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ما هو سر الأميرة النائمة؟

“ما هو السر وراء مرض الأميرة النائمة؟ في هذا الفيديو، نستكشف قصة مرض نادر وغامض يجعل المصابين به ينامون لفترات طويلة جدًا دون سبب واضح. هل هو اضطراب عصبي؟ أم أن هناك أسبابًا أخرى غير متوقعة؟ اكتشفوا معنا التفاصيل المذهلة وأحدث الأبحاث حول هذا المرض العجيب!”

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00Imagine sleeping not just for a day or two, but for a whole week
00:05and waking up not remembering anything about what happened.
00:08This was the case of Louisa Paul, the Sleeping Princess.
00:12A little girl whose life was turned into a nightmare due to a rare disease
00:16called the Sleeping Wolf.
00:18Louisa was a normal, laid-back girl who loved dancing and life.
00:23Suddenly, at the age of 15, she began to show some strange symptoms.
00:28She used to sleep for a very long time.
00:30At first, it was two or three days,
00:33but these symptoms increased to the point that she slept for two whole weeks
00:37without anyone being able to wake her up.
00:39And when she woke up, she was as disturbed as if she were living in a dream.
00:44The symptoms that appeared on Louisa were not just a long sleep,
00:48but a mental disorder.
00:50After she woke up, she didn't know where she was and what had happened.
00:53Strange behaviors.
00:54She spoke in a childish way or acted in a strange way.
00:57Increased appetite.
00:59When she woke up, she was eating large amounts of food without feeling full.
01:04Doctors diagnosed her as having Kleine-Levin syndrome,
01:09a rare disease that affects one in every million people.
01:13To this day, the cause of the disease is unknown,
01:16but scientists believe it has to do with a brain defect,
01:20specifically in the area responsible for sleep.
01:23It could also be due to a virus infection or a genetic preparation,
01:27but there is no definitive evidence so far.
01:30These symptoms made Louisa lose sight of school and her normal life.
01:34She used to skip parties and important times with her friends.
01:37Even her dreams of dancing became impossible.
01:40Louisa said that her life was like movies.
01:43She would sleep and wake up and find the world around her changed.
01:47Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for the disease.
01:50Louisa was taking medication to reduce the symptoms or make the seizures lighter.
01:55Over time, the seizures began to decrease, but the disease was still affecting her life.
