• last year
00:00才会计较别人身上的伤 Thank you for sending the wine today, Prince Cuo.
00:29外臣一定将贵国美名带回给寡君 I will definitely bring back the reputation of your country to the King.
00:33那就有劳贵使了 Thank you, Prefect Xun.
00:59主人有令 挖个坑 把马杀了 还有这盟书一起埋了 Master has an order. Dig a hole. Kill the horse. And bury the letter together.
01:17诺 Yes, Prefect Xun.
01:21动作麻利点 Hurry up.
01:30主人 您吩咐的事情已经办妥 Master, I have finished your order.
01:33很好 Very good.
01:34等爷操持了朝政 大权在握 找不到你们这几个猴崽子呢 Wait for the King to take charge of the state affairs, and you will have the final say.
01:41多谢主人 Thank you, Master.
01:42下去吧 Go down.
01:43诺 Yes, Prefect Xun.
01:47阿丽啊 你跟寡人这么久了 A'Li, you have been with me for so long.
01:52有没有想过要个缘分 Have you ever thought about marriage?
01:55阿丽不敢想 只要君上高兴就好 I dare not think about it. As long as the King is happy.
02:00你气姐姐说了 还是要给你个缘分的 Your sister said she wanted to give you a title.
02:07明日就封你做良人 住进西宫可好 I will make you a good man tomorrow and let you live in the Western Palace.
02:12阿丽拜谢君上 Thank you, Your Majesty.
02:15嗯 先上吧 Get up.
02:18君上 君上 活世子他 他要造反哪 Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Prince of Chu is going to rebel.
02:23你敢哪 How dare you?
02:27阿丽啊 你有几个脑袋够看 A'Li, how many brains do you have?
02:32奴才不敢 I dare not.
02:34你都跟寡人这么久了 你是最了解寡人的 You have been with me for so long. You know me the best.
02:39寡人最深恶痛绝的就是那些有意无意散播谣言的人 Those who spread rumors unintentionally are the ones I hate the most.
02:46聪儿已经是世子了 还造什么反 The Prince of Chu is already a prince. How can he rebel?
02:49阿丽啊 您就是给奴才识个胆子 也不敢造谣生是不是 Your Majesty, even if you give me the courage, you dare not spread rumors, right?
02:56这左世子跟楚国使臣确实在交外谋事了 The Prince of Chu and the envoys of Chu are indeed working together.
03:02知子莫若父 寡人绝不相信 自己的儿子会做出如此大逆不道的事来 I will never believe that my son would do such a terrible thing.
03:13这也许是世子等不及了 想早日继位呢 Maybe the Prince can't wait to take the throne.
03:19君上 阿丽知道后宫不得干政 但阿丽也知道为了军位 不惜兄弟相残 杀父弑君 自古有之 Your Majesty, I know the imperial harem can't take the throne, but I also know that for the sake of the throne, I don't hesitate to kill my father and kill my brother.
03:31对啊 君上 您若不信 可派人去现场查证啊 That's right, Your Majesty. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to the scene to verify it.
03:49有发现 I found something.
04:08会谋杀吗 这是何意 What do you mean by this?
04:12君上有所不知 现在重大盟誓 为了表示其诚意都需宰杀牲口 引其宣泄并写下盟书 然后将牲口和盟书共同掩埋 以示谁将被弃将会像着牲口一样受到神的惩罚 然后再将盟书告白于天下
04:47杀血为盟 对对对对 就是这个意思