• 2 days ago
दिल्ली – केंद्रीय मंत्री जयंत चौधरी ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस करके बताया कि कौशल विकास और उद्यमशीलता मंत्रालय का गठन प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के विजन के उनके प्रयासों के कारण हुआ था आज भी उन्हीं के विजन को आगे ले जाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। घर-घर तक उनके कार्यक्रमों को पहुंचाया जा रहा है। इंटरसेप्ट स्कीम अब तक उसमें 38 लाख लाभार्थी हो चुके हैं। प्रधानमंत्री कौशल विकास योजना जिसका चौथा चरण चल रहा है डेढ़ करोड़ लाभार्थी उस योजना के अंतर्गत आ चुके हैं। हर साल 10 से 12 लाख छात्र नौजवान हमारे ITI में 2 साल का डिप्लोमा कोर्स करते हैं। अभी बजट में जो इंटर्नशिप की योजना है उससे भी सीधा नौजवानों को एक नए रोजगार की तरफ ले जाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। एमएसएमई मिनिस्ट्री रूलर मिनिस्ट्री का काम करता है। तीन मंत्रालय समन्वय बनाकर काम करते हैं। प्रधानमंत्री जी ने इसकी शुरुआत प्रधानमंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना के नाम से की है। 18 ऐसे काम जो परंपरागत तौर पर गांव में, देश के हर कोने में किया जा रहा है। पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना में 2.5 करोड़ लोगों का पंजीकरण हो चुका है और इसमें 75% महिलाएं। केंद्रीय मंत्री ने तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री के विरोध पर अपना पक्ष रखते हुए कहा कि तमिलनाडु में 8.5 लाख लोगों का पंजीकरण हुआ है तो वो बताएं कि वो उन लोगों से मुंह क्यों मोड़ रहे हैं?



00:00The creation of the Rudramta Mantralaya was possible only through the efforts of the Prime Minister's vision.
00:08And even today, we have taken his vision forward and have carried out our projects at home.
00:16I would like to present the plans and the programme to the country.
00:24Three of our main projects are the Natural Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme.
00:30So far, 38 lakh people have benefitted from this scheme and they are working directly in the industry.
00:37This is the main scheme to connect young people from the industry to the country.
00:42The fourth phase of the Kaushal Vikas Yojana, which is being carried out now,
00:48has brought in 1.5 crore beneficiaries.
00:53The Janshikshan Sansthan, which is an old scheme, has been in operation since 1967.
00:57It is a major role of the social organisations.
01:00Doorstep to Skilling, which is an effort to connect schemes in rural areas to beneficiaries.
01:0826 lakh people have benefitted from this scheme.
01:11Apart from this, every year, 10-12 lakh students, young people,
01:17do a two-year Diploma course in our ITI's, do a programme in Polytechnics.
01:24So, in that respect, this scheme has a very broad scope.
01:29Along with this, the national education policy that has been proposed,
01:33that from schools to higher education,
01:36Kaushal Vikas and the industry have to be included in the curriculum.
01:41Labs are being developed.
01:43Integrated degree programmes are taking place.
01:46And the internship scheme that is in the budget right now,
01:49it is an effort to direct young people towards a new job.
01:54Every young person has to adopt lifelong learning.
01:58They have to focus on their skills.
02:00They have to try to expand in their abilities.
02:05So, the slogan is Respect, Prosperity.
02:11And with this slogan, we have a big scheme in which our Ministry supports.
02:18And our MSME Ministry works as a nodal ministry.
02:24Three ministries work together in this.
02:28And this scheme was implemented for a year.
02:29The Prime Minister started it.
02:32PM Vishwakarma started it.
02:34I would like to draw your attention to that.
02:3818 such jobs that are traditionally found in every corner of the country.
02:45Kumhar, Sonar, Luhar, your Charmkar,
02:50the boat makers who make fish nets,
02:55the toy makers, the idol makers, the garland makers.
02:59So, you will find them in every corner of the country and in every village.
03:03The generations that are associated with that work,
03:06they have a place in the society as well.
03:09And in this new era, how to take them to a higher level
03:13in the globalised environment, the products they are making, the services they are providing.
03:20How to open the doors for them in the society and economically.
03:26In three years, this scheme was implemented for 30 lakh beneficiaries.
03:30It was made for 13,500 crores.
03:34And what a big impact it has had in a year.
03:37Think about it, 2.5 crores were registered.
03:4175% of those who registered are women.
03:46SC, ST and OBC have a big role in this scheme.
03:52And with this faith and hope, they are coming forward with this scheme.
03:58They feel that they will get a direct benefit.
04:02Five days of training, then a tool kit of 15,000 rupees,
04:06which is a modern tool kit developed for them.
04:09And after that, they are seen as an example.
04:13They can get loans easily and easily.
04:16The loan that the bank could never give them,
04:18is now available for them through loans.
04:21So you can see them as an entrepreneur.
04:25And yesterday, the way our country's Chief Minister of a major state, Tamil Nadu,
04:31raised his voice.
04:34He said that this is a strategy to increase the caste system.
04:38I want to raise my opposition.
04:418.5 lakhs have already been registered in the state.
04:45I appeal to you and ask you why the Chief Minister is avoiding those 8.5 lakhs.
04:52Out of those 8.5 lakhs, more than 50% are OBCs.
04:56Out of those 8.5 lakhs, 76% are women who want to benefit from PM Vishwakarma.
05:05The whole process of registration starts from the villages.
05:11It is a bottom-up approach.
05:13The benefits of sitting in Delhi have not been divided.
05:16The common service centre in the village does the registration.
05:20The village panchayat has a role in it.
05:22Then the district has a role in it.
05:25Then a committee has been formed in Rajasthan.
05:28It has a role in it.
05:30I respect Chief Minister Stalin.
05:33If he thinks that such schemes are being made to improve the work of the people,
05:40to increase the social status of the people,
05:47if he thinks that the right people are not being identified in Tamil Nadu
05:51so that the people can be freed from the clutches of the caste system,
05:55then the state government has a role in it.
05:58It is a sin to deprive the people of their politics
06:04who want to join the PM's scheme.
06:14I appeal to the state government to rethink this.
