• last year
The Rev Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the early 1980s, police were investigating a series of threatening letters. When the police discovered that Reverend Emyr Owen was the author behind the letters, it was the start of one of Britain's most eerie criminal cases to this day.
00:00Tywin was a coarse-knit rural Welsh community.
00:07It was the ugliest of crimes in the most beautiful country.
00:13The Reverend Emir Awed, the servant of God, had become the servant of Satan.
00:22Officer Gwyn Roberts, why did he search the house?
00:25To my horror, I saw human severed body parts.
00:31Emir Awed had abused the trust of the living and dishonoured the dead.
00:35Families from Tywin were left in limbo.
00:38Corpses, mutilation, body parts.
00:44Nobody knew exactly what was true until now.
00:49Why do what he did?
00:50Is he seeking revenge?
00:57Did this really happen?
01:00It did happen.
