El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capítulo 93 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00♪ Amor, le muero. ♪
00:11Realmente, esa señora me vino a decir algo más.
00:14¿Esa señora?
00:17Esa señora lo único que quería era torturarte
00:20con todo el recuerdo de lo que pasó.
00:22Lo que tiene es que está muy enojada
00:24porque nos culpa lo que le está pasando a Edgar.
00:26Así que, por favor, no vayas a ver a Edgar
00:29porque te van a acusar por lo que le pasó.
00:32Y eso solamente va a empeorar las cosas.
00:35Y hablando de empeorar las cosas, ¿qué haces aquí?
00:40Solamente vine por mi ropa.
00:41Ya estoy instalada en el depa de Polanco.
00:45El día de hoy,
00:47mi hijo se va a mudar aquí con toda su familia.
00:50Pues, dales la bienvenida de mi parte, ¿sí?
00:53Ya hablé con Demian.
00:55Ya hablamos sobre Ángel y...
00:59Todo es muy difícil para él,
01:00pero ya entendió que tenemos que apoyarte.
01:03La hice ver que no tiene por qué ser rival de su primo.
01:07Es tu hijo, tu heredero.
01:10Ay, pues mira,
01:12te agradezco ese gran gesto de generosidad.
01:15Aunque lo digas en ese tono,
01:18Demian y yo vamos a apoyar a tu hijo
01:20en todo lo que necesite.
01:23Al final, mi hijo te quiere tanto.
01:26O más que a mí.
01:27Así que lo que va a hacer no va a ser por su primo.
01:30Lo va a hacer por ti.
01:33Voy por mis cosas.
01:54La innovación se va a enfocar en la sustentabilidad,
01:57buscando mejorar los servicios y las áreas de comunicación.
02:00¿Cómo estamos con las certificaciones?
02:02Muy bien, muy bien.
02:03Todo en cumplimiento.
02:04Incluso superamos los estándares.
02:08También podemos incluir el desarrollo para adultos mayores
02:11y las áreas recreativas.
02:14¿Qué pasa?
02:16Pues esto ha sido una gran ingeniería.
02:19Lo que tú hubieras querido, hija.
02:22Estoy feliz que Demian haya decidido quedarse aquí.
02:27Marita no está, pero afuera hay dos jefes de obra.
02:29¿Les digo que pasen?
02:30No, no, no, no te preocupes.
02:32Yo me encargo de eso.
02:33Gracias, hija.
02:34Con permiso.
02:42Ahora, ¿qué pasa?
02:46Ahora resulta que eres todo logano.
02:50Ya vas a empezar, Briana.
02:54Es increíble que no puedas verme sin atacarme por algo, Dios.
02:58Pues porque no soporto tu carita y tu actitude, niña buena.
03:01Los demás te lo creen, pero yo sé lo hipócrita que eres.
03:04Ay, mira quién habla.
03:07Está bien.
03:08Nada más no te pongas celosa cuando me mude a tu casa,
03:10por favor.
03:14Qué bueno que te decidiste, hijo, ven.
03:22¿Y tu papá y Anita dónde están?
03:25Prefierieron quedarse en el barrio.
03:27Bueno, la noche te cuento.
03:30¿No debieron quedarse solos allá?
03:32Con el pinta suelto están en peligro.
03:35Me intentaba convencerlos, pero no fue posible.
03:41¿Podemos hablar un momento, Julio?
03:44Discúlpame, es que se nos hace tarde para la junta con Rubí Cundo.
03:48Entonces, no creo que...
03:51Frigarso, ya está lista tu recámara.
03:54Después de la junta vamos a ir a elegir un auto.
03:58O una moto, lo que quiera.
04:00Y ampliar el guardarropa y todo.
04:03Mi primo, ya te lo dije, pero estoy para lo que se te ofrezca.
04:07Te lo prometo.
04:08Oigan, si van de compras, yo voy con ustedes.
04:10Vienes también con nosotros, ¿verdad, Julio?
04:13¿Vienes con nosotros?
04:15Bueno, pero antes voy a hablar con mi hijo.
04:18Ven, vamos.
04:22¿Me ayudas?
04:39¿Tú crees que no sé que sigues sintiendo algo por Ángel?
04:43¿Le sigues coqueteando hasta estando casada?
04:45¿Y esto es tu coraje, Briana?
04:47Es increíble que a esta edad sigas queriendo competir conmigo.
04:51Extraña que nunca hayas intentado algo con Damián.
04:54Hace mucho te advertí que iba a luchar por Ángel y no lo voy a dejar de hacer.
04:58Si tienes tantita decencia, respeta tu matrimonio y aléjate de él.
05:02¿Y eso será suficiente para que Ángel te ame?
05:05Así no funciona la vida, Briana.
05:08Pues mira, Ángel se va a terminar casando conmigo.
05:11Y tú nada más nos vas a poder ver desde tu miserable matrimonio.
05:18¿Pero tú confías en lo que dice Damián?
05:21No, porque sigue negando lo que de verdad sucedió en el MP.
05:25Tampoco elegieron a la señora.
05:28A mi tía, Isabel.
05:30Mira, no podía confiar en ella de ninguna forma.
05:34Pero no sea lo mejor, Damián, si estás siendo sincero, hijo.
05:37No, no.
05:38Bueno, no es capaz de decir lo que hizo en el Ministerio Público porque podría perder a Elena.
05:45Ángel, aunque tú lo dudes, Damián sí ama a Elena.
05:53Está bien, Lovie.
05:55La verdad es que no sé qué hacer.
05:57Está bien, Lovie.
05:59Le voy a dar una oportunidad, pero solamente lo hago para que no te angusties y para que no nos veas pelear.
06:04Está bien.
06:06Mira, yo sé que Damián te quiere mucho y pues los celos que me tiene son también por ti.
06:11No sé, yo creo que él piensa que le robé tu cariño y...
06:15Yo pensaba que solamente era por Elena, pero no.
06:19Hijo, lo que yo quería decirte sobre Elena es que...
06:24¿Ella va a dejar la empresa?
06:26Sí. Sí, ya lo sé.
06:29Y también sé que es por mi culpa.
06:34Amarla tanto me ha hecho causarle tanto daño.
06:37No, no, no. A ver.
06:40Ángel, tú sabes perfectamente por qué se va.
06:44Y es la única salida lógica que Elena tiene.
06:57Vamos a seguir llevando la publicidad de Empresa Campero, pero ahora desde nuestra nueva agencia.
07:05Perdón por traerte así, Tania, pero es que todo ha sido tan inesperado.
07:08Ay, para nada, amiga. No podría estar más contenta.
07:14¿Y no sabe esto?
07:16Le dije que iba a renunciar, pero no que sería tan punto.
07:20Pues al mal paso darle prisa, ¿no?
07:23Mi papá se va a encargar del proyecto inmobiliario con Ángel,
07:26pero yo necesito enfocarme en lo que sigue contigo y con la agencia.
07:32Me voy a quedar tarde para dejar todo listo aquí,
07:35pero no es necesario que tú te quedes ahí.
07:37Ay, qué buena amiga. ¿Por qué? Sí tengo planes.
07:41Oye, pero tu marido no va a dejar de ir, ¿no?
07:45Yo creo que se va a poner intenso.
07:49No te preocupes por eso.
07:53¿Fuiste muy atrevida al ir a buscar a Aurora, tete?
07:57¿Qué le querías decir?
07:59¿No te lo imaginas?
08:02Le iba a contar que Patricia y tú están en contacto con el payaso del Pintas.
08:10¿Estábamos solas?
08:13¿Mandaste a tu hijo a comprar huevos a la tienda o qué?
08:16Eso no te importa.
08:18Pero puedes hablar con total tranquilidad.
08:20Pero puedes hablar con total tranquilidad que aquí nadie va a escuchar eso.
08:24Ok, como tú quieras.
08:27De cualquier modo, ni Patricia ni yo tenemos nada que ver con ese oncle.
08:32Querida, te tengo muy bien checadita.
08:36Y me sobran las pruebas para demostrar que lo conoces y muy bien.
08:44Tú te crees bien inteligente, ¿no?
08:46Digo, por poner a Edgar en la mirada de los policías.
08:50Yo no voy a permitir que le hagas daño.
08:53El Pintas fue a visitar a Patricia a su hotel.
08:56Y antes también había estado visitando la otro cómplice.
09:01¿Ahora qué?
09:02¿Vas a seguir diciendo que no lo conoces?
09:07Te voy a arrancar esa máscara de buena mujer.
09:11Y le voy a demostrar a tu hermana el monstruo que eres.
09:14Y cuando estés sola, te voy a refundir en la cárcel de Isabel Campero.
09:25Bueno amiga, me voy. Paso a la agencia y te cuento cómo me fue.
09:39Los dejo. Nos vemos.
09:42Gracias. Bye.
09:46Ya terminó la junta.
09:48Ese Rubicundo es muy insistente, por no decir necio.
09:54¿Cómo vas?
09:57Tengo algo que decirte de engano.
10:02Voy a poner mi propia agencia.
10:05Hoy es mi último día en esta oficina.
10:08Está bien, sí. Te entiendo.
10:10En este tipo de decisiones, mi vida es mejor no dejar pasar mucho tiempo.
10:14¿Me gustas en serio?
10:15Sí. Elena, eres una mujer libre.
10:18Yo cancelé el viaje. Confío en que tú estás tomando esta decisión para seguir creciendo.
10:23¿No es así?
10:25Yo sé que te preocupa Ángel, mi primo.
10:29Pero las cosas entre nosotros van bien.
10:31¿De verdad?
10:32Sí, van por buen camino. Yo ya lo perdoné por ser ambicioso y él entendió perfecto su error.
10:37Ángel tiene que entenderlo. Tú y yo somos una pareja.
10:40Desde hace mucho tiempo. Y nos apoyamos y nos contamos las cosas.
10:44Nos amamos.
10:47Tengo un primo muy impulsivo. No piensa las cosas.
10:52No entiende de límites.
10:54Y por eso hay que ayudarlo a ser su mejor versión, Elena.
10:58Hay que hablarle claro, directo. Hay que enseñarle.
11:01Hay que domesticarlo de alguna manera. ¿Sabes?
11:04Ángel no es un animal, Demian.
11:06Yo me refiero, Elena, a que lo voy a llevar a elegir un auto
11:10y vamos a ir a comprar ropa nueva también.
11:13Lo voy a transformar.
11:15¿Ya lo harás?
11:16Tú confía en mí.
11:20Más tarde tengo otra junta. Es fuera del corporativo.
11:22Te veo después.
11:24Me voy a quedar hasta tarde para terminar todos los pendientes.
11:28Ok. Entonces vengo por ti más tarde.
11:33Vamos juntos.
11:41Bueno. A ver. Cuéntame ya, ¿no?
11:45¿Por qué Patricia y tú estuvieron en el departamento del Pintas?
11:49¿Y por qué ellas la siguen visitando en el hotel?
11:52Está bien.
11:53Ya vi que no me queda de otra más que decirte la verdad.
11:59Pues fuimos para convencerlo de que se alejara
12:02y que dejara en paz a la gente.
12:05¿Por qué?
12:06Pues fuimos para convencerlo de que se alejara
12:09y que dejara en paz a mi hermana.
12:14Deja de mentir.
12:15Tú y Patricia están bien metiditas con ese hombre.
12:20Y tú has estado haciendo cualquier cosa para callarle la boca.
12:24No es cierto. Eso no es cierto.
12:27O sea, yo sé dónde se esconde, pero...
12:29Pero pues debe saber algo.
12:32Edgar fue su cómplice junto con Damián
12:35en un intento de asesinato.
12:37Eso no es cierto. Y lo sabes.
12:40Pregúntale a Edgar.
12:41Él ha hecho tantas cosas por quedar bien con mi hijo.
12:45Tantas, de verdad.
12:46Que yo creo que ni todas tus influencias lo podrían salvar de la cárcel.
12:51Además, el agente Vielle está a cargo de la investigación.
12:55Y tarde o temprano va a conectar todas las cosas.
12:57Y yo creo que a ese señor sí no lo vas a poder comprar con nada
13:00porque es incorruptible.
13:02Sí, pobrecito de tu hijo.
13:05Es que lo hiciste muy frágil.
13:07Y yo creo que si cayera en la cárcel, lo van a matar en su primer día.
13:12Aunque claro, si tú dejas de estorbarme,
13:17eso no tendría por qué pasar.
13:22Piénsalo, amiga.
13:51Ya es tarde.
13:53Necesitas descansar.
13:55Justo estaba terminando.
13:57Ya está todo listo para que Ángel
14:00tome posesión de su parte de la casa.
14:04Y ya es ante la ley.
14:06Ángel García.
14:18Gabriel Campero Navarro.
14:23Julio, Julio, por favor.
14:26No me ignores.
14:29Mi amor.
14:31Vamos a arreglar lo nuestro.
14:34Lo podemos intentar, por favor.
14:37Es irónico.
14:40Antes de casarnos, éramos los mejores amigos.
14:44Y como que el matrimonio no nos sentó nada bien, ¿no?
14:49Hablamos mañana. Te aprecio.
14:58Estuve trabajando con Elena
15:02en la propuesta inmobiliaria.
15:04Ya te dijo que renunció a su puesta aquí.
15:07Julio César.
15:09¿Te entregaron tu oro?
15:11Sí, mañana me lo dan.
15:13Me gustaría aprovechar que están los tres para pedirles un favor útil.
15:16Lo que pasa es que tengo que hablar con Elena
15:18para convencerla de que no dejé la empresa.
15:20Pero Demian no debe enterarse.
15:22¿Podrían distraerlo tantito?
15:24Yo que hablo con él.
15:25No sé, no estoy de acuerdo.
15:26No, no, no. Eso no está bien.
15:31Demian, te estuve marcando.
15:33Te espero en el estación mientras nos vemos en un coche.
15:41¿Podemos hablar?
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25:21¿Qué pasa?
25:22Hold on.
25:31Eva no, no, no no sabes de lo que escapaste.
25:35Te es muy peligrosa, nos tiene en sus manos
25:39Nosphere Tell us, tell us what.
25:41Tell us.
25:41Tell us.
25:43La verdad, no imagine que lo haría, pero pues ahora sabes todo
25:46lo que has hecho, dónde te hospeda.
25:50He knows about his accomplices. He paints, he knows...
25:54He knows absolutely everything.
25:57What are we going to do?
26:00Well, I don't know.
26:02Tete is not easy to manipulate. He's very smart.
26:06As you say, he's suspicious and he's...
26:09He's dangerous.
26:11And if my words aren't enough for him to shut up
26:16and not meddle in what he doesn't care about, I think there's another way.
26:20He has to keep quiet.
26:39I've been telling them to wait for you at the station while we get in the car.
26:45What happened?
26:47Are they having a meeting here and they didn't tell me?
26:50In fact, I was waiting for you because Elena told me she was going to leave the company.
26:55I hope this doesn't cause problems for you.
26:58No, not at all, father-in-law. On the contrary.
27:01Elena is a free woman and she is free to do whatever she thinks is necessary.
27:05I support her.
27:07Since you're here...
27:09What do you think if we invite you to dinner?
27:12Elena is at the parking lot, she's waiting for me.
27:14The invitation is also for my cousin, Angel.
27:17He's not here?
27:20No, Angel is waiting for us in Julio Cesar's car.
27:23I'm starving.
27:25Angel told them to give you his car tomorrow.
27:28I helped him.
27:32What do you want to eat?
27:34We'll talk about it on the way.
27:36How about French cuisine?
27:38It can be pasta.
27:40I like it.
27:42It can be Italian, sushi...
27:49Please, I just want to talk.
27:51I already told you that I have nothing to talk to you about, Angel.
27:54I'm leaving the company and I'm not going back.
27:56Elena, please listen to me.
27:58I know you're leaving because of me,
28:00but things are more entertaining and I'm calmer.
28:02Please listen.
28:04There's no need for you to leave.
28:18I love you.
28:36I'll see you there.
28:40I promise you won't regret it.
28:41I love you.
28:47Demian, no!
28:52Damn it!
28:54Shoot him again!
29:07Are you okay?
29:08Are you okay, Mom?
29:10What happened?
29:16They were going to kill me,
29:18but my house got in the way.
29:20Mom, calm down.
29:22Mom, it's me, Angel.
29:24Calm down.
29:26Mom, talk to me, please.
29:32We're here at the Campero Corporation.
29:34Aurora, you have to stay awake.
29:36Hurry up!
29:38It hurts.
29:40Mom, don't worry about anything.
29:42Mom, you have to be strong.
29:44I'll move to your side, okay?
29:46I don't know.
29:48It was for me.
29:50The gun was for me.
29:56Mom, no, please, Mom!
29:58Mom, wake up.
30:00Mom, please.
30:02Wake up, please.
30:04I'm here with you, Mom.
30:11That woman has gone too far.
30:14Yes, but she can go against you.
30:20But what I have to avoid
30:22is that she tells Aurora everything.
30:25I arrived before she opened her mouth,
30:28but I can't stop thinking
30:30what would have happened
30:32if she told Aurora everything.
30:34What did you tell her?
30:36I told her everything.
30:38I told her that if she does anything,
30:40Edgar will pay the consequences.
30:45And Briana feels like Edgar's little sister right now.
30:48So if you say anything to her,
30:51she will tell you.
30:54And it will be my fault again.
31:05Mom, Mom, please don't faint.
31:06Mom, I wanted to tell you the truth.
31:08Look at me, Mom.
31:10Open your eyes.
31:12Mom, look at me.
31:14Mom, stay with me.
31:16Mom, I love you.
31:19Mom, open your eyes, please.
31:26Oh, Vicky of my heart.
31:30Queen of my life.
31:33You don't know how much I miss you
31:34and how much you miss me.
31:37Take good care of our kids from heaven, old lady.
31:41Dad, are you talking to my mom?
31:44Yes, my daughter.
31:46I'm asking you not to stop taking care of them
31:48now that she's an angel.
31:50Go to your room.
31:52You're falling asleep.
31:55Come on, Dad.
31:57It's like when I was a baby.
31:59Let's see.
32:01Oh, but if you were lazy, you'd be fed up.
32:04I'm a lazy old man.
32:06I'll break my back if I try.
32:08I miss my mom so much.
32:10I miss her so much
32:12that every night I ask her
32:14to bring me to my mom in my dreams.
32:16I miss her too, honey.
32:18But I'm sure
32:20because I feel it in my heart
32:22that her love is here with us
32:25and that she takes care of us all from heaven.
32:29Let's go to sleep.
32:31I'm not going to carry you.
32:32Come on.
32:34You're heavy.
32:36I'll carry you.
32:44Hey, Luis Alberto,
32:46how much do your mom and brother feed us?
32:48Oh, really?
32:50What kind of question is that?
32:52You really don't respect anyone's pain.
32:54Calm down.
32:56How can I calm down?
32:58Well, it's a simple question.
33:00Luis Alberto is our friend
33:02or do you want me to ask him?
33:04Hey, Luis Alberto, what do you think about
33:06Cassandra flirting with your dad?
33:08That's not it either.
33:10Oh, did they come
33:12to talk about my life?
33:14No, don't worry.
33:16What we want to talk about is our fight with Maggie.
33:20I mean, they want me to refer to her.
33:23I don't know.
33:31I've never talked about this with anyone, but...
33:39I miss my mom a lot.
33:43And my brother.
33:47Before the kidnapping,
33:49I had a family.
33:51And now,
33:53I have nothing.
33:55Not even my dad understands me.
34:06In the name of the Father,
34:08the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
34:12Even if I'm not sleepy,
34:14you have to go to bed early, baby.
34:16I love you very much, Mommy.
34:20don't die.
34:22But there's still a long way to go.
34:24I still have to accompany you
34:26to high school, college,
34:30when you marry the Indian teacher.
34:32And you also have to meet
34:34my first girlfriend.
34:36Oh, Chirrion.
34:38Tell me, baby,
34:40why are you thinking about that?
34:42I don't know, but I want her to be like Anita,
34:44but big.
34:46You'll see.
34:49Why did my dad die?
34:52Your dad's death was an injustice, son.
34:55But I'm sure the guy who killed him
34:57will one day be caught.
34:59And then he'll pay for all the bad things he's done.
35:02But why are there bad people, Mommy?
35:06Well, I don't think there are bad people
35:08or good people, son.
35:12selfish people
35:14who put first what they want,
35:16what others deserve.
35:18But all actions have consequences.
35:20Good ones,
35:22bad ones.
35:24I don't want to be selfish, Mom.
35:26Oh, where do you get that from?
35:28You're not.
35:30And you never will be.
35:32Oh, you're the most beautiful thing
35:34there is in this world.
35:39Tell me,
35:41how did it go at therapy, son?
35:45I don't want to talk about that with you.
35:47In case I feel like a madman
35:49going to the psychologist.
35:50Richard, don't say that.
35:52Maybe if you had talked to a specialist,
35:54none of that would have happened.
35:56It's true.
35:58I would have gone to therapy to solve something
36:00that I wasn't to blame for.
36:02For example,
36:04the trash of a man who touched me as a father, right?
36:08A mother like you.
36:11You're very hard on me.
36:13Son, don't you realize
36:15that everything I did was to give you a better life?
36:17Couldn't you do it another way?
36:18I never saw you.
36:20Or if you were there,
36:22there was always a different man every night.
36:24You know,
36:26you know what I learned from you, Mom?
36:28I learned to sell myself.
36:31Because love is a currency
36:33with which you can buy things.
36:37Son, forgive me already.
36:39It's very easy for you
36:41to appear out of nowhere in my life
36:43and fix everything with a forgiveness.
36:45You abandoned me, Mom.
36:46You abandoned me, Mom.
36:48It doesn't matter.
36:50Mom, please.
36:52I don't want to hear you anymore and besides,
36:54the only thing I do tell you
36:56is that I'm going to accept the proposal
36:58to work with Demian, do you like it or not?
37:28Mom, please open your eyes.
37:32Mom, please react.
37:34Mom, please open your eyes.
37:38He can't go any further, Cube.
37:40You have to let me through,
37:42please, she's my mother.
37:44First, we have to get her out of danger.
37:46Mom, don't die. You too, please.
37:49And Aurora?
37:50Julio César?
37:51He's always on the phone.
37:53I don't know, but they didn't let me in.
37:55I could have come here.
37:57We already gave all the statements to the police.
38:00I hope they find who did this.
38:02Do you have any idea who I could be?
38:16Marguerite Sousa!
38:18I've seen everything that's come out.
38:20Have you seen my soap operas?
38:21Are you in soap operas?
38:23Son of a bitch.
38:24Do you think you're a fan of El Compañito?
38:26Even I would leave myself for her, little monkey.
38:28El Choque a los Compañitos knows how to make you laugh.
38:31This Sunday at 7.30pm.
38:33Every week, I witness the most spectacular plays.
38:37He's doing what he's supposed to do.
38:39Out of the ordinary dynamics.
38:41Are you ready?
38:42Yes, ready.
38:43In the show that always has...
38:46Much more.
38:47More sport.
38:49This Sunday, 11am.
38:51With the stars.
38:53When the world wakes up, the news is already happening.
38:56We bring you closer to the stories and analysis that will mark the course of your life.
39:03With the markers, the stages, and the time that will be in your state and city.
39:08Start your day awake.
39:10Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
39:12For the stars.
39:13Jaime Jimenez.
39:14He killed your daughter.
39:15Do you understand why it is so necessary to kill Tomas and his family?
39:20The Jimenez are the enemies of San Jose.
39:23Since this plant needs oxygen to live, I am content with just seeing you breathe.
39:29Monday to Friday, 6.30pm.
39:33Every morning brings new stories that connect us.
39:36The most relevant of Mexico and the world is here from the first minute.
39:41Fast, clear and precise.
39:43So you will be well informed.
39:45I am Carlos Hurtado and I am waiting for you in the news.
39:48Monday to Friday, 5.50pm.
39:50For the stars.
40:11Monday to Friday, 8.30pm.
40:13Germán is an expert.
40:16Did you cut the window?
40:18Well, in the eyes of an inexperienced, yes, Jorge.
40:20In throwing things away.
40:22It's true that they despise my position. Being a goalkeeper is not easy.
40:25Let's go out of the building! There is a gas leak!
40:29Imbeciles, we know how to make you laugh.
40:31This Sunday, 5.30pm.
40:33Only she could make Zoyla and Adira jealous.
40:36Margarita Sousa!
40:38I have seen everything that has come out.
40:40Have you seen my telenovelas?
40:42Do you go out without a telenovela?
40:43Son of a bitch.
40:44Do you think you are a fan of the compayito?
40:46Even I would leave myself for her, little monkey.
40:48Enchocas, compayitos, we know how to make you laugh.
40:51This Sunday, 7.30pm.
40:53We are all Teletón when we donate.
40:57Donate in Soriana.
40:59Or in Financiera para el Bienestar.
41:02Donate from the app Citio Anamex Mobile or in any branch to the account 9999.
41:08We are all Teletón.
41:09Teletón is Mexico.
41:11Teletón, December 14th.
41:13The 15-year-old is having a bad time.
41:16Didn't you come to congratulate me?
41:18Did you discover that your parents are others?
41:21You are not the worst, you are the worst.
41:24Justito is correcting your syntax.
41:26Don't complain, they also made you your pink suit.
41:29In a family of ten, we know how to make you laugh.
41:31This Sunday, 7.00pm.
41:33Start the day with laughter, fun and a lot of entertainment.
41:37Accompany Los Picos, Meñiques de la Casa, Zarita Bebé.
41:42Discover all the surprises we have for the whole family.
41:46This December 14th, we are all Teletón.
41:50Teletón is Mexico.
41:53Although hope is lost.
41:55You don't have to sacrifice so much for me.
41:57And fate seems confusing.
42:02Be very quiet.
42:03Life must be faced.
42:05I'm going to give you the opportunity to live.
42:08No fear of the truth.
42:09End of season.
42:10This Saturday, 11.00pm.
42:13Modern problems require desperate measures.
42:16I don't even have a fifth for my return flight to Milan.
42:19We took off all the costumes.
42:21Reduce the camera.
42:24We already know your identity.
42:26My life is ruined forever.
42:28In 40 and 20, we know how to make you laugh.
42:31This Thursday at the end of Noti.
42:34Stay informed of all sporting events.
42:41Comments and interviews.
42:45And much more.
42:46Contacto Deportivo.
42:48Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
42:51With the stars.
42:53When the world wakes up, the news is already happening.
42:57We bring you closer to the stories and analysis that will mark the course of your day.
43:03With the markers, the stages and the time that will be in your state and city.
43:08Start your day awake.
43:10Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
43:12For the stars.
43:13Juliet is about to take the plunge again.
43:17Are you going to get married?
43:20I'm going to a costume party.
43:23No sister-in-law.
43:25Don't tell me you're going to get jealous.
43:28In more Valenzuela, we know how to make you laugh.
43:30This Sunday, 8.00pm.
43:32For the stars.
43:33Germán is an expert.
43:36Did you cut the window?
43:38Well, in the eyes of an inexpert, yes, Jorge.
43:40In throwing things away.
43:42You'll see that they despise my position.
43:44Being a goalkeeper is not easy.
43:45Let's go outside the building.
43:47There's a gas leak.
43:49In Vecino, we know how to make you laugh.
43:51This Sunday, 5.30pm.
43:53Start your day with laughter, fun and a lot of entertainment.
43:57Join Los Picos, Meñiques de la Casa, Zarita Bebé.
44:02Discover all the surprises we have for the whole family.
44:06This December 14th, we're all Teletón.
44:10Teletón is Mexico.
44:13Start your day with positive energy.
44:15At 9.00pm, tips, exercises and the rhythm of the stars
44:18dance today in their last weeks.
44:20Cut it, teacher, please.
44:22And at the end, notes, kitchen, guests and everything about the famous
44:26in Cuéntamelo Ya.
44:27David Bisbal, during a concert, well, he broke his pants.
44:31From Monday to Friday with the stars.
44:33Sign up for the first night race Grandes de Corazón of Club América.
44:37This Saturday, December 7th, invite your family and friends.
44:41Three categories, three, five or ten kilometers.
44:45Last days to secure your place.
44:47Sign up at clubamerica.com.mxgrandesdecorazón
44:53Every week, witness the most spectacular plays.
44:58I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.
44:59Out of the ordinary dynamics.
45:01Are you ready?
45:02Yes, ready, ready.
45:04In the program that always has much more, more sport.
45:09This Sunday, 11am, with the stars.
45:13Oh, mother.
45:14And when are you shaving your mustache to be kissable?
45:18The spell breaks with a sincere love in the eclipse.
45:21To find love as a woman or as a man.
45:24I love you, Romina.
45:25I met someone.
45:26What is your option?
45:27Fall in love with an inflatable doll.
45:28There are some great inflatable dolls.
45:30They weigh the same.
45:33When you are in trouble, do not forget to visit us.
45:36There will always be advice and help to solve them.
45:40How does it bother me that you are never able to do something for your family?
45:44I can't stand this.
45:45I just don't want you to make the same mistakes as me.
45:48Love is the only thing that unites this family.
45:50Stories that connect with you.
46:11How is it possible that they were so stupid, so inept?
46:15They had only one clear order.
46:18The goal was the son of that wretch.
46:21What did they do?
46:23We never thought that lady was going to cross.
46:26Whenever we do these jobs, on the contrary, people move away.
46:30Don't yell at me!
46:32And you are not professionals?
46:34You don't know how to do your job very well.
46:36So what happened?
46:37What happened?
46:40This is a mistake that I can't forgive you.
46:42We had him in our sights.
46:44We would have killed him.
46:45But when she crossed, everything went out of control.
46:48My God, they even gave him your husband.
46:50They gave him the husband.
46:52For now, I want you to leave.
46:54And leave me alone.
46:55For a while.
46:56But ma'am.
46:58Ma'am, you don't need us here.
46:59We can't leave.
47:00What am I going to be needing?
47:01This is me here.
47:13Yes, what are you going to do?
47:14Go to the hospital now.
47:16And find out everything you can about Mrs. Compero.
47:19I need to know how she is.
47:23My God.
47:25My God.
47:26What did I do?
47:28What did I do?
47:37My love.
47:40Do something.
47:41Tell me something.
47:43It was an attack.
47:44It was an attack against me.
47:46I'm sure.
47:47Mom, they hit Aurora.
47:48They hit Julio Cesar.
47:50And how is your aunt?
47:52Did they kill her?
47:54No, no.
47:55She stood up.
47:56Mom, she saved my life.
47:57If it hadn't been for her...
48:00Well, Amanda was going to see you.
48:01I'm sure.
48:03That bitch, Tete.
48:06Wait for me.
48:07I'll be right back.
48:25I love you so much, my child.
48:28And you.
48:31Shall we play?
48:35When we find your cousin Gabriel,
48:38we're all going to be very happy.
48:40Because your cousin and you
48:41are going to be the best friends in the world.
48:44And I'll give you my clue.
48:45Yes, my love.
48:48Let's play.
49:00That's it.
49:10Don't die, please.
49:25The bullet is lodged with direction to the thorax.
49:33There is a broken artery.
49:34We have to suture immediately.
49:37Keep the area drained.
49:41If we don't control the bleeding,
49:42there will be a hypovolemic shock.
49:59There was too much blood loss.
50:02Prepare the patient for a transfusion.
50:11The attack was against Aurora and Julio Cesar.
50:13Oh, my God.
50:14Nothing can happen to them.
50:15And much less to Julio.
50:17Well, well.
50:18Neither of them.
50:19Calm down, calm down.
50:20You can hurt the baby, please.
50:22No, I have to go see him.
50:23No, no.
50:24Where are you going?
50:25You have nothing to do there, please.
50:27Of course I have to be there.
50:29No, let's see.
50:30Calm down.
50:31You're so sensitive,
50:32but it's because of the pregnancy, right?
50:34No, no, no.
50:35No, no, no.
50:36No, no, no.
50:37No, no, no.
50:38No, no, no.
50:39No, no, no.
50:40No, no, no.
50:41No, no, no.
50:42No, no, no.
50:43No, no.
50:44No, no, no.
50:45It's because of the pregnancy, please.
50:47No, that's not it.
50:48No, you just don't understand.
50:49Come here.
50:51I am in love with Julio Cesar.
50:53I love him, Eter.
50:59Ok, stay here.
51:01I will go to the Ministry of Public Health.
51:03I beg you.
51:04My God, how can this happen?
51:07Please help my mother.
51:09I didn't find Aurora, no.
51:11No, no, the attack was for me.
51:13I saw it.
51:15I have no idea who would do it or why.
51:17Holy Father,
51:19don't take her away, please.
51:21I beg you.
51:23Sanjoditas, boss of the causes, impossible.
51:25Help my mother.
51:27Help her, please.
51:29I'm very sad not to be able to do anything.
51:31I'm going to go to the chapel to pray.
51:33Luis, don't make a mistake.
51:35You're going to make a mistake.
51:41It was you.
51:43It was you, I'm sure.
51:45You're a damn coward, Antonio Murrieta.
51:47You had my father killed.
51:49Of course not, Luis Alberto.
51:51I would never do something like that.
51:53Luis, are you angry?
51:55Mr. Antonio is not that kind of person, calm down.
51:57Don't argue with him.
51:59Please, Luis, you're making a mistake, Mr. Antonio.
52:01The only thing that happened was that they attacked me.
52:03My aunt Aurora stood up for me.
52:05And your father covered for Aurora and that's why they hit him.
52:07And don't try to fool me.
52:09All of you are a bunch of liars.
52:11Especially you, Antonio.
52:13I'm going to make sure that you end your days in jail.
52:17I understand your pain and despair.
52:19But none of us was to blame for what happened.
52:21And who benefits from my father dying?
52:23You, who have not stopped making life impossible for him.
52:27If my father dies,
52:29I'm sure you're going to run to stay with Aurora.
52:37You don't get tired of destroying Angel's life, do you?
52:39It's the worst thing that could have happened to him in life, Elena.
52:43What are you talking about, Briana?
52:45Don't you see everything that's going on?
52:47Do you really think it's time to complain?
52:51I'm sure they wanted to attack Angel and it was your fault.
52:53Are you crazy, Briana? Please.
52:55Aurora and Julio César are very serious.
52:57Aurora and Julio César are very serious.
52:59And I'm not going to stop to listen to your frustrations.
53:01I'm telling you...
53:03Let go of me!
53:05It's good that your true personality comes out.
53:07At least that's how you show who you are.
53:09And I'm very happy that you don't continue with your role as a good girl.
53:13Who are you coming to comfort, Elena?
53:15Your lover? Your husband?
53:17Or are you going to wait for Demian not to see you to kiss Angel again?
53:27Why did you try to kill my son?
53:30You don't know what you're talking about, Elizabeth.
53:33I just filed an anonymous complaint against you.
53:37They'll be here for you soon.
53:39Well, go ahead.
53:41They're going to see that I had nothing to do with it.
53:45You have time on your hands.
53:47And I'm telling you right now,
53:49your son, whom you try so hard to take care of and protect,
53:53is the one who's going to end up paying.
53:56Don't you dare.
53:58Edgar is so insignificant,
54:01so weak,
54:03that he's going to try to commit suicide again soon.
54:06Unless, of course, you do what I tell you.
54:12We're losing him, Doctor.
54:14If we don't remove the bullet, we run the risk of bleeding.
54:21His heart rate is going down.
54:24We have to suture him before he bleeds.
54:30Reanimation of the pulmonary tube.
54:43Do you really think you can ruin me that easily?
54:48There's no way to prove anything to me.
54:51Well, then, stay and wait for the police
54:54to arrest you for the anonymous complaint I filed
54:57and for them to discover your shady deals one by one.
55:02The truth could be.
55:04The other thing that could happen
55:06is that I get away with a couple of little secrets
55:09that I know about you.
55:11You know.
55:12Patricia, always so impertinent,
55:15has been telling me little things,
55:17as if nothing.
55:19I know a lot more about you
55:21than you can imagine, Isabel.
55:25So if you're still with the police,
55:27then go ahead.
55:28I'll be waiting for you here.
55:30Maybe we'll even share a cell.
55:32Can you imagine?
55:35Or we could fix all this in another way
55:40and end it all as easily as possible.
55:46You leave my son, Edgar, in peace.
55:50You disconnect him from any nonsense.
55:53You paint with him.
55:55And that's it.
55:56I leave you in peace.
56:00you face me.
56:04And we'll see who's more powerful.
56:07You or me.
56:15Come on! Wake up!
56:27Aurora, you have to wake up.
56:31You can't leave our angel Gabriel alone.
56:36It's been a long time.
56:37It's time to declare your...
56:40There are vital signs again!
56:46We have to give him RCP.
56:48Help me.
56:51The doctor won't answer.
56:53Don't go.
56:54Mr. Rey and his family are waiting for you.
56:56That's the good news.
56:59He has frequency, Doctor.
57:01I knew it!
57:03I knew it!
57:16I shouldn't have reacted like that.
57:18But there are too many worries.
57:21I do want to talk to you.
57:23We'll be calmer later.
57:26Lena, stop holding back Angel.
57:28He doesn't belong to you.
57:30You can't be close to him.
57:33You can't.
57:34It's not fair.
57:36How are you, Ms. Aurora Campero?
57:37Mr. Rey?
57:38My son!
57:39Angel Santos!
57:40Aurora and Julio Cesar are in the operating room.
57:45Angel is fine.
57:46Mr. Pascual is fine.
57:47How could this happen?
57:49I can't believe it!
57:50Everything will be fine.
57:51Don't worry.
57:52In fact, I'll take him to Angel so he can see him.
58:12I understand that you need my help.
58:14So instead of facing us as enemies,
58:19let's cooperate.
58:21I can be your only salvation.
58:23If that's what you say.
58:26But I honestly don't think you're capable
58:28of even reporting me to the police.
58:32Maybe you have more to lose than I do.
58:38If that's your last word,
58:40then let's face the consequences.
58:52What happened?
58:53I couldn't get much out of the doctor.
58:55He only told me that Ms. Aurora is very serious.
58:58But that's not all.
59:00Two agents arrived a moment ago.
59:04Pascual, I want to ask you to please talk to Elena.
59:08All of this is her fault.
59:11They say the attack was against Demian,
59:13but I don't believe it.
59:14I'm sure those murderers were after Angel.
59:20We were able to extract the bullet and control the bleeding.
59:23However, the lady has fallen into a coma.
59:27All you need to know is that I'm going to get rid of Tete.
59:31Please don't die, Mom.
59:38You can't die, Mom.
59:40You're going to recover.
59:42And we're going to be the family you always wanted.
59:53You and I are family.