(Adnkronos) - Asi, Associazioni sportive e sociali italiane, ha festeggiato il suo trentennale a Roma. Fondato nel 1994 e riconosciuto dal Coni, l’ente conta oggi oltre 1,4 milioni di tesserati, atleti, dirigenti, tecnici, arbitri e giudici di gara, e promuove sul territorio nazionale 652 discipline sportive. Presenti all’evento, oltre al presidente Asi Claudio Barbaro, a quattro degli ultimi sei presidenti del Coni - Franco Carraro, Mario Pescante, Gianni Petrucci e Giovanni Malagò - e al presidente della Figc Gabriele Gravina, tanti campioni dello sport italiano del passato e di oggi, da Gianluigi Buffon a Gabriella Dorio e Abdon Pamich, da Amaurys Pérez a Marco Lodadio, da Luigi Busà a Manila Esposito fino a Domitilla Picozzi e Natalina Ceraso Levati.
00:00Founded in 1994, the Sports Promotion Agency, recognized by CONI, which brings together sports associations, sports associations, cultural circles and associations of the third sector, contributing to their sports, social, playful, creative and cultural activities, ASI, Italian sports and social associations, turns 30 years old.
00:25The party of the 30th anniversary of the Ente took place at the Auditorium of the Conciliation of Rome and involved illustrious personalities of the world of sport, leaders and athletes. The presence of the sports institutional peaks is for ASI a matter of pride.
00:40It is a matter of pride, but also of satisfaction in this political case, because it means that the basic sport and the top sport meet. They are two sides of the same coin. They do not always dialogue, tonight they will dialogue. We are trying to do it in such a way that culturally these two worlds, which seem so distant, are actually just the basis of a pyramid with the top that rightly represents the champions.
01:06Exponential is the growth of the Ente in these 30 years. ASI, in fact, today has more than 1.4 million members, athletes, leaders, technicians, referees and race judges and promotes 652 sports disciplines on the national territory.
01:21The demand continues to grow and this means that we will have to equip ourselves and organize ourselves to respond to this great need for sport, regardless of the competitive logic.
01:33For the president of ASI, the future teaches that it is important to always tend to improvement.
01:38So a continuous work in progress, a continuous modification of internal rules, a continuous improvement of the services we offer, starting from the insurance policy, a continuous effort to confront the civil society.
01:53For the president of CONI, it is necessary to have ASI's 30th anniversary, as Ente, which has left its mark in the sports world and with a strong presence on the territory.
02:04And then there is also an assumption that there are athletes who started with ASI and then became great in the world of sport.
02:11So, in a way, we embrace a little of everything that are the components of our system, from sport for everyone to basic sport, from the high level to the territoriality, from the values of sport to the sports organization, from the management of the facilities to what are the training aspects.
02:31So it is right to be here to pay tribute to a young but tested formula of an integrated system of Ente towards the world of sport and, in absolute, towards our entire country.