Genres: Horror, Drama, Thriller
Nozaki Haruka, a middle school transfer student, endures relentless bullying in a small-town school. With graduation approaching and the school set to close, she finds herself isolated, as no one is willing to intervene in her escalating torment.
#Liverleaf2018 #HorrorDrama #BullyingMovie #SchoolLifeMovie #JapaneseCrimeMovie #RevengeStoryMovie #DarkSecretsMovie #PsychologicalMovie #MiddleSchoolMovie #AsianCinema #MustWatchMovie #HighStakesEmotionsMovie #HorrorMovie #SchoolBullyingDrama #JapaneseHorrorFilm
Nozaki Haruka, a middle school transfer student, endures relentless bullying in a small-town school. With graduation approaching and the school set to close, she finds herself isolated, as no one is willing to intervene in her escalating torment.
#Liverleaf2018 #HorrorDrama #BullyingMovie #SchoolLifeMovie #JapaneseCrimeMovie #RevengeStoryMovie #DarkSecretsMovie #PsychologicalMovie #MiddleSchoolMovie #AsianCinema #MustWatchMovie #HighStakesEmotionsMovie #HorrorMovie #SchoolBullyingDrama #JapaneseHorrorFilm
Short film