• last year
00:00Ma, ¿en qué quedamos?
00:03Estos huevos están hiper grasosos.
00:06Y aparte el jugo ya es puro dulce.
00:08¿No ves que el jugo tiene que estar fresco si no pierde todas sus propiedades?
00:11Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el rey David
00:16A los muchachos bonitos se las cantamos así
00:21Despierta papá, despierta, mira que ya amaneció
00:26A los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió
00:33¡Feliz cumpleaños, papi!
00:35¡Felicidades al mejor papá del mundo!
00:37¡Del mundo mundial! ¡Eres el mejor!
00:39Oye, ¿y cuántos años cumple?
00:41No, no, eso ni se lo preguntes, porque ya son muchos.
00:44Hey, ¿qué te pasa? Si soy un jovenzuelo.
00:48Gracias, princesas.
00:50Papi, tienes que apagar las velas.
00:52Sí, sí, sí, apágalas, apágalas.
00:53No es cierto, antes pide un deseo.
00:56A ver.
00:57A ver, a ver.
01:02Ay, Janiso, plaz, ¿qué pasó?
01:05A ver, a ver, yo te ayudo. Una, dos, tres.
01:08Es que me agarraron despertando.
01:10Pero miren estos pulmonzotes tan fuertes y vigorosos que tengo.
01:14Sí, tú eres bien fuerte.
01:16A ver, a ver, a ver.
01:17Una, dos, tres, venga.
01:30Ay, qué cansado estoy.
01:32Ay, Dios mío. Sí, te ves un poco agitado.
01:36Sí, suegra.
01:38Es que Violeta quería un juego de mesa para jugar con sus primos,
01:41pero estaba hasta arriba de su closet.
01:44Se lo bajé.
01:46Creo que ya me está pegando la edad.
01:48A todos nos pega la edad, hijo.
01:50Pero ahora disfruta de tu fiesta.
01:53Mira qué bonita.
01:57Está haciendo mucho calor, ¿no, suegra?
01:59Pues mira, más o menos.
02:01Yo no lo siento tanto.
02:03Oye, pero tú ya estás hasta sudando.
02:06Papá, ven, vamos a partir el pastel.
02:08¡Ven, papá!
02:09¡El pastel, el pastel!
02:11Ya voy, hija.
02:12Vamos a partir el pastel, estamos listos.
02:14Tienes un papá que ya no quiere cumplir años.
02:17Me cuesta trabajo hasta caminar.
02:19Desde mañana te me pones a dieta, ¿eh, papá?
02:21Oye, Janney, deja en paz a tu papá.
02:23Me hace falta ejercitarme.
02:25Ay, qué bárbaro.
02:27A ver, vamos a hacer el pastel.
02:29¡Ay, Alfonso!
02:49¡Por favor!
03:01Familiar del señor Alfonso Vázquez.
03:04Dígame doctor, ¿cómo está mi esposo?
03:06¿Se va a recuperar, verdad?
03:08Señora, me apena mucho darle esta noticia.
03:12Hicimos lo que pudimos pero no logramos hacer reaccionar a su marido.
03:16and he died.
03:18No, no, no.
03:20Oh, no.
03:24Alfonso can't be dead. We were with him, Laurita.
03:26Alfonso, no.
03:28No, no.
03:30No, no, please.
03:32Please let me go.
03:34My dad is okay. He must be okay.
03:36My dad is okay, right?
03:38I'm really sorry.
03:40His heart couldn't take it.
03:42He had an obstruction in the coronary arteries
03:44and it caused a heart attack.
03:48Overweight and fatty liver
03:50played against him.
03:52I'm sorry.
03:56No, no. My dad, no.
03:58No. My dad, no.
04:00Mom. Mom.
04:04Calm down, honey. Calm down.
04:06My dad, no.
04:08My dad can't be dead.
04:10No, no, no.
04:12No, my dad, no.
04:14My dad, no.
04:16My dad, no.
04:18Tell me it's not true.
04:20Tell me it's not true.
04:36This house won't be the same
04:38without Alfonso.
04:42My dad.
04:50Always so happy.
04:52Such a good husband.
04:54My dad.
04:58I'll never forget you, Alfonso.
05:04I can't believe my dad is gone.
05:08Why did he have to die?
05:10My dad.
05:12He read me a story every night.
05:16Now more than ever,
05:18you must stay together.
05:20Try to rest.
05:22He died because
05:24he didn't take care of himself.
05:26No, no, honey. You say it as if you were angry.
05:30If my dad had taken care of himself,
05:32he would still be here.
05:34How many times
05:36did you tell him to exercise,
05:38or to eat?
05:40No, honey, I agree.
05:42But your dad liked to eat like all of us.
05:46You can't judge him, honey.
05:48But he would be with us
05:50if he had listened from the beginning.
05:54At that moment, it seemed like it was my fault.
05:58My dad was the best in the universe.
06:04No, honey.
06:06Let her be.
06:08She has to be alone and live her pain.
06:12In time, she will see things differently.
06:32Here's your orange juice.
06:34Drink it.
06:36Your sister said she was going to exercise.
06:38Let's see if she's not late.
06:40I'm here.
06:44You're going to be late, honey.
06:46I made you breakfast.
06:52What are we going to eat?
06:54These eggs are super greasy.
06:56And the juice is just sweet.
06:58Don't you see that the juice has to be fresh
07:00so it doesn't lose all of its properties?
07:02Don't exaggerate.
07:04Besides, everything is super delicious.
07:06The eggs and the juice.
07:08Because my mom is a great cook.
07:10And in a little while, you're not going to wear your clothes.
07:12You're going to look like a pig.
07:14Don't talk to your sister like that.
07:16This breakfast is good,
07:18but to send you to the hospital
07:20with so many calories.
07:22You know what?
07:24I'm going to have a green juice,
07:26obviously without the orange,
07:28and some nopales with panela cheese.
07:30Let's go.
07:36I'm starving.
07:38Your daughter's house was really heavy.
07:42Are they going to eat that?
07:46But those cakes have a lot of calories.
07:48They're the ones from Milan that we like so much.
07:50Since when have you been worried about calories?
07:52You've never been one of those girls
07:54who worry about what they eat.
07:56I didn't care about it before,
07:58but I've been caring about it
08:00since my dad died because of his obesity.
08:02Your dad wasn't fat, he was skinny.
08:04The doctor said
08:06his coronary arteries were blocked
08:08and he had a fatty liver,
08:10and that his sedentary life
08:12had led him to death.
08:14You shouldn't worry so much.
08:16You don't understand.
08:18I don't care what you think.
08:20I'm going to take care of myself.
08:28Your ex is crazy.
08:30She hasn't stopped seeing us during recess.
08:32Don't listen to her, honey.
08:34The only one I love is you.
08:36What's wrong with you?
08:38Why did you make all that food for my mom?
08:40And then with her meat cake from I don't know how many generations.
08:42I'm sorry,
08:44but I couldn't eat that.
08:46I'm going to get sick.
08:48You're not going to get sick.
08:50Nothing's going to happen to you.
08:52It's an inoffensive meat cake.
08:54No, you don't understand
08:56My mom has the meat.
08:58You sound crazy.
09:00You're not like that.
09:02Where's the fun girl I fell in love with?
09:04I'm sorry.
09:06I don't eat meat anymore because it's toxic.
09:08If you don't want to understand,
09:10well, this is your problem.
09:12Say goodbye to your mom.
09:18I'm sorry, I couldn't help but listen to what she said.
09:20But she's the toxic one.
09:22What are you doing with that girl?
09:24Luisa, don't get involved, please.
09:26Liesel went to your mom and on her birthday.
09:28Do you think it's not enough?
09:30And all because she doesn't eat meat.
09:32Son, what happened to your girlfriend?
09:34Nothing mom, nothing happened.
09:36It's just that the princess doesn't eat meat.
09:38Is she vegan?
09:40No, well, I don't even know what it is anymore.
09:42But she's taking care of herself.
09:44That's what you would have told me before.
09:46And that way you would have avoided the shame
09:48that little girl made me go through.
09:50Let's go Luisa.
09:52I'm going to cook some meat that arrives late.
09:58No, no, no.
10:00I have to cook.
10:02I have to cook healthy food.
10:04Healthy food.
10:06I have to cook.
10:08No, I can't do this anymore.
10:10I can't do this anymore.
10:12I have to cook.
10:14My breakfast.
10:16I have to cook my breakfast.
10:18Everything healthy.
10:20Everything healthy.
10:22Everything healthy.
10:24Everything healthy.
10:32Honey, what are you doing so early?
10:36Finishing putting my food in the refractories.
10:40Did you get up early to cook?
10:42Yes, the truth is that I couldn't sleep.
10:46Well, there are more containers there,
10:48in case you need them.
10:50No more, they are made of plastic.
10:52It is harmful to health.
10:54Everything must go in glass containers.
10:58Let's see what you have.
11:02Hey, honey, but here there is pure spinach,
11:04pure seeds.
11:06I don't see the protein anywhere.
11:08It doesn't work.
11:10Animals are fattened with things that are poisonous
11:12to our body, okay?
11:14Hey, by the way, I saw a place where they raise chickens
11:16and everything is very, very organic.
11:18Mom, but a 200-calorie diet
11:20is nothing at the energy level.
11:22What do you know?
11:24I'm super informed.
11:26Besides, I'm eating whole rice
11:28and beans with panela cheese.
11:30Everything very healthy.
11:32You know what?
11:34I'm going to change to exercise.
11:36Mom, it's too early.
11:38It doesn't matter.
11:40I'll do some more exercise.
11:52And proteins?
11:54There are no proteins.
11:58Give me the love.
12:00I want to talk to you.
12:02I have nothing to talk to you about.
12:04I love you.
12:06I love you too,
12:08but the problem is that all the time
12:10I feel judged for you.
12:12I love you.
12:14The problem is that all the time
12:16I feel judged for you, for the others.
12:18You've changed a lot since your dad died.
12:20When my dad died,
12:22I opened my eyes to food,
12:24to all the things we eat daily
12:26that hurt us.
12:28That's why I decided not to eat meat
12:30and eat more vegetables, but natural,
12:32without pesticides.
12:34I feel like you're exaggerating.
12:36Well, no, no, sorry, don't get mad.
12:38I respect the diet you want to follow.
12:40Just don't ask me to follow it too.
12:42We'll talk at the exit, okay?
12:44Yes, sir.
12:48It's hard for them to understand you
12:50about food, right?
12:52Hi, I'm Ivan.
12:54I also have a very strict diet
12:56of fruits and vegetables,
12:58but warm or raw, at least 45 degrees
13:00so that their nutritional properties are maintained.
13:02Nice to meet you, Ivan.
13:04If you can join me
13:06to continue talking,
13:08I'm very interested in raw foods.
13:10Sure, I'll show you.
13:12Well, I'll tell you.
13:14The fruits...
13:16Oh, what a barbarian mom,
13:20Oh, my daughter.
13:22Honey, are you eating
13:24the raw beans?
13:26Well, yes, I'm eating the raw beans
13:28because that way they keep all their nutrients
13:30and they taste very good.
13:32Besides, I'm baking gluten-free black bread
13:34with quinoa seeds
13:36because the truth is, mine is over.
13:38Honey, look,
13:40if you only want to live on seeds
13:42and those products because
13:44you read on the internet that they have
13:46a high antioxidant content,
13:48I don't think
13:50you're making a rational decision.
13:52And what's rational for you, mom?
13:54That we eat all the crap
13:56we eat every day, is that rational?
13:58No, mom.
14:00I've already decided what lifestyle I want to live.
14:02I want to be healthy.
14:04Healthy, that's why. I think it's perfect.
14:06But you're going to have to go to a professional,
14:08a nutritionist, to tell you
14:10the diet you specifically need,
14:12do you understand me?
14:14I know exactly what I'm doing
14:16and this is how I'm going to do it.
14:20Girl, girl!
14:22Mom, mom, so now that
14:24we're watching the movie, aren't we going to eat popcorn?
14:26But of course, my girl.
14:28Don't worry.
14:30Leave your feet on the mat.
14:32There it is.
14:36Hi, love.
14:38I came for you so we could go to the square.
14:40I'm sorry, Eric, but I can't.
14:42I'm planning my breakfast tomorrow.
14:44You can plan it later.
14:46Let's go for a walk right now.
14:48I bought you an ice cream,
14:50but since you don't eat those things anymore,
14:52I brought you some jicamas.
14:54I already told you I'm busy.
14:56If you want, help me plan my meal.
14:58My love,
15:00we used to go to the movies together.
15:02We took a walk in the square
15:04and now you're only focused on your meals.
15:06Well, that takes up a lot of my time.
15:08Between that and studying for the exams,
15:10I don't have time to go out with you anymore.
15:12I have to take care of myself.
15:14So you don't care about our relationship anymore?
15:16I do care,
15:18but we don't share the same interests anymore.
15:20But I also have my own interests, Pam.
15:22And I don't have time to be with you
15:24because I want to be with you.
15:26Well, not today.
15:28Maybe tomorrow.
15:30Okay, see you later.
15:48What is it, Mom?
15:50I thought you were going to be late.
15:52Weren't you going out with Pamela?
15:54Yes, but she couldn't make it.
15:56That girl is so weird.
15:58I don't like her for you.
16:00But Luisa...
16:04Luisa and I broke up a long time ago.
16:06My relationship with her is over.
16:08And I don't know why.
16:10Luisa is such a charm.
16:12No, Mom.
16:14So don't look for her.
16:16But that girl, Pamela,
16:18only makes you suffer.
16:20It was enough for me to come on my birthday
16:22and realize that she's a jerk.
16:24It's just that she's changed her diet.
16:26And I understand her.
16:28Her dad died of obesity.
16:30And she doesn't want the same thing to happen to him.
16:32She's so skinny.
16:34You know what?
16:36I'm going to go study in my room.
16:38I don't want to talk to you about my girlfriend anymore.
16:40You wouldn't understand.
16:42Well, you don't understand her either.
16:52You don't understand.
16:54You don't understand.
16:56You don't understand.
16:58You don't understand.
17:00You don't understand.
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19:36You don't understand.
19:38You don't understand.
