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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 04/12/2024


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19A small day for the MAZI, which ends almost unchanged.
00:22Plus 0.06% of variation to end at 14,728 points and a transaction volume of 164 million dirhams.
00:31The values ​​of the agri-food sector remained unchanged with the exception of Mutundis, which gained plus 0.69%.
00:39Profit takes on bank values have affected the sector.
00:43CGF Bank stands out with an increase of plus 0.98% in a volume of just 1,240,000 dirhams.
00:50Agdital progresses by plus 0.75% with a volume of 34,600,000 dirhams.
00:57First volume of the session, followed closely by Adoa, which captures 34 million dirhams, but folds back by minus 2.11%.
01:05In small steps, the Tunis stock market progresses.
01:10The Tunindex climbed today plus 0.06% to 9,891.1.
01:1616 values justify this symbolic increase against 25 values ​​in decline.
01:20Office Plast is the strongest increase, plus 2.80%.
01:24Followed by Somoser, the ceramic specialist, which gained plus 2.49%.
01:29Action City concentrated the strongest volume, almost 355,000 dirhams, and progressed by plus 0.46%.
01:37SFBT ends unchanged.
01:39OneTech Holding continues to be highly sought after and gains today plus 0.10%.
01:45AmenBank also continues its progression with a slightly lower volume,
01:49oxygenating around 186,000 dirhams for an increase of plus 0.58%.
01:57And finally, the BRVM Composite ends up on the rise under the umbrella of Orange Côte d'Ivoire, Sonatel or Solibra.
02:03The Composite gained plus 0.29% to 274.15.1.
02:08Orange Côte d'Ivoire gained again plus 0.29% with more than 3,130 traded titles.
02:15Sonatel only climbed plus 0.06%, but capped a volume of 268 million francs CFA.
02:22Investors have raised the bar to be able to get the Solibra values.
02:26The stock took the opportunity to gain plus 7.07%.
02:30And listed companies will soon close their annual accounts.
02:33Accordingly, the dividend prospects for 2024 should therefore begin to draw.
02:41That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:44See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.