Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 23 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00I'm going to play a little bit of a sad song for you.
01:00Lucia, Dios mío, ¿qué te pasó?
01:26Ay, ya, ya, ya, ya, por favor, ya no hay como padecerla, ya sabes, ya no hay como
01:56con quién se metió cuando se casó con un hombre como él.
02:00Se creyó que lo iba a cambiar, estaba muy equivocada.
02:03Ya no más, Vera, deja de fastidiarla.
02:06No entiendo cómo puedes ser tan cruel y tan egoísta.
02:10Solo piensas en ti.
02:13Vamos al doctor, Lucia.
02:15¿Qué doctor?
02:17No te metas, Vera.
02:19Ojalá que jamás te pase algo así.
02:26No te preocupes, Cata.
02:28Por favor, no le digas nada a Enrique.
02:31No quiero que se vuelva a enojar.
02:34Dejémoslo todo como si nada hubiera pasado.
02:39Estoy bien.
02:43No te preocupes.
02:47No va a pasar nada.
02:49No va a pasar nada.
03:04Aurela, no sé si marcarle a Juan Pedro.
03:11Es que el problema que tuvimos hace poco
03:16va a seguir siendo recurrente mientras mi abuela esté viva.
03:20La abuela, la abuela.
03:23La abuela siempre decidiendo por nosotras.
03:26La abuela marcándonos el camino.
03:31Escribiendo nuestras historias.
03:35Pero si es la historia correcta,
03:38no sé si ella tiene razón y sabe lo que me conviene.
03:57¿Pasa algo, señora?
03:59¿Se siente bien?
04:03Solo que no sé por qué de repente me acordé
04:05del miserable este que aquí dormía.
04:08Supongo que se refiere al señor Máximo que en paz descanse.
04:15ojalá que se esté quemando en el infierno
04:18cada vez que recuerdo lo que me hizo sufrir,
04:21la manera en que me trató.
04:23Señora, no le hacen bien esos recuerdos.
04:26A ver, ¿y cómo me los arranco?
04:28¿Cómo le digo a mi cabeza que no los traiga?
04:31No, no, pues no es fácil, pero trate.
04:34Y de todo esto,
04:36tiene la culpa Eva por lo del incendio.
04:40Eso me ha hecho recordar cosas que tendrían que haber quedado
04:45en el olvido y ya.
04:47Pero ella...
04:49Pero ella...
05:00Lucía, no quisiera meterme,
05:04pero no entiendo por qué aguantas esto.
05:08No está bien.
05:11Cata, tú no te preocupes.
05:13Eres la única que se interesa por mí y te lo agradezco.
05:16Pero Vera, tienes razón.
05:19Tu tío no va a cambiar.
05:22Entonces, cambia tú.
05:25Vete de aquí.
05:27¿A dónde, Cata? No tengo a nadie.
05:29Además, Enrique no lo permitiría.
05:31Me da más miedo su reacción si me atrapan.
05:34No, no, Lucía.
05:36Nadie debe soportar que la maltraten.
05:40Eso no está bien.
05:42No te debe de paralizar el miedo.
05:44Tu tío gobierna en este pueblo
05:47y nadie se debe de atrever a desafiarlo.
05:50Cata, tú tampoco tienes que hacerlo.
05:54Ten mucho cuidado con lo que haces.
05:58¿A qué te refieres?
06:00No entiendo.
06:02Me refiero a la persona que escondiste en la bodega anoche.
06:06¿Quién es?
06:14¿Quién es?
06:35Ay, no, por favor, por favor.
06:37No vayas a decirle a nadie que escondí a Gil anoche.
06:40El pobre no tenía dónde ir.
06:42Ay, Cata, pero me pides que solucione mis problemas,
06:45pero tú no ves los tuyos.
06:47Gil se va a ir hoy y no se va a enterar nadie.
06:51¿Y después?
06:53¿De qué te sirve alimentar tu amor por ese muchacho
06:56si sabes que no te corresponde?
06:59Nadie sabe lo que trae el futuro.
07:03Yo no pierdo las esperanzas.
07:05Pues yo conozco a Juan Pedro y...
07:08Y es muy buen chavo,
07:10pero la que toma la decisión eres tú.
07:13Sé honesta desde aquí.
07:17Ay, hermana.
07:20Tú apoyándome y yo diciéndote que te alejes de Tomás.
07:25Me tiene muy enojada con Tomás
07:28que se cometió una injusticia con Eva.
07:31Eso no estuvo bien.
07:32Y la verdad es que yo me he dado cuenta
07:34que Tomás es un poco impulsivo.
07:36Y la guerra que trae con la abuela
07:38no nos va a llevar a nada bueno.
07:40A ver, o sea, esa guerra está en motivo doloroso.
07:43Lo que pasó con su papá.
07:45Oye, pero nosotras también perdimos a mamá.
07:50Y no estamos así.
07:52A ver, Miriam.
07:54En esta guerra podemos terminar afectados todos.
07:57Pero que te quede muy claro algo.
07:59Jamás voy a permitir a nadie
08:00que les haga algo.
08:02Jamás voy a permitir que les hagan daño.
08:04Sí, pero desde que Tomás...
08:06Que no menciones a...
08:09Uy, ¿te vieron un fantasma?
08:13Podrían incluirme en su charla, ¿no?
08:28Pensé que después de ver a Gabriela conmigo
08:30ya habías desistido.
08:32Gabriela nunca va a estar contigo.
08:34Y ni por un segundo creas que caímos en tu trampa.
08:37¿Estás seguro?
08:39Estoy completamente seguro del amor que Gabriela me tiene.
08:42Y ni tú ni nadie me va a hacer dudar de eso.
08:44Aquí lo único seguro
08:46es que tú bailas al son que toca Leonor.
08:49Y te tengo una noticia.
08:51Si ella no quiere que Gabriela sea tuya,
08:53mejor vete acostumbrándote a verla conmigo.
09:00Esa señora me va a escuchar.
09:02¿Qué vas a hacer?
09:10Yo estoy segura que tú lo armaste.
09:13Y por eso sacaste a Tomás de la cárcel.
09:15Yo no tengo tiempo para esos jueguitos.
09:19Pero al enterarme de que ahora ya regresaste con Francisco...
09:23A ver, yo no regresé con Francisco.
09:25¿Esto entiende?
09:27Que le des un nuevo rumbo a tu vida.
09:30Y tú, Miriam,
09:32creo que también estás haciendo...
09:34A ver, no cambies el tema, abuela.
09:36Tomás me dijo que tú lo sacaste de la cárcel.
09:39¿Y por qué no hiciste nada para sacar a Eva?
09:42Ese tipo se volvió loco.
09:44Pregúntale a tus hijos. Yo no tuve nada que ver con eso.
09:47Y en cuanto a Eva...
09:50Ya se los dije.
09:52Tenemos que...
09:53que tomar una decisión para ayudarla.
09:56¿De qué te refieres?
10:00Es evidente que ella necesita ayuda de un psiquiatra.
10:04Es algo que ustedes no han querido entender,
10:06pero lo tenemos que hacer.
10:08¿No podemos perder más tiempo?
10:19¿Quieres ser...
10:21mi amiga?
10:25Sí quiero.
10:27Quiero que sepas que...
10:29que cuentas conmigo.
10:31Con nosotros.
10:33No, con nosotros.
10:35Y ustedes,
10:37Simón y tú,
10:39cuentan conmigo siempre también.
10:46Ustedes dos...
10:48me han dado un motivo para venir a este pueblo.
10:54¿Por qué me ven así?
10:57No me pueden decir que el comportamiento de Eva es normal.
11:01Eva no verá ningún psiquiatra.
11:11Yo también estoy de acuerdo con Gabriela.
11:13Pues póngase en mi contra,
11:15después de lo que hice por ella.
11:17A ver, tú no hiciste nada por ella.
11:19Y nos quieres hacer creer que te preocupa.
11:22¿Qué es? ¡Déjame, Miriam!
11:24Vamos a aclarar las cosas de una vez.
11:26Tú sacaste a Tomás de la cárcel
11:28y no me hubo un dedo para sacar a Eva.
11:30¡Ay, Tomás, Tomás, Tomás!
11:32Yo soy la que sacó a Eva de la cárcel.
11:35¡Eso no es cierto!
11:37Eva salió gracias a la investigación que hizo Joaquín.
11:40Y porque Tomás retiró la denuncia...
11:42¡Ya te dije que Tomás me tiene harta!
11:45Solo hace que nos pongamos en contra.
11:48¿Me vas a creer a ese misericordio?
11:52Solo te pido que me digas la verdad.
12:00¡Abuela! ¡Abuela!
12:03¡Por favor, escúchame!
12:05¡Te explícame lo que está pasando!
12:07Mientras tú estés con ese tipo,
12:09no hay manera de comunicarnos.
12:12Es que yo amo a Tomás.
12:14Y si decidí alejarme de él fue para protegerlo de ti
12:17y para proteger a mis hermanas de esta guerra absurda.
12:20Te lo voy a decir
12:22de una vez por todas, Gabriela.
12:25Si ese hombre sigue en este pueblo,
12:28yo voy a mover cielo, mar y tierra para no verlo aquí.
12:35Porque esa es tu manera de hacer las cosas.
12:38Usar tu poder para eliminar a quien se oponga a tus caprichos.
12:42No estés diciendo estupideces
12:46ni te atreverías a decirlo.
12:47No estoy diciendo estupideces
12:49ni te atrevas a suponer que yo puedo hacer eso.
12:52¿No has atrevido a decir la verdad?
12:56Pues entonces sí, soy una atrevida.
12:58Pero no me pienso quedar callada.
13:00Y tampoco me voy a quedar observando
13:02como pisoteas a mis hermanas y a Tomás.
13:05Voy a hacer lo que tenga que hacer
13:08para que ese hombre se aleje de aquí.
13:11Tú y él jamás estarán juntos.
13:15Mi sangre y la sangre de los Jiménez
13:18jamás será una sola, ¿me entendiste?
13:23Si lo tengo que matar,
13:25lo mato y te lo digo en serio.
13:45¿La señorita Gabriela está en la casa?
13:48Váyase o lo corro a patadas.
13:50Usted no debe estar aquí.
13:52Tengo que hablar con ella. Hágase a un lado.
13:54Tengo que hablar con ella.
13:56¡Ey, párese!
13:58¡Que no puede pasar!
14:00¡Oígame! ¡Le estoy diciendo que no puede pasar!
14:03A ver, ¿qué está pasando?
14:05Este señor se metió a la fuerza, señorita.
14:07Israel, no se preocupe, yo me hago cargo.
14:09Quiero hablar con tu hermana.
14:11Este no es el mejor momento para que vengas sin avisar.
14:13Vine porque me urge hablar con ella.
14:15Estoy aquí.
14:17Vete, por favor.
14:19La vas a meter en un problema, Tomás.
14:21Ya estamos en problemas. Llámala, por favor.
14:28¡No grites! ¡No vengas a hacer escándalos aquí!
14:30¡Suélteme! ¡Suélteme!
14:32A ver.
14:35Si no les queda claro a ti
14:37y a ese tipo de lo que yo soy capaz de hacer,
14:40voy a empezar a demostrárselos.
15:01¿Pero qué estás haciendo aquí?
15:03No voy a hablar contigo.
15:05Que todos sepan que no soy ningún monigote
15:07al cual puedan manipular a su antojo.
15:09Que lo sepa muy bien tu abuela.
15:11Si estoy aquí
15:13es por ti.
15:15Vengo por ti.
16:46¿Qué hace este tipo aquí?
16:49Está invadiendo mi casa y no se lo voy a permitir.
16:53¡Israel, a favor de echarlo a la calle!
16:56¡Lárgate! ¡Lárgate!
16:59Vamos a hablar.
17:01¿Eres tú quien me interesa?
17:03Gabriela no va a ninguna parte.
17:06Te lo acabo de decir, Gabriela.
17:08Voy a hacer lo que sea para que este miserable se aleje de ti.
17:13You're the one I'm here for.
17:19I remember that you were the one who put me in the fire.
17:25I'm sorry with all my heart.
17:29You were unjustly accused of burning down the offices.
17:34I would never do that.
17:36That's why you were put in jail. That's bad.
17:40Well, it's not that bad.
17:43I swear I didn't remember anything when I woke up.
17:48I didn't even know what had happened.
17:52Well, I told everyone, but obviously no one believed me.
17:58I'm really sorry.
18:02It's all the fault of this war between our families.
18:06An absurd war.
18:07All wars are absurd.
18:11You're right about that.
18:15What else do you want from us, Gabriela?
18:18This man only brings misfortune to this house.
18:22Because of him, your sister is in the hospital.
18:26Grandma is right, sister.
18:28I understand what you're saying, Grandma.
18:30But I need to talk to Tomas.
18:32I won't let you.
18:34We don't have to count on your permission to talk, ma'am.
18:38Tomas, please.
18:39No, no.
18:40The point is that we have to ask permission.
18:42Do we ask permission from your grandmother?
18:44Well, we do.
18:45Let your granddaughter talk to me, please.
18:47Oh, don't be cynical.
18:49If you appreciate your life in any way, get out of here.
18:53Grandma, please.
18:54Come on.
18:55You're done with your chocolate.
18:57Let's go.
18:58Tomas, please go.
19:10No, no.
19:28Please go.
19:29We have to stop this from happening to older people.
19:31No, Gabriela.
19:32It's already happened to older people.
19:34I'm not going to lose you so that your grandmother
19:36wants it that way.
19:37I'm not going to let that woman do whatever she wants
19:39with our lives.
19:41We'll talk later.
19:42I promise, okay?
19:43Come with me.
19:44Come with me.
19:45Ma'am, excuse me, please.
19:48You're so mean, Gabriela.
19:54Please, auntie.
19:56Calm down, auntie.
19:57Grandma, please calm down.
19:59Get out of my way, everyone.
20:01No one steps on the honor of Leonor San Jose
20:05in my own house.
20:06No one.
20:07Grandma, please don't do anything crazy.
20:10Don't do it.
20:11Ma'am, please think about it.
20:13I told you to leave me alone.
20:16That man is not going to get away with it.
20:19Grandma, my sister is with him
20:22and is willing to intervene.
20:25Get out of my way, Miriam.
20:28You're welcome too.
20:30Thank you, Israel.
20:37Now my aunt is gone.
20:48Tell me you don't love me.
20:50Tell me you leave me because you don't feel anything for me.
20:53Tell me.
20:54You know I love you, but please leave.
20:57I don't want you to get hurt.
20:59If I lose you, you'll hurt me.
21:01I'm begging you.
21:02Please leave.
21:04I won't do it.
21:05I'm in love with you, Gabriela San Jose,
21:07and I won't let them take you away from me.
21:12Come into the house.
21:15Grandma, put the gun down.
21:18Come in, ma'am.
21:20I'm not afraid of her.
21:22Do it, because as long as I'm alive,
21:24I'm going to fight for Gabriela.
21:27Tomas, please don't challenge her.
21:31Tomas, please don't challenge her.
21:35She's not going to threaten me.
21:44Let me go! Let me go!
21:47Let me go!
21:57If you don't calm down,
21:59you're going to keep having asthma attacks.
22:04You guys, please get some rest.
22:06The patient needs rest,
22:08because otherwise I won't be able to lift her.
22:12Sir, don't be mean. Let us stay.
22:17Eva, promise me that you're going to recover.
22:21I'm always ready for anything.
22:24Thank you for saving my friend Andres' life.
22:27Okay, let's go.
22:29Doctor, as always, a pleasure.
22:31Take care.
22:32Let's go to the horse.
22:34One, two, three.
22:40See you later.
22:43My love.
22:46My love.
22:49May love be blessed.
22:56Get out.
22:57The next shot is for you.
23:00My blood will never mix with yours.
23:05My father always said that.
23:07You're bitter because you don't know true love.
23:10That was your anger with him, and now with me.
23:13Leave us alone, Tomas Jimenez.
23:15Go to hell and leave my family alone.
23:18Grandma, please calm down.
23:20Ma'am, please calm down.
23:22I'll take care of it.
23:24Get this bastard out of here.
23:28Let me go.
23:30This lady will listen to me.
23:32Tomas, I love you.
23:36And for this love I have for you,
23:38I ask you to leave.
23:40We're about to have another tragedy.
23:45Don't insist.
23:47I won't forgive myself if you get hurt.
23:49So understand it and leave, Tomas.
23:52Promise me it's not the end.
23:54Promise me we'll talk.
23:56I know I'm acting like a lunatic,
23:58but I need you to promise me.
24:00I promise you.
24:02Please leave.
24:03Marlon, take him away, please.
24:07Yes, it's okay.
24:09Let's go.
24:11I'm sorry.
24:13I'm sorry.
24:15I'm sorry.
24:30Well, everyone is talking about Tomas and Gabriela breaking up.
24:35They say she left him.
24:37It was time for Gabriela to open her eyes.
24:39Tomas isn't for her.
24:41But do you think she ran to Francisco's arms?
24:45Bad words say she spent the night in his apartment.
24:50That Gabriela is a waste of time.
24:53Don't talk about her like that.
24:55You can't be sure that's true.
24:57Oh, no.
24:59What was true was true.
25:01Can I tell you something?
25:03It was good.
25:05Francisco is a good match.
25:07Don't you think?
25:11You know it would be nice if they got married
25:14and you were their godfather.
25:16You're so stupid.
25:18Aren't you always willing to help Gabriela?
25:21Why would it have to be different in this case?
25:23Because that will never happen.
25:25If you make her a great wedding,
25:28I assure you Mrs. Leonor will thank you.
25:31In fact, it would be great if you gave her on the altar
25:35like the father figure she doesn't have.
25:37I don't know what you're talking about.
26:07Don't blame anyone for what happened between us.
26:10You're the only one responsible here.
26:12You despise everyone you consider inferior.
26:15But among those people there are women
26:17who are better and worth more than you.
26:20You're a bastard.
26:22You asked me to be honest with you.
26:25That's what I'm doing.
26:27Telling you the truth that you don't want to hear.
26:30I could never love you.
26:32And you know why?
26:33Because you're unable to feel or love.
26:36And that's why you had to be so vile, so bitchy.
26:40Stop believing that everything revolves around you.
26:44Maria is absolutely right.
26:47You're a bitter woman because no one has ever loved you.
26:51I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
26:54Shut up and don't touch me again.
26:59Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.
27:07What was that?
27:09What did you want?
27:10To kill him?
27:12I warned you.
27:13That guy came to my house.
27:15He challenged me.
27:16What did you expect?
27:17What do you have in your head?
27:19What do you have in your heart?
27:22Why can't you understand that I love him?
27:24Don't say that again.
27:26Are you going to go crazy like Beatriz did
27:29because of that miserable father?
27:36So it's true.
27:3935 years ago you shot Jaime when he was going to run away
27:43with my mom.
27:45And since you couldn't do it, you did it now
27:47when he came looking for her.
27:50Is it true?
27:52Tell me!
27:56That man is filling your head with lies.
27:59You have no idea what your poor mother suffered.
28:04I loved him.
28:05Just like I love Tomas.
28:07And she ended up dead!
28:11He killed her, you understand me.
28:14But the same thing won't happen to you.
28:16You won't be close to that man.
28:21I decide that.
28:25You crossed a line he shouldn't have.
28:35Miriam, pack your bags.
28:37We're leaving the hacienda.
28:52Ma'am, Leonor, the girls are leaving the house.
28:55Gabriela asked Miriam to pack her bags.
29:02We won't let them.
29:09You can't keep acting like this, Tomas.
29:11That woman almost kills you.
29:13That witch does everything under water.
29:16She wouldn't dare hurt me in front of Gabriela.
29:19I just wanted to scare her.
29:21I wouldn't be so sure.
29:23If I were you, I'd put Earth in the middle.
29:26We have to go back to Dallas, Tomas.
29:28That's when I'll be closest to that witch.
29:31I won't get away from Gabriela.
29:33I won't.
29:36There she is, Andres.
29:43Please, not a word about what just happened.
29:47Can I know what you're doing?
29:50We're leaving the hacienda.
29:52Your attitude won't get us anywhere.
29:54It's bad to defend yourself now.
29:57Tomas doesn't tell you the truth.
30:00Neither do you, Grandma.
30:02But you give him more credit than I do.
30:04I'm your own flesh and blood.
30:06Do you want proof?
30:07It's time for you to prove it.
30:10I don't want proof.
30:12I don't want proof.
30:14I'm your own flesh and blood.
30:16Do you want proof?
30:17Fine, I'll give it to you.
30:19Tomas' father came to Todos Los Santos
30:21to buy the factory.
30:23At least we knew.
30:25What you don't know is that he did it by deceit.
30:28He never gave his name in negotiations.
30:32Do you know why?
30:34Because that bastard was the one who took us to ruin.
30:38What are you saying?
30:40What you're hearing.
30:41The problems started a year ago,
30:44and it was right when he showed up.
30:47How did he know the factory was going wrong?
30:50Because he was aware of our situation.
30:54I'm going to tell you.
30:56It was part of his revenge.
30:59He told me himself the day he came for your mother.
31:03Welcome, he heard.
31:04He won't let me lie.
31:07There you have the truth about the Jimenez family.
31:11And if you still decide to side with that man,
31:15it's because you don't care about your mother's death.
31:21Gabi, please.
31:24Don't be like this.
31:25Don't make decisions now.
31:28Eva is not well.
31:30If you go to war with your grandmother,
31:32you won't be able to help her.
31:34What about my sister?
31:37She's not well.
31:39She's not well.
31:41She's not well.
31:43She's not well.
31:45She's not well.
31:47She's not well.
31:49She's not well.
31:52Ana is right.
31:54We have to calm down.
31:56We'd better get to the hospital
31:58and plan our next step.
32:00What do you think?
32:01Yes, honey.
32:10I'm sorry I can't provide for you.
32:14You know how much pain I feel that you are no longer with us.
32:25But look, I promise you that I will fight with everything so that the boys are fine.
32:34And as for Magdalena's heartbeat, don't worry, because I'm going to kick her.
32:41And I'm going to make sure I don't touch a single penny of your inheritance.
32:45Lolita, you didn't get ahead of yourself.
32:48My boys, my babies, my boys.
32:56It's a way to celebrate my dad.
33:00Look, you know what your father wanted most in this world?
33:06It was to see you, his children, together.
33:11And that's how it is, and that's how it will continue, because I'm sure of that.
33:16Ma'am, look, I know you want to do it because you're a good Samaritan,
33:22but it's really not worth wasting your time on garbage like Julio.
33:30It's the least I can do as a good Christian.
33:34In Dallas, I visited the prisoners to give them a piece of advice.
33:41How admirable.
33:43But that will be over there, where you come from.
33:47Because here we don't get used to that.
33:53Well, it's time to start doing it.
33:56Of course, if you'll allow me.
34:00Well, let's go.
34:03Well, it's time to start doing it.
34:06Of course, if you'll allow me.
34:12It's just that I would have to ask my superiors for permission.
34:16Unfortunately, I can't act on my own.
34:20Oh, don't tell me that.
34:23Look, I don't want to make a circus out of this.
34:26I know.
34:27You know what Saint Matthew said.
34:29Saint Matthew.
34:32But when you give alms,
34:35don't let your left know what your right did.
34:39Are you going to let me see him?
34:48Gabriela, what if Grandma is right?
34:51No, Tomas has never lied to me about it.
34:55He has always admitted that his father wanted to buy the factory.
34:59But not that it had to do with the bankruptcy.
35:02And it's true.
35:03The problems come from a year ago.
35:05They are in the files you asked me to review.
35:08No, Tomas wouldn't lie to me about that.
35:13But after what happened today at the hacienda,
35:16I'm sure Grandma would do anything to separate them.
35:20Yes, it was clear to me.
35:23That's why I have to stop seeing Tomas.
35:26I know Grandma won't touch her heart to hurt him.
35:30And that would never forgive me.
35:34I'm going to ask for Eva.
35:56Are you busy?
35:58I came to drop off some tourists at the Central Station. Why?
36:01I think we should talk.
36:03Now you believe it?
36:05Don't you think it's been a long time?
36:07Please, Juan Pedro.
36:09You know very well about everything that has happened.
36:11Yes, I know.
36:12And it hurts me that you didn't even come to me to ask for help.
36:15Well, you could have come to me too.
36:17Let's see, let's see, let's see. Stop your car.
36:20You can't ask me that knowing how the situation is between your grandmother and me.
36:24Besides, if I remember correctly, you were the one who didn't support me.
36:29Don't you remember?
36:30Juan Pedro, I didn't talk to you because I thought we had to do it face to face.
36:37Can we see each other, please?
36:43Here I see you.
36:49Oh, you're very thoughtful.
36:54I would do anything to know what you're thinking.
36:57And in passing, to know if I'm in that little head.
37:07Don't tell me to calm down.
37:09Especially if you're not in here.
37:11I'm going to help you.
37:12I just need time.
37:14That's what I don't have, ma'am.
37:16You don't know what it's like to be here.
37:18They hit me.
37:20And I was about to talk.
37:21There's no need to do it.
37:23I'm going to have money soon.
37:25We'll be rich.
37:26And with what I pay you, you can buy whatever you want.
37:29Houses, cars.
37:31What I want now, ma'am, is to be free.
37:33And if you don't help me, there are others who do.
37:37For example, your stepson.
37:40Tomas is not going to do anything for you.
37:44He at least sent me a lawyer.
37:47When he was locked up here, we talked.
37:49And he kept his promise.
37:51So I'm going to have to sing like a little bird.
37:55Tomas is helping you because he thinks you're being blamed for the fire.
38:00But can you imagine what he's going to do to you if he finds out you're his father's murderer?
38:07An accident?
38:09Where is Mr. Jaime Jiménez? Is he okay?
38:11Please come with us.
38:22Mom, what good news.
38:25They did the job for me, and I'm going to make a lot of money anyway.
38:35You paid me to do it.
38:37So hurry up, because if I fall, you come with me.
38:42And you know perfectly well that I'm not playing.
38:45I'm just asking you to wait a little.
38:48I'm going to get you out of here.
38:50Do it.
38:51And don't disappear because I get nervous.
38:54And if I get nervous, I lose my tongue.
39:51I need you, Gabriela.
39:53I don't want to be without you.
40:13You and I need to talk.
40:20I'm sorry.
40:28I'm sorry, guys.
40:31I shouldn't have gotten like this.
40:34We have to be okay.
40:37We have to be united.
40:39I'm here to give you strength and support, but...
40:43I'm sorry, guys.
40:44Don't say that. It's natural.
40:47It's normal.
40:48We miss my dad a lot.
40:51What I think is very unfair is that his murderer is still free.
40:58It's not fair.
41:02I'm going to ask you on behalf of Dad and me.
41:06I beg you.
41:08End this war with the San Jose family.
41:13With this revenge that will only bring us more...
41:16misfortune and sadness.
41:18Of course.
41:19You say that because you're in love with Eva.
41:21Yes, and you with Gabriela.
41:23And you're getting this story mixed up.
41:27Please, Tomas.
41:29I don't want another grave of the Jimenez in this town.
41:41THE END