• last year


00:00It's not about the money, it's about the challenge.
00:10Let's go, let's go.
00:13Can I get in?
00:15Package in hand.
00:17And get out.
00:18We're clean, we're clean.
00:20Without anyone even knowing I was there.
00:24You and I are part of this.
00:29Weird symbiosis.
00:31You only exist because of me.
00:35Word is that they fired your ass.
00:39I'm broke and I'm sick of being a hunter.
00:43Your next job, I'm going to do it with you.
00:46I want to meet these Panthers.
00:50We're to rob the World Diamond Center.
00:53The most secure building in continental Europe.
00:55Scores 800 million euros.
00:58So no one will be in charge for you.
01:03I tend to hurt people's feelings.
01:05They all fit right in.
01:09We will perform a timed ascent.
01:16That will move us undetected as the cameras cycle through.
01:20That's fucking involved.
01:22Three seconds to green light.
01:24Two, one.
01:27There are no dead zones.
01:29So we'll have to create one.
01:35You feeling it?
01:36Yeah, I'm feeling it.
01:39You gotta be fucking loaded.
01:43Isn't it enough?
01:45It'll never be enough.
01:51You stole something that belongs to us.
01:57You stole diamonds from the Mafia?
01:59Like I fucking knew.
02:00Now what?
02:02I can't swim that far.
02:03I'm negatively buoyant.
02:04Don't you know David Goggins?
02:12Star Six was on police headlights.
02:22Can you lose him?
02:23I'm fucking trying.
02:24These dudes are drivers.
02:25Let's just shoot them.
02:29And your top goes gangster.
02:43Our lives are not defined by any one action.
02:48Our lives are the sum of our choices.
02:56Everything you are.
02:58Everything you've done.
03:01Has come to this.
03:05When the need for certainty is absolute.
03:08And the odds are deemed impossible.
03:11The mission falls to him.
03:13Should he choose to accept?
03:19For every life you tried to save.
03:24You gambled millions more.
03:29And now the fate of every living soul on earth.
03:35Is your responsibility.
03:41That's the pattern, isn't it?
03:46You refuse to sacrifice the ones you hold close.
04:05You've always been on the right side, brother.
04:09I have no regrets.
04:12Neither should you.
04:20I need you to trust me.
04:23One last time.
04:31You asked for me.
04:34Here I am.
04:39You want to help me?
04:40Is there anything you remember?
04:45Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Thaddeus Ross.
05:01Whatever this is, camp, be careful.
05:08What do we know?
05:09There were five shooters.
05:11This was a coordinated terrorist attack, sir.
05:14I was a wartime general.
05:17Now I'm a wartime president.
05:20Your inner circle's been compromised.
05:22Let me fix it.
05:23Watch yourself.
05:25You're not Steve Rogers.
05:27You're right.
05:29I'm not.
05:37Wait for it.
05:44We're on the brink of war.
05:47I can't trust anyone.
05:53Nothing about this feels right.
05:56Captain America, you ever ask yourself, who's playing who?
06:11Someone's been pulling the strings on everything.
06:14You're under arrest.
06:17I don't want a variable out there that I can't control.
06:23Captain America, caught without his wings.
06:28You like to play dress up and blindly execute the state's orders.
06:32Don't say I didn't warn you.
06:33What if this is a trap?
06:35You don't even know what this is.
06:42Since when were they red?
06:51You want me?
06:53Come and get me!
07:03My name is Captain Jacob Pierce.
07:07I'm a soldier of the French Foreign Legion.
07:10All my men were murdered for political and financial gain.
07:17I want people out there to know the truth.
07:28Who are you?
07:29Nassau Talib, the Minister of Defense's Protection Officer.
07:31I'm Zahra.
07:32You work here?
07:33I work at MI6.
07:44The President asked us to work together.
07:46I know how it feels to risk your life for your country.
07:50And to be betrayed.
07:54Pierce is going to kill more people.
07:57You have the chance to stop him.
08:00Can you live with yourself if you don't?
08:08Move fast. Kill the bad guys.
08:13Try not to shoot me.
08:20There's a bomb somewhere in Paris.
08:22Thousands of people will die.
08:25Bring me the President.
08:27Or I will detonate.
08:30I can't be bored.
08:32I can't be negotiated with.
08:35Let him come in for now.
08:37Let her go!
08:39Oh, America's so big.
08:41You ever drive through Oklahoma, it's so flat.
08:48You got a convoy approaching fast.
08:50Step on it.
08:57Come on. Come on, baby.
08:59Okay, a bit faster, please.
09:08Okay, don't worry, don't worry.
09:11Engaging defensive measures.
09:16Oh, my God.
09:17Wait, that's not...
09:18Oh, my God.
09:19Move your shield!
09:36Is that Bucky?
09:39It's a winter soldier.
09:41That guy's so cool.
09:58That's what I talk about!
10:02That's not good.
10:10How crazy is it to think of all the monumental fights
10:14that happened exactly here where you're standing?
10:17I mean, the place wasn't cheap, but it's got good optics.
10:21Look at you.
10:22You are all so adorable.
10:25Eat shit, Valentina.
10:28Make up your mind.
10:32Assignment is...
10:33Oh, wait, hang on.
10:39Assignment is complete.
10:44What kind of super serum did you get?
10:46I don't know, regular.
10:49Oh, fancy.
10:51Who is this old Santa?
10:53The Red Guardian.
10:57Everyone here has done bad things.
11:00Shadow officer.
11:02Contract kills.
11:05And you, former Red Room assassin.
11:07God only knows the blood on your hands.
11:09Pretty ludicrous coming from the dime store Captain America.
11:12I'll have you know I was actually the official Captain America, so...
11:15Yeah, for like two seconds.
11:25It's getting so tense in here.
11:29Who are you?
11:30I'm Bob.
11:37We're just drifting.
11:42And we don't have purpose.
11:46You can't escape the past.
11:50So you can either do something about it now...
11:56Or live with it forever.
11:58Oh, yeah!
12:02So what, do we all just punch and shoot?
12:05We are the Thunderbolts!
12:11Can't call ourselves that.
12:12Thank God.
12:13The Thunderbolts.
12:14It's a cool name.
12:19What are you in for?
12:25What are you in for?
12:30I found something buried in the woods.
12:35This is unacceptable.
12:36Do you understand?
12:42What do you think it is?
12:48Don't touch anything.
13:00What did you do?
13:01We're lost.
13:02Really lost.
13:06Stay together.
13:07We just need some directions home.
13:09Come on, kid.
13:10Pay up.
13:12Where'd you two find an old Republic credit?
13:17Over here.
13:19I'll get you home.
13:20We'll make a partnership.
13:21But we have to move fast.
13:26I need you to take the controls.
13:38A crew of murderous pirates is coming.
13:44Something's wrong.
13:46I think they're not going to just turn up.
13:48We need to find them.
13:51We're not alone down here.
13:54Be warned of booby traps.
14:00In mountains where none dare to go.
14:03If you hear this, don't give up.
14:06No matter what.
14:13Here we go.
14:18What is this den of madness?
14:20Are you Detective Pikachu?
14:22He does look like a Pokemon.
14:25Pika Pika.
14:28Konichi what?
14:30Get down.
14:36It's time, Shadow.
14:39Finally, we will have our revenge.
14:42What good is a dastardly plot if you can't conspire with family?
14:47There's two Eggman now?
14:49Double your villains, double your fun.
14:52Any last words?
14:55Nice magic marble.
14:57Real scary.
15:00That actually is real scary.
15:04Trick shot.
15:11Tom, Matty, we need your help on a super...
15:14Knuckles, do you mind?
15:15Oh, excuse me.
15:17Tom, Matty, we need your help on a super dangerous top secret mission.
15:20We're in.
15:22Are you ready?
15:25We were born ready.
15:28All right, boys, try and keep up.
15:31Come on, granddaddy-o.
15:33We've got dirt to do.
15:37With Shadow's power, we can rule humanity.
15:42When we're done, there won't be anything left to rule.
15:46That is dark.
15:49Somebody better call Google Maps.
15:52Life's all about the choices we make.
15:55Remember to listen to your heart.
15:57You're going to make the right choice when it matters the most.
16:00One headshot to another. Who does your highlights?
16:02The more you talk, the harder I want to hit you.
16:07This ends now.
16:10Our destiny awaits.
16:14You were right about one thing.
16:17This ends now.
16:25There's something going on here.
16:29I need to understand it.
16:32Like you do.
16:34That's exactly why you shouldn't be here.
16:39You might say a demonic entity falls under our expertise.
16:50Crooked man's waiting on you.
16:56That's interesting.
17:07Oh, you didn't want me to squash you?
17:10Squash me again.
17:13I've heard tales about him all my life.
17:16Most used to call him the crooked man.
17:22I thought Big Red wasn't scared of anything.
17:25Oh, I know something you're afraid of.
17:29You hear something?
17:31Your road ends in the dark like mine.
17:36Let's just keep on coming.
17:39It ain't even really begun.
17:46Come on, Snake. Let's rattle.
17:49Let not your hordes be troubled.
17:57By way, they know not.
18:05Then I will make the darkness black.
18:13And the crooked things straight.
18:29Gear up.
18:34Let's focus on the mission.
18:35Can we even call this a mission?
18:37We're gonna be on the ground for like 20 minutes.
18:39Do you take anything seriously?
18:54We have multiple dead, multiple wounded.
18:56We need a medevac right now.
18:58They can't get us.
18:59We're in North Korea.
19:03So you're gonna have to get these people out of here?
19:05Sir, respectfully, I'm trained to analyze data, not this.
19:09Right now, you're the leader.
19:11So you gotta be that for them and for yourself.
19:15Don't let it end here.
19:19We are going deeper into North Korea.
19:23Following a guy who has no idea what he's doing.
19:31No matter how hard it gets, you stick your chest out.
19:35No, no, no, no, no.
19:37You keep your head up and you handle it.
19:39Is that supposed to be a pep talk?
19:41It's Tupac.
19:44You should be safe with us.
19:47Rockman, behind us.
19:57You all seem pretty smart.
19:59Why'd you choose this?
20:01Where I come from, there just isn't a lot of options.
20:06Our country has given me so much, and I wanted to give back.
20:21Almost there.
20:23Contact front!
20:26I'll buy you some time!
20:31Let's go home.
20:41In the past 24 hours, a new variant of the TSJ virus has emerged, putting European authorities in a very difficult situation.
20:48It's been confirmed that the mode of transmission is through blood contact.
20:52They're organizing safe zones to relocate the entire population.
20:57Your first plane trip.
20:58The greater a population, the greater the number of infections.
21:01Prepare to be evacuated to the nearest safe zone.
21:04There's nothing to see here, folks!
21:05Please, no matter what you hear, stay put.
21:07Move away and keep walking safe.
21:09Do you hear me?
21:10No matter what.
21:14Prepare to be evacuated.
21:15I think of all those people and I wonder what could happen if there's another outbreak.
21:21I thought that we were going to have all the time in the world.
21:24Victor, tell me the truth.
21:25Are we prisoners?
21:26Stop asking questions.
21:50It is never going to end.
21:59Nobody's like me.
22:24It is never going to end.
22:26Nobody's like me.
22:49Tell me where the Holy Land is.
22:52The Holy Land can only be found in the Great Siam.
23:19The Great Siam
23:25Humans are greedy.
23:27They steal resources and kill each other.
23:29The Great Siam
23:32We will fight to the death.
23:33We will fight to the life.
23:35The Great Siam
23:37The Great Siam
23:39The Great Siam
23:41The Great Siam
23:43The Great Siam
23:45The Great Siam
23:47The Great Siam
23:49The Great Siam
23:53I just dreamed of a handsome guy.
23:57But you are not as handsome as him.