• last year
There is a serial killer called The Wet Slasher murdering women in Los Angeles. At the same time stand-up comic Millie B | dG1fVWxFZmR4YlVHblE
00:00Never make a stand-up comedian angry.
00:06Her dream is doing comedy in L.A.
00:09I'm sure there are worse places to be banished to than Argos, California, but I can't think of any right now.
00:14She might just abduct your wife.
00:20This was taken in the desert. The surveillance camera in your backyard was disabled.
00:24And hold her for ransom in the desert.
00:27Your phony loser of a wife hasn't paid the ransom yet.
00:31If you try to screw her over...
00:33Hey, what is this, $5,000?
00:35It's $10,000. Why don't you take it and leave Andrea where she is?
00:39She might use a serial killer to fight back.
00:47The wet slasher claimed another victim last night.
00:50She was murdered while streaming from a bubble bath.
00:54Why do I get this sinking feeling that somebody's gonna end up dead and buried?
01:00I'm gonna bury you in a shallow grave.
01:03She's gonna kill me if you don't pay!
01:08Nightmare in Argos.
01:10She's in the desert. You'll never find her.
01:13If the desert doesn't kill you, her comedy will.
01:17Don't worry about menopause, okay? It's really not that bad as long as you're already crazy.
01:22Oh my God, stop! What are you, freak?
01:24Why not? I get a laugh in Argos.
01:26My babysitter OD'd.
01:28Hey, did you know your ass is her ass?
01:30Coming for you, Rafiki.
01:31Please, can you please help me? I'm just trying to get out of here.
01:34I get nightmares in Argos.
