वाराणसी, उत्तर प्रदेश: वाराणसी के उदय प्रताप कॉलेज में मस्जिद विवाद को लेकर तनाव जारी है। भारी संख्या में छात्र भगवा झंडे के साथ कॉलेज के मुख्य गेट पर पहुंचे, जिससे छात्रों और पुलिस के बीच तीखी नोकझोंक हुई। जुम्मे की नमाज को देखते हुए कॉलेज परिसर के बाहर भारी संख्या में छात्र मौजूद हैं। पुलिस की जीप को छात्रों ने पलटने का प्रयास किया और बैरिकेडिंग लगाकर जीप को रोका गया। छात्रों का कहना है नमाज अदा की जाएगी तो हम विरोध करेंगे। वहीं एसीपी विदुर सक्सेना ने कहा, "जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं, यूपी के कॉलेज के छात्रों से जुड़ा विवाद हुआ है। इसके मद्देनजर यहां पर्याप्त पुलिस बल तैनात किया गया है। कुछ छात्र और वकीलों के समूह यहां अपनी बात कहने आए थे और इस दौरान उनका व्यवहार थोड़ा आक्रामक हो गया। जवाब में पुलिस ने आवश्यक कार्रवाई की। वैदिक अनुष्ठान अभी भी जारी है और स्थिति अब शांत है। हमने उपद्रवियों की पहचान कर ली है और आवश्यक कार्रवाई की जाएगी।"
#UPcollege #namazdispute #UP #UPcollegevaranasi #upcollegehanumanchalisa #UPSunniWaqfBoardProperty #JummaNamaz #CMYogi #VaranasiUdayPratapCollege
#UPcollege #namazdispute #UP #UPcollegevaranasi #upcollegehanumanchalisa #UPSunniWaqfBoardProperty #JummaNamaz #CMYogi #VaranasiUdayPratapCollege
00:30Today, as you all know, there is a debate going on for UP College, and in the midst of that
00:39a police force has been set up here.
00:42Some students and some lawyers have come here to talk about their issues.
00:48In the midst of that, there has been an aggressive behaviour.
00:51In the midst of that, the police have carried out a vigorous investigation.
00:55Right now, the atmosphere is calm.
00:58We have identified the perpetrators.
01:01A necessary action will be taken.
01:03As per our input, these are former students.
01:06Right now, there are no students here.
01:08There is an exam going on.
01:09All the students are giving their exams.
01:10There are former students, students from somewhere else, and some lawyers.
01:13The police force has been set up here.
01:15The arrangements are complete.
01:16The atmosphere will remain calm.
01:18You can rest assured.
01:19The police are fully prepared.
01:21In the midst of that, the Pradhan Acharya has already told us that there are exams going on in the college.
01:25Due to external factors, the exam situation is getting worse.
01:29Due to external factors, they are not allowed to go anywhere.
01:33Today, the district administration is stopping us from praying.
01:38Today, on Friday, we are being stopped from praying.
01:41The police are stopping us.
01:43Since morning, we have been harassed by the police.
01:46Today, with the flag of God, we want to...
01:49Those who have no basis here...
01:51The board has also removed the claim that we don't have any property.
01:54If they don't have any property or documents, then why is there a mosque here?
01:59So, to remove the mosque, when will this protest take place?
02:02Those who have no basis here, they want to stay here.
02:05They won't be given.
02:06Why won't they be given?
02:07What right do they have?
02:09Our students will pray here.
02:11We won't allow them to do that.
02:13If there was no basis here, why would they come here?
02:16What basis?
02:17What basis?
02:18In 1909, our college was established.
02:20And in 1901, a work board was made.
02:22What basis did you give them?