.I. News. I'm your A.I. anchor Dai Yilin.
00:16First, let's take a look at the first piece of news.
00:18A whistleblower who exposed Shaba's corruption scandal,
00:23allegedly blackmailed Shaba's chief, Ha Zizi.
00:25The whistleblower claimed that the businessman threatened many times that
00:28if Shaba's mining management company does not approve of its company's application for mining certification,
00:33it will take action to overthrow the entire state government.
00:36If the certification is approved, the businessman said he would fully support the Shaba government.
00:41Syria is in a state of turmoil.
00:43The anti-Shaman Liberation Organization successfully occupied Damascus, the capital,
00:46just ten days after the start of the flash war.
00:49The Assad family has officially collapsed.
00:51The news said that President Bashar has left Damascus by plane.
00:55The whereabouts are unknown.
00:56After the Syrian war broke out, people were celebrating on the street,
00:59shouting slogans and gunshots.
01:03The airport in Damascus was also in chaos.
01:05All flights were suspended and all staff were evacuated.
01:09The impeachment of South Korean President Kim Il-sung
01:11could not be passed because he was rejected by the ruling party members.
01:17However, the days of Kim Il-sung may not be long.
01:20Han Dong-shin, the leader of the ruling National Power Party, pointed out that
01:23Kim Il-sung will be formally removed from office,
01:26and Kim Il-sung will no longer deal with foreign affairs and other national affairs
01:30in order to reduce doubts among the people and the international community.
01:33President Yoon Sung-yong also promised to join the party
01:36in accordance with the people's orders,
01:38including the termination of his term.
01:42Therefore, I believe that there will be no confusion
01:46in the orderly early withdrawal process.