In the late 1990s, iconic photographer Bruce Weber barely managed to convince legendary actor Robert Mitchum (1917-97) t | dG1fZ1RsQmJfaC0xVFk
Short filmTranscript
00:00It's a funny thing, I look at you, I get a thrill I never knew
00:21Isn't it a pity, we never met before
00:31Here we are at last, it's like a dream
00:37The two of us, a perfect team
00:42Isn't it a pity, we never met before
00:50Imagine all the lonely years we've wasted
00:58You with the neighbors
01:02I had seen it, the joys untold
01:09You being highness, you were a child
01:15Happiest of men, I'm sure to be