• last year
जोधपुर – जोधपुर के बनाड़ थाना के अंतर्गत नांदड़ी के प्रभात नगर में कंपनी से वीआरएस लेने वाले एक व्यक्ति को साइबर ठग गिरोह ने मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग में फंसने और गिरफ्तारी वारंट जारी होने का डर दिखाकर उससे 11 चेक के जरिए 1.84 करोड़ रुपए दस खातों में ट्रांसफर करवा लिए। धोखाधड़ी का पता लगने पर पीड़ित शनिवार देर शाम थाने पहुंचा और मामला दर्ज कराया।

थाना अधिकारी प्रेम दान ने बताया कि प्रभात नगर निवासी नरेश कुमार बैरवा (51) को डिजिटल अरेस्ट कर 1,84,50,000 रुपए की साइबर ठगी की गई है। बैरवा हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम में कार्यरत थे और वर्ष 2020 में वीआरएस ले ली थी। इनका आरोप है कि गत 25 नवम्बर को अनजान नम्बर से कॉल आया था। खुद को आरबीआई अधिकारी बताने वाले उस व्यक्ति ने नरेश से कहा कि उसके खिलाफ मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग का मामला दर्ज हुआ है जिसके तहत उसकी गिरफ्तारी का वारंट जारी हो गया है। ठग ने गिरफ्तार होने या इससे बचने के लिए बैंक खाते में जमा रुपए की जांच करवाने का झांसा दिया।



00:00I got a call from the Telephone Regulatory Authority on the 25th at 11 in the morning.
00:04They told me that my phone will be disconnected in 2 hours.
00:08If you want to continue the service, press the non-number and talk to the executive.
00:12I talked to the executive and he told me that someone used my Aadhaar number
00:17and took a mobile number in Mumbai.
00:20He is doing some wrong activities like harassment and money extraction.
00:24And there has been an FIR against that number.
00:27And the alternative number he gave me was this number.
00:30I got a call from the Telephone Regulatory Authority on this number.
00:33I told him that I have not been in Mumbai for 20 years and I can't do this.
00:37He told me that he took out my phone number in August and used my Aadhaar number.
00:41I gave him the details and told him that I have been in Mumbai for 20 years and I don't want to go there.
00:45He told me to connect with the Mumbai Police and talk to them.
00:49I connected with the Mumbai Police and they talked to me forcefully.
00:55I told him that I have been in Mumbai for 3 years and I have taken retirement.
00:59I told him that I have been in Mumbai for 20 years and I don't want to go there.
01:03I have been in Mumbai for 2-4 days and I don't want to go there.
01:07He told me that my Aadhaar number might have been leaked.
01:11He told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:15I connected with the Cyber Cell and they told me the details.
01:19I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:23I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:27I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:31I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:35I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:39I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:43I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:47I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:51I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:55I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
01:59I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
02:03I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
02:07I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
02:11I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
02:15I gave them my Aadhaar number and they told me to talk to the Cyber Cell.
02:19I told them that I am a Mechanical Engineer and I don't know anything about finance.
02:23I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:27I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:31I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:35I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:39I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:43I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:47I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:51I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:55I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
02:59I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
03:03I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
03:07I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
03:11I told them that I work in a money laundry group.
03:15They made me sign 11 cheques for 3 days.
03:19They transferred Rs. 1,84,50,000 to me.
03:23They transferred Rs. 1,84,50,000 to me.
03:27Yesterday, a report was made by the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:31Yesterday, a report was made by the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:35We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:39We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:43We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:47We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:51We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:55We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
03:59We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
04:03We received a call from the Prarthi Narish Bureau.
