• l’année dernière
A Simple Favor is a captivating black comedy thriller directed by Paul Feig, featuring an intriguing blend of mystery and dark humor. The film centers around Stephanie Smothers, played by Anna Kendrick, a widowed single mother who runs a popular parenting vlog. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she befriends the glamorous and enigmatic Emily Nelson, portrayed by Blake Lively. As their friendship blossoms over martinis and confessions, Stephanie finds herself drawn into a web of secrets and deception.
When Emily suddenly goes missing after asking Stephanie for a simple favor—picking up her son from school—Stephanie’s life spirals into chaos. As she investigates Emily's disappearance, she uncovers shocking truths about Emily's past, including a hidden life filled with intrigue and danger. The plot thickens as Stephanie learns that Emily's husband, Sean (Henry Golding), may have ulterior motives tied to a substantial life insurance policy on Emily's life.
A Simple Favor masterfully combines elements of suspense and comedy as Stephanie navigates the complexities of friendship, betrayal, and the quest for truth. With unexpected twists at every turn, the film keeps audiences guessing about Emily's fate and the true nature of her relationships. As Stephanie becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, she must rely on her wits and resourcefulness to uncover the truth behind Emily's disappearance.
Join Stephanie on her thrilling journey in A Simple Favor, where nothing is as it seems, and every revelation leads to more questions. This film is a rollercoaster ride of emotions that explores themes of loyalty, deception, and the lengths one will go to for friendship.
A Simple Favor, A Simple Favor movie, A Simple Favor 2018, Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding, black comedy thriller, mystery films, friendship drama, parenting vlog, secrets and deception, suspenseful movies, plot twists, dark humor, crime thriller
