Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has announced that his party will contest the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections independently, without any alliance. This decision has sent shockwaves through the opposition INDIA bloc, which was hoping for a united front against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). With AAP holding a dominant position in the Delhi legislature, this move raises questions about the future of the opposition and its strategy in the crucial elections. Watch this video to find out what Kejriwal's decision means for the political landscape in Delhi and beyond.
#Kejriwal #DelhiElections #AAP #INDIABloc #OppositionRift #BJP #ArvindKejriwal #DelhiPolitics #Elections2024 #IndianPolitics #NoAlliance
#Kejriwal #DelhiElections #AAP #INDIABloc #OppositionRift #BJP #ArvindKejriwal #DelhiPolitics #Elections2024 #IndianPolitics #NoAlliance
00:00There won't be any conflict in Delhi.
00:02What message has Amit Shah Ji given to the people of Delhi
00:06by arresting Naresh Balyan?
00:08What message has Amit Shah Ji given to the gangsters?
00:11That I am there, don't worry to save you.
00:14If there is any complaint, we will destroy the complainant.
00:18MLA Naresh Balyan is the victim of Kapil Sangwan or Nando.
00:25He received many such threats from there.
00:29I have read only one letter from him.
00:31He wrote many letters to the Delhi Police
00:33asking them to take action against him.
00:35I am constantly getting threats.
00:37Instead of taking action against him,
00:40yesterday the Delhi Police arrested Naresh Balyan.
00:44Yesterday I was attacked.
00:47What was our fault?
00:48Our fault was that we were talking about the deteriorating law system of Delhi.
00:56What message has Amit Shah Ji given to the people of Delhi
01:02by arresting Naresh Balyan?
01:05He has given a straightforward message that
01:09if you try to file a complaint,
01:12if anything happens to you and you file a complaint,
01:17then you can be attacked and you can be arrested.
01:23Don't dare to file a complaint.
01:26This is a straightforward message.
01:28What message has Amit Shah Ji given to the gangsters?
01:32That I am there, don't worry to save you.
01:35If there is any complaint, we will destroy the complainant.
01:38We will destroy the complainant.
01:41Don't worry, I am sitting in the home ministry to save you.
01:45Who will save the people?
01:48How will people complain?
01:52I want to tell Amit Shah Ji that
01:55if you have the courage, then arrest these gangsters.
01:59Everyone in Delhi knows who the gangsters are operating in Delhi.
02:06If you have the courage, then arrest those gangsters.
02:09Arrest the murderers in Delhi.
02:13Arrest the rapists in Delhi.
02:17If you attack me, if you arrest my MLA,
02:22will the women of Delhi be safe?
02:25If you attack me, if you arrest my MLA,
02:28will the businessmen of Delhi be safe?
02:31If you attack me, if you arrest my MLA,
02:34will the senior citizens of Delhi be safe?
02:37Now the people of Delhi, Amit Shah Ji,
02:40expect a firm step from you.
02:42If you have any questions, then tell me.
02:45Sir, yesterday your party took the name of a big gangster.
02:52You said it in the assembly.
02:54Do you want to look at that too?
02:57I don't know.
02:58But I was told that he is a member of the BJP.
03:05Sir, the Delhi assembly elections are coming up.
03:08On the other hand, you are talking about the BJP transformation.
03:11In Delhi.
03:13Let everyone leave.
03:15This is a democratic country.
03:17It is a free country.
03:19Everyone has the right to make their own journey.
03:21Sir, the Delhi assembly elections are coming up.
03:24There is a lot of talk about the Gatbandhan.
03:26Will there be Gatbandhan in Delhi?
03:27There will be no Gatbandhan in Delhi.