• last year
(Adnkronos) - Professionisti, imprenditori, autorità, istituzioni si sono riuniti al Belvedere Jannacci, al 31 piano di Palazzo Pirelli, sede del Consiglio Regionale, per discutere su una gestione della risorsa idrica sempre più sostenibile e integrata.

È “La Sensibile Magia dell’Acqua”, il progetto evento di BrianzAcque, giunto alla seconda edizione.

La kermesse è stata ideata e curata dall'architetto Alessia Galimberti che ha voluto accostare, in una giornata ricca di talk e incontri, attori di mondi differenti e apparentemente lontani.


00:00Professionals, entrepreneurs, authorities and institutions have gathered at the Belvedere Iannacci on the 31st floor of Palazzo Pirelli,
00:13headquarters of the regional council in Lombardy, to discuss the management of the increasingly sustainable and integrated water resource.
00:20It is the sensible magic of water, the project-event of Brianzacqua has reached the second edition.
00:26It highlights the increasingly vulnerable universal water.
00:30We believe that we must start from the new generations and therefore explain to the young people how much work is behind the ability to bring to the taps of the Brianzoli a water of absolute quality,
00:45but above all to explain that water is a precious resource that must be consumed, because from the point of view of organoleptic and chemical-physical,
00:53tap water is a water of absolute quality, oligomineral, but it is a resource that should not be wasted.
00:59The Kermesse was conceived and cared for by the architect Alessia Garimberti, who wanted to bring together in a day full of talks and meetings,
01:06actors from different worlds and apparently far away.
01:09Putting together worlds that apparently seem so far away, but instead are so close is an important synergy,
01:15because we have won how water is important for architecture, for design, for medicine, for health, therefore for everything that is well-being,
01:24and well-being today is really considered the new luxury.
01:26Phil Rouge of the second part of the event, the team play between Brianzacqua and the institutions.
01:32Brianzacqua is also working with the region of Lombardy.
01:35We must intervene on the networks, we must intervene on the more responsible use, we must intervene in many directions.
01:43It was also discussed how to improve the sustainable management of water.
01:48The conscious consumption of water is of fundamental importance, therefore as a training.
01:55The technology applied to water to reduce consumption and waste, and the investments linked to the networks to reduce, in this case, the dispersion of water.
02:05So three topics that concern the conservation of water that are of fundamental importance.
02:11The efficient and poetic relationship between water, architecture and design panel stimulated a dialogue between architects, engineers,
02:18experts and managers on the relationship between architecture and water.
02:21It is inevitable to focus on the landscape, with a focus on the new headquarters of Brianzacqua.
02:28We thought of a new headquarters, which from the point of view of emission will be a zero-impact headquarters.
02:34We think that the heating and cooling can be guaranteed by geothermal source, therefore relevant to what we do.
02:42Therefore, a headquarters that also becomes a precinct of knowledge with respect to water consumption,
02:49because a water house will be placed.
02:52It is a balcony on the park of Monza, very close to the Villa Reale and close to a future subway station.
