• last year
00:00:007 years after a virus struck the earth, France, Belgium and the Netherlands were separated
00:00:26from the rest of Europe.
00:00:27The only cure is a 16-year-old girl.
00:00:57We have to put them in quarantine.
00:00:59How about the resistance?
00:01:00Is the problem already solved?
00:01:01No, General, sir.
00:01:02We exterminated some nests, but the resistance is strong and well organized.
00:01:03We were able to identify some fragments of the main signal.
00:01:04They are investigating to get a cure.
00:01:05Anything that Ackbar remembers to disinform me.
00:01:06He is very sensitive, Commander.
00:01:07We have to be careful.
00:01:08We have to be careful.
00:01:09We have to be careful.
00:01:10We have to be careful.
00:01:11We have to be careful.
00:01:12We have to be careful.
00:01:13We have to be careful.
00:01:14We have to be careful.
00:01:15We have to be careful.
00:01:16We have to be careful.
00:01:17We have to be careful.
00:01:18We have to be careful.
00:01:19We have to be careful.
00:01:20We have to be careful.
00:01:21We have to be careful.
00:01:22And if they find a cure, General?
00:01:29This will never happen Commander.
00:01:37Proceed with extermination.
00:01:42It's an order.
00:01:46Yes, Mr. General
00:01:54Como va el radar
00:01:57Is algunas pruebas parece estar bien, pero me preocupan los bloque a Doris
00:02:03Pensé que eso estaba calculado
00:02:05Dijiste que estaba bien si lo sé
00:02:09Los más grandes alcanzan los 25 clics pero los pequeños son nuevos no sabemos cómo funcionan
00:02:22¿Qué pasa si desconectamos la antena principal?
00:02:32¿Cómo vas a hacer eso?
00:02:35Bueno, ¿tenemos una red?
00:02:38¿Hay alguien cerca de allí?
00:02:40Déjame revisar
00:02:43Hay insurgentes en la sección 5, se llaman los guerreros libres
00:02:52Pero no los mandaría a menos que fuese una emergencia
00:02:55¿Por qué no?
00:02:56¿Por qué no?
00:02:57El término insurgente no te da una pista, pondrían en peligro la misión si llegan a atraparlos
00:03:04¿No son nuestros aliados?
00:03:06Sí, les dimos algunos equipos y están de nuestro lado
00:03:10¿Quién es su líder?
00:03:12Su nombre es Vanguard
00:03:16Lo pondré en la pantalla
00:03:19Ahí está
00:03:26Hola Vanguard
00:03:30¿Sabes qué?
00:03:34Dile que se prepare, pero no le digas el propósito de la misión todavía
00:03:42Voy por el GPS, ya vuelvo
00:03:49No te ves muy sexy
00:03:52¿Estás ebrio?
00:04:00¿Qué quieres?
00:04:01Hay una niña en ruta 17
00:04:08Bien, a pesar de que no hay nadie en la sección 5
00:04:12¿Qué quieres?
00:04:13¿Qué quieres?
00:04:14¿Qué quieres?
00:04:15¿Qué quieres?
00:04:16Bien, a veces encontramos sobrevivientes y que...
00:04:19Pueden hacer una vacuna
00:04:21Patrañas, lo han estado haciendo hace años
00:04:24¿Sabes qué pienso?
00:04:25Que los soldados de Ratzinger están detrás de esto
00:04:27Son listos, saben que debemos pasar por allí
00:04:30No son tan listos
00:04:33Encontré un camino por otro lado
00:04:35Es difícil, pero no imposible
00:04:38Echa un vistazo
00:04:40¿Qué es?
00:04:41Tienes que verlo
00:04:48Mira las esquinas
00:04:53¿Dónde lo encontraste?
00:04:55Te diré luego, ¿no deberíamos ir a trabajar?
00:05:01Sí, sí debería hablar con Robert
00:05:04Sí, deberías
00:05:11Hola Tex, ¿hiciste el informe?
00:05:13Sí, claro, ¿podrían darnos un minuto?
00:05:22Ruta 17, ¿acaso te volviste loco?
00:05:25Son mi mejor equipo, Tex
00:05:27Púdrete Robert, es una trampa, abre los ojos
00:05:29No, la fuente es confiable, no hay dudas
00:05:31¡Que se pudre esa fuente! ¿Quieres que nos maten?
00:05:33Escucha, sé que has pasado por mucho
00:05:35Tengo muy buen presentimiento
00:05:37Y si es la última oportunidad, no podemos perderla
00:05:39¿Será un asalto?
00:05:41Si es la última oportunidad, no podemos perderla
00:05:43¿Será un asalto?
00:05:45Por si lo dudabas, un asalto
00:05:48Hiciste un juramento
00:05:50Tex, eres el líder
00:05:52¿No quieres hacerlo?
00:05:53Está bien, te sacaré ahora mismo
00:05:56No entiendes, ¿verdad?
00:05:58No me importa mi vida, pero mi equipo merece algo mejor
00:06:01A las 1800 horas nos reuniremos
00:06:04Debo asegurarme que estamos de acuerdo
00:06:07¿De verdad quieres poner en riesgo al mejor equipo?
00:06:10Por una mujer
00:06:11Tú los trajiste, Tex
00:06:13No hay honor sin riesgo
00:06:15Te cubriré la espalda
00:06:19Depende de ti ahora, a las 1800, retírate
00:06:41Buenos días
00:06:42Buenos días, Cabo
00:06:44¿No te cansas de hacer eso?
00:06:46Necesitamos a alguien que se ejercite
00:06:48¿Has visto a Daniel?
00:06:50Claro, está arreglando tocino
00:07:09Tenemos que hablar
00:07:12Justo en verte
00:07:21¿Quieres hablar?
00:07:23Hay algo que debas saber
00:07:24Supongo que Robert te dijo lo de la niña, ¿eh?
00:07:27¿Desde cuándo toman estas decisiones a mis espaldas?
00:07:29No fue así
00:07:31Tú querías que te dejáramos en paz
00:07:33Por eso pensamos que sería mejor que Robert te lo dijera
00:07:36Sí, pero ustedes quieren hacerlo, ¿no?
00:07:38¿De verdad quieres saber?
00:07:39Claro que queremos
00:07:40Vale la pena arriesgar tu vida
00:07:42Por favor, Tex
00:07:43¿Qué vida?
00:07:44Esa vacuna nos dará una segunda oportunidad
00:07:47Para todos
00:07:49Cualquier cosa es mejor que vivir de esta manera
00:07:53Tal vez tengas razón
00:07:55Creo que necesitamos un cambio
00:07:57¿Significa que no irás con nosotros?
00:08:00¿Qué demonios crees?
00:08:01¿Que los dejaré ir solos?
00:08:02Morirían antes de llegar
00:08:06Muchas gracias, Tex
00:08:08Es la decisión correcta
00:08:10¿Cuándo planeaban irse?
00:08:15Mientras más esperemos
00:08:19No podemos perder más tiempo
00:08:22Robert dará los detalles
00:08:24¿Qué tal esta noche?
00:08:28Muy bien
00:08:30Esta noche será
00:08:32Pero recuerda algo, Daniel
00:08:34Mucha gente morirá
00:08:37¿Cómo estás?
00:08:43¿Qué tal tu día?
00:08:45Bueno, pareciera que
00:08:47Todos están evitándome
00:08:50Bueno, eres aterradora
00:08:53¿Qué acabas de decir?
00:08:56¿Ves lo que te digo?
00:08:57Mal genio
00:08:58Sí, bueno
00:08:59Tex es igual
00:09:00Él ha pasado por muchas cosas
00:09:02Bien, no te preocupes
00:09:03Siempre se calma
00:09:05¿Deberíamos hacer esta misión?
00:09:09Estoy con Tex
00:09:10Es muy arriesgado
00:09:12Para estar solos
00:09:14Incluso con Tocino
00:09:15Que es el mejor
00:09:17Es una máquina vieja
00:09:19Solo debemos pasar ese puesto
00:09:20En el oeste y
00:09:23Robert dice que lo haremos
00:09:25Con todo respeto, Eve
00:09:27Robert es un buen amigo
00:09:29Y yo creo que
00:09:30Con todo respeto, Eve
00:09:32Robert es un dinosaurio
00:09:34Ha estado fuera por mucho tiempo
00:09:39No lo entiendo
00:09:42¿Cuál es el punto de estar
00:09:43En esta organización
00:09:44Si no hacemos la diferencia?
00:09:46Pienso igual
00:09:48Y supongo
00:09:50Que estamos aquí
00:09:51Para encontrar la cura
00:09:56La encontraremos pronto
00:10:01Muy bien, buenas noches
00:10:04Veo que todos vinieron
00:10:06Buen trabajo, Tex
00:10:08Primero lo primero
00:10:10Si alguien quiere dimitir
00:10:11De esta misión
00:10:13Es el momento de retirarse
00:10:21Estamos aquí, cuartel general
00:10:23Ruta 17 está a 75 clics
00:10:25De los 100 clics
00:10:26Para llegar a la costa
00:10:27Y el primer punto de control
00:10:29El estará a los detalles
00:10:39Si queremos sobrevivir
00:10:40A esta misión
00:10:41Hay algunas reglas
00:10:42Que debemos seguir
00:10:45Hay que evitar
00:10:46Las autopistas
00:10:47Y carreteras principales
00:10:50¿A qué te refieres?
00:10:52¿Acaso irás con nosotros?
00:10:56No, en
00:10:57La computadora
00:10:59Muy bien, ¿podemos seguir?
00:11:03Descargué la ruta
00:11:04Su GPS
00:11:05Que los llevará al bosque
00:11:07Y les daremos cobertura
00:11:08Todo el día
00:11:11Si tienen que cambiar de ruta
00:11:12Eviten la ciudad de Brugues
00:11:14Hay muchos infectados
00:11:16Así que
00:11:17Y los soldados están activos
00:11:20Si consiguen problemas
00:11:22Traten de esconderse
00:11:23Y a Tocino
00:11:24En un lugar abandonado
00:11:26Snow y yo les daremos
00:11:27Apoyo técnico
00:11:28En las próximas 36 horas
00:11:30Aunque experimentamos
00:11:31Algunos problemas
00:11:34Ella les dirá a Snow
00:11:38Los soldados tienen
00:11:39Una red de bloqueadores
00:11:40Que podrían interferir
00:11:41Con nuestra señal
00:11:42De vez en cuando
00:11:43Calculamos una ruta
00:11:44Para evitarlos
00:11:46Pero no tenemos
00:11:47Ninguna garantía
00:11:49Muy bien, ¿y la niña?
00:11:51Esa es una buena pregunta
00:11:53Cuando lleguen a Wervik
00:11:55Deben ir a la calle
00:11:56Poldark 46
00:11:57Allí se verán con el contacto
00:11:59Él los llevará directamente
00:12:00A Darcy
00:12:01Donde ella los encontrará
00:12:03Pensé que hablábamos
00:12:04De una niña
00:12:05Bueno, de hecho lo es
00:12:07Tiene 15 años
00:12:12En cuanto estén con la joven
00:12:13La llevarán a la costa
00:12:16Allí está el siguiente
00:12:17Punto de control
00:12:18Para cruzar
00:12:21Espera un momento
00:12:22No podemos cruzar
00:12:23Por el mar
00:12:24Y los sabres
00:12:25No, por la superficie
00:12:26Tomarán un mini-sub
00:12:29¿Quién puede pagar
00:12:30Un submarino?
00:12:31Miren, el padre
00:12:32De esta joven
00:12:33Es uno de los hombres
00:12:34Más ricos e influyentes
00:12:35Del Reino Unido
00:12:36Rescataremos ilegalmente
00:12:37Una niña rica
00:12:39Así no era el trato
00:12:41¿De verdad?
00:12:43Miren, el hecho
00:12:44De que sea rica
00:12:45Es una ventaja
00:12:47Ya que
00:12:48No solo pagará
00:12:49La operación
00:12:50Sino que conseguirá
00:12:51Ratas de laboratorio
00:12:52Para encontrar la vacuna
00:12:54Si eso pasa
00:12:55No solo nos darán las gracias
00:12:56Seremos héroes
00:12:58Esto cambia
00:12:59Toda la maldita misión
00:13:01Debieron decir eso
00:13:02En primer lugar
00:13:03Sí, debieron
00:13:06Muy bien
00:13:09Entiendo, sí
00:13:11Esta chica ha vivido
00:13:12Entre nosotros
00:13:13Los últimos siete años
00:13:14Conoce el infierno, sí
00:13:15Así que
00:13:16Solo hay que confiar en Darcy
00:13:17Así de simple
00:13:19La decisión es suya
00:13:21Díganlo de una vez
00:13:24Eres el jefe
00:13:26Si estás dentro
00:13:27Supongo que yo igual
00:13:33Sí, como sea
00:13:42Ya he tomado mi decisión
00:13:45Yo iré
00:13:49Muy bien
00:13:52Estás a cargo
00:14:21¿Estás bien?
00:14:23Solo tengo un mal presentimiento
00:14:24Sobre esto
00:14:27Te preocupas demasiado, Brad
00:14:29Es porque sé exactamente
00:14:30Lo que encontraremos
00:14:31Nosotras igual
00:14:33No digo que no
00:14:35Solo creo que ustedes
00:14:36Toman todo por sentado
00:14:43Oiga, me pregunto
00:14:44¿Cuánto ha cambiado afuera?
00:14:46No hemos estado en la Interperie
00:14:47En por no sé
00:14:51De acuerdo
00:14:52A los reportes recientes
00:14:53Sesenta millones
00:14:54Se infectaron
00:14:55En los últimos siete años
00:14:58Son bastantes zombies
00:15:00Creo que no son tantos
00:15:02Los soldados de Ratzinger
00:15:03Mataron a las tres cuartas
00:15:04Partes de ellos
00:15:08Equipo Alpha
00:15:09Aquí el CG
00:15:10¿Me copian?
00:15:11Los copiamos CG
00:15:13Se aproximan a Wasteland
00:15:15Tengan cuidado
00:15:16Con los restos de escombros
00:15:17Si no les importa
00:15:22¿Qué fue eso?
00:15:24Nada chicos
00:15:25Nos topamos con un carro
00:15:26Pero seguimos en marcha
00:15:30Avísanos la próxima vez
00:15:32Lo tomaré en cuenta
00:15:55La temperatura aumenta
00:15:57Es el radiador
00:16:00Son las fugas otra vez
00:16:01Debemos detenernos
00:16:03¿Ahora qué?
00:16:05Nunca llegaremos a tiempo
00:16:06Debemos repararlo
00:16:07De otra forma
00:16:08Explotará el motor
00:16:10Eso no es posible
00:16:11¿Qué pasa?
00:16:12¿Qué pasa?
00:16:13¿Qué pasa?
00:16:14¿Qué pasa?
00:16:15¿Qué pasa?
00:16:16¿Qué pasa?
00:16:17¿Qué pasa?
00:16:18¿Qué pasa?
00:16:19¿Qué pasa?
00:16:20Eso no es bueno
00:16:23Saldremos como sea de este vegestorio
00:16:25Solo así lo arreglaremos
00:16:29Equipo Alpha al Cuartel General
00:16:30¿Me copian?
00:16:31Los escuchamos Equipo Alpha
00:16:32Fuerte y claro
00:16:35Tocino está en problemas, René
00:16:37Debemos detenernos a repararlo
00:16:39¿Hay alguna casa o un garaje abandonado?
00:16:44Solo dame un minuto
00:16:47Bien chicos, tengo algo
00:16:49Brad, ¿trajiste las herramientas?
00:16:51Sí, las tengo
00:16:54Equipo Alpha, hay una casa en la calle O-15
00:16:56A unos pocos clics de ustedes
00:16:58Buen trabajo, René
00:16:59Solía ser un taller de autos
00:17:01Seguro encontrarán herramientas
00:17:02que les ayuden con la reparación
00:17:06No estamos seguros si el propietario
00:17:07sobrevivió a la primera ola
00:17:10Supongo que lo van a averiguar pronto
00:17:13Nos aproximamos al lugar
00:17:14Estás a cargo
00:17:16Solo tengan cuidado, chicos
00:17:18Aún percibo mucha actividad allí
00:17:21No estoy seguro de lo que es
00:17:29Equipo Alpha, aquí CG otra vez
00:17:31¿Me copian?
00:17:33René, ¿me escuchas?
00:17:37Equipo Alpha al Cuartel General
00:17:38¿Me escuchas?
00:17:42No escucho a Daniel
00:17:43Hay interferencia
00:17:49Perdimos contacto
00:17:54Equipo Alpha
00:17:55¿Me copian?
00:18:16¿Dónde están?
00:18:18Necesito ubicarlos, René
00:18:19¿Puedes reconectar?
00:18:20Hago lo que puedo, señor
00:18:23Sigo recibiendo señales de esa zona
00:18:26Pero creo que un...
00:18:27bloqueador interrumpe la señal
00:18:31Equipo Alpha
00:18:32¿Me copian?
00:18:37¿Alguien me copia?
00:18:45Escucho algo
00:18:48Equipo Alpha
00:18:49Es Robert
00:18:50¿Me copian?
00:18:53Cielos diablos
00:19:02¿Ahora qué?
00:19:05Señor, podemos enviar a los guerreros libres
00:19:11Están listos
00:19:16Muy bien
00:19:17¿Y si...
00:19:19quitamos la antena?
00:19:24Sí, seguro
00:19:25Al menos por un rato
00:19:26Muy bien, quítenla
00:19:27Quiero un análisis total
00:19:29Informen cuando tengan alguna novedad
00:19:30Seguro, señor
00:19:47¿Vamos Brad y yo al garaje?
00:19:50Muy bien, Brad, rodea a Tocino
00:19:52Daniel te seguirá
00:19:56Eve, Dina, conmigo
00:19:58Aseguren la casa
00:20:24Muy bien
00:20:25Veamos qué hay aquí
00:20:27Se acerca el amanecer
00:20:29Quizás tengamos que pasar tiempo aquí
00:20:31No sabemos cuánto tiempo demorará reparar a Tocino, ¿verdad?
00:20:34Dina, ve a la derecha
00:21:08Muy bien, ve a la izquierda
00:23:37¡Maldición! ¡Despertamos a una manada de zombis!
00:24:37We need to find Dina.
00:24:39Let's go!
00:25:07It's us. Yes.
00:25:10Calm down.
00:25:12Are you okay?
00:25:16That son of a bitch almost killed me.
00:25:21Did he bite you?
00:25:24I'm fine.
00:25:32Are you sure?
00:25:40Why are you looking at me like that?
00:25:44Are you sure he didn't bite you?
00:25:46I said I'm fine.
00:25:54Are you sure?
00:25:55If you say you're okay,
00:25:58I believe you.
00:25:59Calm down.
00:26:03Daniel, it's Tex.
00:26:05I'm here.
00:26:08We fought some zombies, but we're okay now.
00:26:10We'll lock ourselves in here.
00:26:12How are you guys doing?
00:26:14Yeah, one of them came all the way here.
00:26:16Brad took care of it.
00:26:18He's still repairing the truck.
00:26:20Any idea how long it'll take?
00:26:23Hey, Brad.
00:26:24How long will it take?
00:26:28How the hell would I know?
00:26:30I don't even know if I can fix it.
00:26:36I think it'll take a few hours.
00:26:38Let us know when you're ready.
00:26:41Are we staying?
00:26:44We're going to settle in.
00:27:06All right, guys.
00:27:07Get ready.
00:27:08We're leaving.
00:27:10We're not leaving, Vanguard.
00:27:15What do you mean by that?
00:27:17We have a deal.
00:27:19No, you have a deal.
00:27:22Because they don't clean their own mess.
00:27:25We don't know what you're talking about.
00:27:27Tell us why we should leave.
00:27:29And why we should stay.
00:27:31Because we're not leaving.
00:27:33Tell us why we should leave.
00:27:35You want a reason?
00:27:36I'll give you three.
00:27:38In 14 days, there won't be any more beer, food, or cigarettes.
00:27:43If we don't leave, you won't forget it.
00:27:48That's enough for me.
00:27:51Are you coming?
00:27:55Think about it.
00:28:04I'm sorry.
00:28:05I can't live without cigarettes.
00:28:15Let's go, Rhys.
00:28:16We have to go.
00:28:35You're used to scaring me.
00:28:37I'm sorry, it's me.
00:28:39I'm trying to get better.
00:28:41You look exhausted.
00:28:43You should rest.
00:28:44I'm fine.
00:28:50I'll help you.
00:29:08Dina, what's wrong?
00:29:10Is there something you haven't told me?
00:29:14Just the memories of the past.
00:29:20About your brother?
00:29:22I miss him.
00:29:24If he were here, he'd be one of us.
00:29:28I'm sure he would.
00:29:31You know, Dina?
00:29:34We all have demons.
00:29:37Why don't you rest a little?
00:29:39It'll do you good.
00:29:46I'll try.
00:29:55Vanguard and his team are on their way.
00:30:12I need some fresh air.
00:30:15And a cigarette.
00:30:17Snow, can you cover me for a while?
00:30:20But don't take too long, okay?
00:30:22Don't worry.
00:30:23I'll be back in a second, baby.
00:30:26And don't call me baby, got it?
00:30:28Got it?
00:30:29Yes, ma'am.
00:30:59Team, report in.
00:31:04In position.
00:31:06I've got one.
00:31:08Should I attack?
00:31:12Wait for my signal.
00:31:15I've got a soldier at four o'clock.
00:31:17Clarice, you can take him down in silence.
00:31:22In position.
00:31:23Clarice, you can take him down in silence.
00:31:28That bastard is mine.
00:31:45Well done.
00:31:47Murph, now.
00:31:53In position.
00:32:05In position.
00:32:07Very good.
00:32:08Take your ass out of there.
00:32:09It'll get ugly.
00:32:24All right.
00:32:25Time to get rid of those bastards.
00:32:54In position.
00:33:05Are you done?
00:33:08Wake Dina up.
00:33:23What the fuck?
00:33:24Don't shoot me, Dina!
00:33:25For God's sake!
00:33:27Shoot him!
00:33:33Damn it.
00:33:43Are you all right?
00:34:04It was me.
00:34:07We lost Dina.
00:34:09No, wait there.
00:34:10I need a moment.
00:34:14I'll be right back.
00:34:37What's going on?
00:34:40I can't believe we lost her.
00:34:45She got infected somehow.
00:34:52It's not your fault.
00:34:54Listen, these things happen.
00:34:59You can't blame yourself.
00:35:38Did she suffer a lot?
00:35:44She got infected while she was sleeping.
00:35:48That zombie must have attacked her in the attic.
00:36:02Eve woke her up.
00:36:04And she attacked her.
00:36:05And she attacked her.
00:36:13Old man.
00:36:18You should have seen her face.
00:36:27I hate this virus.
00:36:31All of them, old man.
00:36:36Look, Tex.
00:36:37I don't want to, but...
00:36:40We have to get back to work.
00:36:48Let's bring the girl and end this.
00:37:05Alpha Team, this is C.G.
00:37:07Do you copy?
00:37:08C.G., this is Alpha Team.
00:37:10Do you copy?
00:37:11Answer me.
00:37:12C.G., answer me.
00:37:14C.G., this is Alpha Team.
00:37:16Answer me.
00:37:22Alpha Team, are you there?
00:37:25Rene, I'm glad to hear you.
00:37:28What happened?
00:37:31I don't know.
00:37:32What the hell happened?
00:37:35Thank God.
00:37:37The signal was lost by the blockers,
00:37:39but the free warriors solved it.
00:37:41Are you okay?
00:37:44Tocino is operational again.
00:37:45Brad and Daniel fixed it.
00:37:49That's great, guys.
00:37:51I have bad news, Rene.
00:37:53We lost Dina.
00:37:55She got infected during the night.
00:38:05Are you still there?
00:38:08How did this happen?
00:38:11Listen, Rene.
00:38:12We're close to the entrance.
00:38:13I don't have time to explain.
00:38:16I'll need your help with the bee.
00:38:18Can you do it?
00:38:24Of course.
00:38:27Don't worry.
00:38:28We'll be here.
00:38:30Or until the connection allows it.
00:38:33Very well.
00:38:34I'll call you soon.
00:38:36Keep in touch.
00:38:59Very well, Daniel.
00:39:00What do we have?
00:39:02I see two soldiers on the bridge
00:39:03and three on the field.
00:39:07I'll call Rene.
00:39:09Hi, it's Tex.
00:39:10Do you read me?
00:39:11Rene, it's Tex.
00:39:12I need back up.
00:39:16The bee is ready.
00:39:20Go ahead.
00:39:35The sensors pick up six signals,
00:39:37but it's not exact.
00:39:38It could be more.
00:39:47Bring her back, Rene.
00:39:48We're in touch.
00:39:52Come closer.
00:39:53I'll tell you how we'll do this.
00:40:00Do you see that hive over there?
00:40:03I want you to go there.
00:40:04Can you do it?
00:40:05No problem.
00:40:07I'll take position right here.
00:40:11Evie and Brad
00:40:12go through the back.
00:40:13Check the perimeter
00:40:14and wait for my signal.
00:40:15When that's over,
00:40:16eliminate the two soldiers
00:40:17at the entrance.
00:40:20Daniel and I
00:40:21will cover you.
00:40:23Once inside,
00:40:24you must move quickly.
00:40:26Destroy everything there.
00:40:28Be as quiet as possible
00:40:29so they don't alert you.
00:40:31Once inside,
00:40:32give the signal
00:40:33so we can leave.
00:40:35Very good.
00:40:39Let's go.
00:40:40Wait, guys.
00:40:43I'd like to tell you something.
00:40:45There are only four of us now.
00:40:48We can abort the mission
00:40:49and return to the barracks.
00:40:51It's up to you.
00:40:53I don't think so.
00:40:54Let's go.
00:41:06Let's go.
00:41:23No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
00:41:32This is getting out of hand.
00:41:37Very good.
00:41:38I'll go through the main door.
00:41:39You'll distract them.
00:41:41As soon as it's open,
00:41:42we'll go back to Tocino.
00:41:51I'm in position.
00:41:53Do you copy me?
00:41:55What should I do now, sir?
00:41:56Wait a second.
00:41:59There are too many soldiers here.
00:42:02We should retreat.
00:42:03Ify, Brad, go ahead.
00:42:10Two on your left.
00:42:25How's it going, Lieutenant?
00:42:27Everything's fine, sir.
00:42:28I'm glad to hear it.
00:42:29I'm glad to hear it.
00:42:30I'm glad to hear it.
00:42:31I'm glad to hear it.
00:42:32Everything's fine, sir.
00:42:40We still need to increase security.
00:42:44Yes, sir.
00:42:49Bravo will begin reconnaissance tomorrow.
00:42:52It depends on how long they take to find something.
00:43:03What the hell was that?
00:43:06They're attacking us!
00:44:03Guys, the door is open,
00:44:04but there are too many soldiers.
00:45:02Alpha Team, things are getting ugly.
00:45:03Let's go back to the truck.
00:45:04Everyone to Cocino, now!
00:45:32This door is almost open.
00:45:35Open, from the top!
00:45:36Everyone to the truck!
00:45:57It's the drill, Alpha Team, I repeat.
00:45:58This door is almost open!
00:45:59Everybody to the truck!
00:46:00Everyone to the truck! The door is open! We must go out now!
00:46:16Daniel, Liv, Brad! Everyone to the truck!
00:46:19Alpha team, it's time to retreat!
00:46:21Quick, let's go back to Tocino! We must go now!
00:46:30Come on!
00:47:00Snow, can we switch to the Russian satellite?
00:47:04The Mil satellite? I don't think so. Impossible.
00:47:08Do you have a better idea? At least I'm trying something different.
00:47:13You're playing with fire. They can track you, you know that, right?
00:47:18So what? The Russians don't care. They would never share information with Europe.
00:47:44This must be it. According to the GPS, this is Police Street 46.
00:47:50A damn hotel.
00:47:52Eve, I want you to stay here. Daniel and I will go.
00:48:05If we don't come back in an hour, don't come back for us.
00:48:12You're alone.
00:48:15Eve, do you copy me?
00:48:30Eve, do you copy me?
00:48:33Yes, sir.
00:49:22Who's there?
00:49:25Stop the fire! My name is Robin. I'm with the Resistance. Route 17 team.
00:49:31Come in.
00:49:40Very well. My name is Tex. He is Daniel. Are you the contacts?
00:49:46Yes, that's right. We will take you to Route 17.
00:49:50We were here all day. Why did it take so long?
00:49:54Well, maybe we had problems on the way and lost two of our guys. How about that?
00:49:59I'm sorry to hear that, friend.
00:50:09Guys, we have to get out of here. It's not safe.
00:50:13Yes, I bet you don't. Come on, we'll go to Tocino.
00:50:19Yes, it's our armored truck. Come on, walk.
00:50:27Well? Still nothing?
00:50:32I'm trying to hack the Russian satellite.
00:50:36For what?
00:50:38Tex, it has a tracking device. We can't communicate, but at least we'd know where they are.
00:50:46Why didn't we think of that before?
00:50:49Good job. Let me know if it works.
00:50:51Yes, sir.
00:51:06You must be Darcy.
00:51:07That's right, it's me. I'm glad you're here.
00:51:10Is she the young one?
00:51:11Yes, she is Jing.
00:51:14Show us.
00:51:16Well, the bite. We want to see it.
00:51:18Shit, go back!
00:51:19Please, guys. It's okay. It's not contagious.
00:51:23Are you 100% sure a zombie did it?
00:51:26Does it look like a dog?
00:51:27Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't get like that with me.
00:51:29Hey, calm down. He's telling the truth.
00:51:32How do you know?
00:51:33Because I was there when it happened. Look, it was a month ago. This is pretty real.
00:51:40Get her ready. We're leaving.
00:51:45We're running out of time.
00:51:49Does anyone know how she got in touch with her father?
00:51:52Yes, we do. It was us.
00:51:54How did you do it?
00:51:56Well, I'll tell you.
00:51:58We went to the hospital.
00:52:01We went to the hospital.
00:52:04We went to the hospital.
00:52:07We went to the hospital.
00:52:08I'll tell you.
00:52:10A couple of years ago, she was wandering the streets.
00:52:14Darcy found her and brought her back here.
00:52:17Oh, wait. We don't need to know the whole story just about the bite.
00:52:21Well, a month ago, Darcy and she went out to look for jobs not far from the base.
00:52:26On their way back, one of them attacked them.
00:52:30They managed to escape.
00:52:32But Jen was bitten in the arm.
00:52:35He kept it a secret.
00:52:36She was scared.
00:52:38She knew that if we found her, we would kill her.
00:52:42That's why she didn't say anything.
00:52:45Miraculously, she didn't get infected.
00:52:48A week later, Darcy saw the wound.
00:52:53We didn't believe it.
00:52:55It was unheard of that she didn't infect us.
00:52:59Yes. How did you get in touch with her father?
00:53:02We knew there was something special in his blood.
00:53:05So we investigated a little more about his genetics.
00:53:08We searched the database.
00:53:10And we found his father's name.
00:53:12A millionaire businessman in the United Kingdom.
00:53:15That's how we got in touch.
00:53:17And we coordinated all of this.
00:53:21Do you think he's loyal?
00:53:23Yes, of course.
00:53:25What would you do if she were your daughter?
00:53:28What would you do if she were your daughter?
00:53:31And you found out that she's still alive after all this time.
00:53:35Don't you think you'd do everything possible to get her back?
00:53:38Yes, but that's not the point.
00:53:40The question is if he will keep his word about the vaccine.
00:53:43If they knew there was a girl infected in the United Kingdom,
00:53:47they would kill her instantly.
00:53:49Her father is not stupid.
00:53:51He knows the risk.
00:53:53Besides, Jen would never fail us.
00:53:55Darcy has been like a mother to her.
00:53:59Very well.
00:54:01Do you have a radio? I need to make contact with our base.
00:54:03Yes, follow me.
00:54:11Eve, we're almost done.
00:54:14Stay in your room, okay?
00:54:20JP, rest for a while. I'll do it.
00:54:30Tell me.
00:54:32What happened to the men?
00:54:34I only see women.
00:54:36Well, a couple of months ago,
00:54:38we received signals from a group of survivors asking for help.
00:54:41Our Alpha team went to check.
00:54:44We thought we could help,
00:54:46but we were wrong.
00:54:48Our entire team was infected.
00:54:51That's why we called you to do this.
00:54:56Very well.
00:54:58I don't know anything about these things.
00:55:00Could you contact them for me?
00:55:10Wait a minute.
00:55:12I'm almost making contact.
00:55:20I have an incoming signal.
00:55:27I have someone who wants to talk to you.
00:55:36Oh, God. I'm so glad to see you, brother.
00:55:38But what happened? Where are you now?
00:55:41Well, we had to flee.
00:55:43We lost Brad.
00:55:45Oh, God.
00:55:47What happened? Were you shot?
00:55:49We don't know.
00:55:51He could be alive.
00:55:53Damn it!
00:55:55I should never have let them go.
00:55:59It's my fault.
00:56:01Listen, Robert. What happened, happened.
00:56:03It's not your fault. We made a decision.
00:56:05How is Daniel and Eve?
00:56:07Fine. They're fine.
00:56:09Tex, there's no problem if you decide to abort the mission and come back.
00:56:14We didn't go that far for nothing.
00:56:16We must finish it.
00:56:18Are you sure?
00:56:22Listen, we're wasting valuable time.
00:56:23We have to go.
00:56:26Tex, Tex, wait.
00:56:28There's a tracker on your belt.
00:56:31Don't take it off, okay?
00:56:33We can't communicate, but at least we know where you are.
00:56:39Tex, say hi to Daniel and Eve, okay?
00:56:41And good luck, guys.
00:56:43I'll contact you once we deliver the girl.
00:56:45See you.
00:56:52I'm sorry about Brad.
00:56:56Listen, if Brad is alive, we'll find him.
00:57:12Very good.
00:57:14Is everything ready?
00:57:16Yes, everything is ready.
00:57:18Tex, can I talk to you?
00:57:21What is it?
00:57:23It's private.
00:57:31Okay. What is it?
00:57:33I don't know. I'm just worried about these people.
00:57:36What's wrong with them?
00:57:38They live in terrible conditions, brother.
00:57:42They need help.
00:57:44What's your problem?
00:57:46What's your problem?
00:57:48Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay.
00:57:51Of course I do.
00:57:53The mission is not over.
00:57:58We've passed the fort.
00:58:00We're close to the control post.
00:58:04What could go wrong?
00:58:06What could go wrong?
00:58:08Everything so far has gone wrong.
00:58:10I have to remind you.
00:58:12Look around you.
00:58:13It's about to collapse.
00:58:20Very good.
00:58:22We'll take care of it.
00:58:25Just make sure you're here by the time we get back.
00:58:28And keep in touch with Robert.
00:58:34It's time. Let's go.
00:58:41Give me one last hug.
00:58:44Hey. It's okay.
00:58:46You'll see your father again.
00:58:48You should be happy.
00:58:51She's right, little one.
00:58:53I will.
00:58:55Send us a signal as soon as you're sure.
00:58:57I will.
00:59:06Let's go.
00:59:14This is fabulous.
00:59:21You'll be 16, right?
00:59:23Yes, next month.
00:59:27Were you nine when the virus broke out?
00:59:34How come you're in Belgium and your dad's in the UK?
00:59:37My mom is Belgian.
00:59:39And when they got divorced, my dad went back to England.
00:59:41Do you miss him?
00:59:43Yes, a lot.
00:59:46What about your mom?
00:59:53I miss her.
00:59:55A lot.
00:59:59We were a Gerbic family when our house was attacked by zombies.
01:00:06I got really scared.
01:00:08I ran.
01:00:09And that was the last time I saw her.
01:00:12It must have been horrible for you.
01:00:16Hey, is it true about the bite?
01:00:19Oh, yes. It's real.
01:00:21I couldn't believe it at first.
01:00:24If they find the vaccine, you'll be a legend, you know that?
01:00:28I don't want to be a legend.
01:00:30But I'd do anything to save us from this shit.
01:00:33Yeah, well.
01:00:35Let's hope your dad thinks the same.
01:00:36He will.
01:00:38He'll find a way to get it done.
01:00:40I know him.
01:00:42I believe you.
01:01:06Oh, no.
01:01:08Damn it!
01:01:13The engine blew up.
01:01:20We'll have to walk.
01:01:37Go, go, go!
01:01:43When did it happen?
01:01:45No, I don't know.
01:01:47Who was there?
01:01:49I don't know. I didn't see anything.
01:01:59Damn it, soldiers!
01:02:01They're attacking us! Run!
01:02:03Run! Get out of here!
01:02:04Move, move!
01:02:14Let's go!
01:02:38Oh, you want to play?
01:02:40You don't know who you're messing with.
01:02:42I told you you'd never hack it.
01:02:45Shut up, Snow.
01:02:47I'm the biggest genius behind this keyboard, okay?
01:02:50How many clicks away from the target?
01:02:5785 clicks.
01:02:59How much time do we have?
01:03:04I don't have ammo for the M20.
01:03:06Hey, can I get some air?
01:03:08No, you can't.
01:03:10Just make sure you're close.
01:03:12The radio doesn't work. We're alone.
01:03:14The next village is two clicks away.
01:03:16Let's go.
01:03:21Commander, sir.
01:03:24The general wants to see you.
01:03:26I'm coming up.
01:03:28Yes, sir.
01:03:30Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:03:33Yes, let's go, please.
01:03:35Let's go.
01:03:37Access granted.
01:03:39Yes! I'm in!
01:03:41Shit, I'm inside! I did it!
01:03:43You made it?
01:03:47I'm in.
01:03:49How did you...?
01:03:56I did it.
01:03:57I did it.
01:04:06Commander Prince.
01:04:08I have a report.
01:04:10The advance position on the western border has been attacked.
01:04:13It seems they're losing control of the resistance again.
01:04:17We didn't expect a massive attack, General, sir.
01:04:20Our soldiers are trained.
01:04:22We'll track their hideout and exterminate them.
01:04:25Few managed to escape.
01:04:27I don't care how many are left.
01:04:30I want you to catch them and destroy them all.
01:04:33If you can't do the job,
01:04:36then maybe we should put someone else in charge.
01:04:40Is that clear?
01:04:42Yes, General, sir.
01:04:47Last chance.
01:04:49Fix it.
01:04:51Over and out.
01:04:58Are you okay?
01:05:02I'm a little hungry.
01:05:06Here you go.
01:05:08It's my secret hiding place.
01:05:11Don't tell Tex.
01:05:16It's good.
01:05:18Let's go.
01:05:20Let's keep going.
01:05:28What's going on?
01:05:35No zombies.
01:05:37No soldiers.
01:05:40Very quiet.
01:05:42It's strange, isn't it?
01:05:44I heard they left the western side.
01:05:49But not completely.
01:05:51Don't you think it's strange?
01:05:56you know what?
01:05:58I'll tell you what we'll do.
01:06:00I'll take a closer look.
01:06:02Can you cover me?
01:06:04Of course.
01:06:06Don't waste ammunition unless it's necessary.
01:06:08There aren't many left.
01:06:16hide in there.
01:06:19I'll cover you.
01:06:22Come on.
01:06:53You can come.
01:06:55It's safe.
01:07:01Copy that.
01:07:03Jen, let's go.
01:07:06This way.
01:07:23Very good.
01:07:25It's safe.
01:07:27Let's see what we have here.
01:07:30I wouldn't do it
01:07:32if it were you.
01:07:36Put down your weapons
01:07:38and your weapons.
01:07:40I'll cover you.
01:07:42I'll cover you.
01:07:44I'll cover you.
01:07:46I'll cover you.
01:07:48I'll cover you.
01:07:50I'll cover you.
01:07:52Put your hands up now.
01:07:56Don't worry.
01:07:58We'll put down our weapons, okay?
01:08:00Don't shoot.
01:08:04Hey, you.
01:08:06Put down your weapon.
01:08:11you're ready.
01:08:13Put down your weapon.
01:08:16Do it.
01:08:18Listen, guys.
01:08:19We don't want any trouble.
01:08:20Shut up.
01:08:31Is that you?
01:08:33Oh, my God.
01:08:37It's good to see you.
01:08:38It's okay, guys.
01:08:39You can put down your weapons.
01:08:40I know this girl.
01:08:44It's been a long time.
01:08:47it's been a long time.
01:08:52She's Jen.
01:08:53Hi, Jen.
01:08:54He's Tex,
01:08:55my captain.
01:08:57Captain, huh?
01:08:58A pleasure.
01:08:59Likewise, Tex.
01:09:01Sorry for the ambush.
01:09:03No problem.
01:09:04I understand.
01:09:06You know,
01:09:07we should go to the camp.
01:09:08We're safer there.
01:09:10Okay, guys.
01:09:11Come on.
01:09:12Put down your weapons.
01:09:13Over there.
01:09:33I imagine
01:09:35you won't tell us
01:09:36where your friends are hiding.
01:09:40Why don't you go clean up?
01:09:46do you know
01:09:47how many teeth
01:09:48we humans have?
01:09:54I don't know, sir.
01:10:01Why don't you tell us?
01:10:35I must say,
01:10:36it's a beautiful place.
01:10:38Yes, we found it a few months ago.
01:10:40We built a safe place.
01:10:42It's difficult these days with the gangs.
01:10:44Yes, you're not wrong.
01:10:47Not at all.
01:10:48Joe, we have a problem with the defenses.
01:10:51Fix it before dusk, okay?
01:10:55No, animals.
01:10:56At night they come looking for food.
01:10:58We've been doing pretty well here lately.
01:11:01We started growing some vegetables and raising animals.
01:11:05It's good to have some fresh food on the table from time to time.
01:11:09This is Mandy. Mandy, this is Eve, my sister-in-law.
01:11:17Nice to meet you.
01:11:22Hi Mandy, I'm Tex. This is little Jen.
01:11:31Why don't you play?
01:11:32Yes, of course.
01:11:33There's a lot of them. Do you want to come?
01:11:36Why don't you take a seat?
01:11:41Would you like something to drink? Water? Tea?
01:11:46Don't you have anything stronger?
01:11:48No, Tex.
01:11:51Water would be fine.
01:11:56You don't owe me any explanations.
01:12:00That happens. Things change.
01:12:02You always knew how much I loved your sister.
01:12:07Oh, yes. Thank you.
01:12:13They're just passing by, aren't they?
01:12:17We have to get to the port of France.
01:12:19Yes, we're desperate for a vehicle. Can you help us?
01:12:23Why do you want to go to France?
01:12:26We have to take Jen to the port.
01:12:28We're part of the Resistance.
01:12:30Things got ugly in the East.
01:12:33The soldiers took the city of Bruges. We have to flee.
01:12:39The Resistance?
01:12:42I've heard great stories about you.
01:12:45But I don't think the soldiers are interested in us.
01:12:48We're survivors.
01:12:51You're not wrong.
01:12:52They sold us out.
01:12:55You're not wrong.
01:12:57They'll come. It's just a matter of time.
01:12:59You'd better get your people ready.
01:13:02Listen, Joe. We're running out of time.
01:13:04Can you help us?
01:13:10The car won't be a problem.
01:13:12The gas...
01:13:14It's becoming precious these days.
01:13:20Look, guys.
01:13:21I'd really like to help you, but we only have 50 liters left.
01:13:25And we need them for the generators.
01:13:30How about a truck with 500 liters?
01:13:33In exchange for a car with a tank full.
01:13:37A solid car with 370 horsepower and a turbo engine.
01:13:40It'll take you 250 miles per hour.
01:13:43It's a tank.
01:13:44It can handle any situation.
01:13:46Especially with the equipment in the trunk.
01:13:50Sounds good.
01:13:51Thanks for everything.
01:13:52We'll be in touch.
01:14:04Sounds good.
01:14:05Thanks for everything, Joe.
01:14:07Take care.
01:14:08You too.
01:14:21Please take care.
01:14:23I hope to see you someday.
01:14:26She's a good woman.
01:14:29Take care.
01:14:34Take care.
01:15:01Sir, you're moving again.
01:15:03This time much faster.
01:15:07How far from the objective are we?
01:15:09About 30 kilometers.
01:15:12Finally, good news.
01:15:14Let's hope they arrive on time.
01:15:23I think we have enough gas to get to the coast.
01:15:27I didn't know you had a brother-in-law.
01:15:33I didn't even know you had a sister.
01:15:58What now?
01:16:01What do you want to do?
01:16:05Will we help him?
01:16:07It's not safe.
01:16:12Lower your head.
01:16:14I'll take care of it.
01:16:16I'll take care of it.
01:16:18I'll take care of it.
01:16:20I'll take care of it.
01:16:22I'll take care of it.
01:16:24I'll take care of it.
01:16:27Come closer.
01:16:29Are you sure?
01:16:32Very well.
01:16:56Let's go.
01:17:26Damn bastards!
01:17:28I'm going to get you!
01:17:40I'm going to get you!
01:17:57Mr. Commander.
01:18:00We detected an explosion near the French border.
01:18:04Bring me the helicopter.
01:18:06Yes, sir.
01:18:12Sir, they're back.
01:18:14How far?
01:18:15Five clicks from the objective.
01:18:17Will they make it?
01:18:18Yes, it seems so.
01:18:27Let's go.
01:18:42What are you doing?
01:18:45What the hell are you doing?
01:18:47Get back to the car!
01:18:49Watch out!
01:18:50They're coming back!
01:18:51Get back here!
01:18:57This is how you blow up a helicopter!
01:19:07You know, Liv, you're the craziest woman I've ever met.
01:19:11But you can travel with me whenever you want.
01:19:14Go to hell!
01:19:16We'll be there in 15 minutes.
01:19:26All clear.
01:19:37Sir, the men are nervous.
01:19:40We should go now.
01:19:42She's my daughter we're talking about.
01:19:43We'll wait.
01:19:49We'll wait.
01:19:56We'll wait.
01:20:17We did it!
01:20:24We did it!
01:20:39Look at you.
01:20:41You're beautiful.
01:20:43Just like your mother.
01:20:53Will you give me a moment?
01:21:01Thank you for bringing my daughter.
01:21:03You're welcome.
01:21:04You saved my life.
01:21:07Your daughter is very special, sir.
01:21:13You know, a lot of people depend on you.
01:21:16You're the only one who can get us out of this hell.
01:21:19Don't let us down.
01:21:20I promise.
01:21:22I'll use every penny to find a vaccine.
01:21:25You have my word.
01:21:27That's what we expect.
01:21:31We must go.
01:21:34You're right.
01:21:35You should go now.
01:21:36Goodbye, Jen.
01:21:47Take care.
01:21:50All right.
01:21:51All right.
01:21:52Let's go.
01:22:04Do you think he'll keep his word?
01:22:07We'll find out later, won't we?
01:22:11I'd like a drink.
01:22:13Forget it.
01:22:14Maybe we'll find a bar on the way.
01:22:16We need gas.
01:22:20You're a very dominant woman, Eve.
01:22:22Don't take advantage of this old man.
01:22:23Old man?
01:22:25You're an alcoholic.
01:22:27And who are you?
01:22:28Mother Teresa with an AK-47?
01:22:51I love you.
01:22:52I love you.
01:22:53I love you.
01:22:54I love you.
01:22:55I love you.
01:22:56I love you.
01:22:57I love you.
01:22:58I love you.
01:22:59I love you.
01:23:00I love you.
01:23:01I love you.
01:23:02I love you.
01:23:03I love you.
01:23:04I love you.
01:23:05I love you.
01:23:06I love you.
01:23:07I love you.
01:23:08I love you.
01:23:09I love you.
01:23:10I love you.
01:23:11I love you.
01:23:12I love you.
01:23:13I love you.
01:23:14I love you.
01:23:15I love you.
01:23:16I love you.
01:23:17I love you.
01:23:18I love you.
01:23:19I love you.
01:23:20I love you.
01:23:21I love you.
01:23:22I love you.
01:23:23I love you.
01:23:24I love you.
01:23:25I love you.
01:23:26I love you.
01:23:27I love you.
01:23:28I love you.
01:23:29I love you.
01:23:30I love you.
01:23:31I love you.
01:23:32I love you.
01:23:33I love you.
01:23:34I love you.
01:23:35I love you.
01:23:36I love you.
01:23:37I love you.
01:23:38I love you.
01:23:39I love you.
01:23:40I love you.
01:23:41I love you.
01:23:42I love you.
01:23:43I love you.
01:23:44I love you.
01:23:45I love you.
01:23:46I love you.
01:23:47I love you.
01:23:48I love you.
01:23:49I love you.
01:23:50I love you.
01:23:51I love you.
01:23:52I love you.
01:23:53I love you.
01:23:54I love you.
01:23:55I love you.
01:23:56I love you.
01:23:57I love you.
01:23:58I love you.
01:23:59I love you.
01:24:00I love you.
01:24:01I love you.
01:24:02I love you.
01:24:03I love you.
01:24:04I love you.
01:24:05I love you.
01:24:06I love you.
01:24:07I love you.
01:24:08I love you.
01:24:09I love you.
01:24:10I love you.
01:24:11I love you.
01:24:12I love you.
01:24:13I love you.
01:24:14I love you.
01:24:15I love you.
01:24:16I love you.
01:24:17I love you.
01:24:18I love you.
01:24:19I love you.
01:24:20I love you.
01:24:21I love you.
01:24:22I love you.
01:24:23I love you.
01:24:24I love you.
01:24:25I love you.
01:24:26I love you.
01:24:27I love you.
01:24:28I love you.
01:24:29I love you.
01:24:30I love you.
01:24:31I love you.
01:24:32I love you.
01:24:33I love you.
01:24:34I love you.
01:24:35I love you.
01:24:36I love you.
01:24:37I love you.
01:24:38I love you.
01:24:39I love you.
01:24:40I love you.
01:24:41I love you.
01:24:42I love you.
01:24:43I love you.
01:24:44I love you.
01:24:45I love you.
01:24:46I love you.
01:24:47I love you.
01:24:48I love you.
01:24:49I love you.
01:24:50I love you.
01:24:51I love you.
01:24:52I love you.
01:24:53I love you.
01:24:54I love you.
01:24:55I love you.
01:24:56I love you.
01:24:57I love you.
01:24:58I love you.
01:24:59I love you.
01:25:00I love you.
01:25:01I love you.
01:25:02I love you.
01:25:03I love you.
01:25:04I love you.
01:25:05I love you.
01:25:06I love you.
01:25:07I love you.
01:25:08I love you.
01:25:09I love you.
01:25:10I love you.
01:25:11I love you.
01:25:12I love you.
01:25:13I love you.
01:25:14I love you.
