चंडीगढ़: बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर हो रहे अत्याचार के खिलाफ चंड़ीगढ़ में इस्कॉन और गौड़ीय मठ ने प्रदर्शन किया। इस दौरान इस्कॉन के सेवक वैष्णव प्रियागौरांग दास ने कहा कि बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर अत्याचार हो रहा है। इस्कॉन के साथ भी अत्याचार हो रहा है उनके घर तोड़े जा रहे हैं। बांग्लादेश के प्रसिद्ध आध्यात्मिक नेता और हिंदू पुजारी स्वामी चिन्मय कृष्ण दास को गिरफ्तार करके जेल भेजा गया। उन्होंने कहा कि 50 साल से इस्कॉन हर आपदा में मदद करता है उसके बाद भी ये अत्याचार गलत है। इस मामले में भारत सरकार की मानवाधिकार ऑथोरिटी और इंटरनेशनल ह्यूमन राइट्स की अथॉरिटी को उन पर दबाव डालना चाहिए।
#iskcon #bangladesh #iskconprotest #chandigarh #hindusinbangladesh #chinmaykrishnadas #govtofindia
#iskcon #bangladesh #iskconprotest #chandigarh #hindusinbangladesh #chinmaykrishnadas #govtofindia
00:00The protest here is because some Hindus are being tortured in Bangladesh.
00:09Especially, the community of ISKCON is being targeted.
00:14The devotees there are being destroyed.
00:17The temples are being destroyed.
00:19The mothers are being tortured.
00:21The houses are being destroyed and burnt.
00:23This is total injustice.
00:26We should protest against this.
00:30This is against the values of humanity.
00:33This is against the protection of humanity.
00:35This is against the peace-loving people.
00:40ISKCON has been working for 50 years.
00:44It is helping people.
00:45When there are floods, there is food for life distribution.
00:49ISKCON does a lot of humanitarian work.
00:52ISKCON helps the local people.
00:56We have never fought against this.
00:59But people are torturing them.
01:01This is totally wrong and unjust.
01:03The authorities of the Indian government,
01:06the authorities of human rights,
01:08even the international authorities,
01:10should appeal to the Indian government.
01:14They should be pressurized
01:16so that they do not violate the values of humanity.
01:21They should be allowed to live in peace.
01:24Every country has the right to live in peace.
01:28They should not be tortured.
01:30There are many Muslims in India who live in peace.
01:33They should not be tortured.
01:35Hindus and other minorities have the right to live in peace.
01:39The government should take appropriate action
01:43to protect the values of the Hindus.