• last year


00:00Long live the Queen God save the Queen
00:05Everyone has heard these phrases in some context or the other.
00:08You must have too.
00:10The second is even part of the national anthem of England.
00:13And while we all hope for them to remain true, at some point in time, the current Queen of
00:18England Elizabeth II will pass away.
00:22While it may seem insensitive to you that this video discusses what will happen when
00:25she dies, before this has even occurred in reality, with powerful figures like the Queen,
00:31there are always plans laid in place to prepare for the moment of their death.
00:36This is because when the Queen dies, there has to be a succession and transition of power
00:41to the next monarch.
00:42And if this does not occur smoothly, then it could lead to problems for the United Kingdom.
00:47The Queen's advanced age of 96 and her recent health problems make it all the more necessary
00:53for these plans to be ready at this point.
00:56But if the Queen were to die soon, what would happen?
01:00How would the UK and the world deal with the loss of a monarch who has been in her seat
01:04of power for such a long time?
01:07Most living people today do not remember a time when another ruler was sitting on the
01:11throne of Britain, as Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953, almost 70 years ago.
01:18Well, when this unfortunate time comes to pass, these 30 things will happen once the
01:24Queen passes away.
01:29The Code Words Will Be Spoken
01:31The first thing that will be done when the Queen passes is to pass this information along
01:36to the royal family.
01:38A few years ago, leaked information revealed to the public that the royals have a set of
01:42code phrases for events of importance, such as this that are used to pass the information
01:47on discreetly so it cannot be leaked without their knowledge.
01:51The phrase for the Queen's passing, however, was leaked and is London Bridges Down.
01:59High-Level Officials Will Be Informed
02:03The next step once her family learns of what has occurred is to inform the other important
02:07government officials of England.
02:09The Queen's secretary directly informs the Prime Minister and Privy Council of high-ranking
02:14officials of the Queen's death, so that the government can begin to make preparations
02:18for dealing with the outburst of emotions once the information is made public.
02:24At the same time, the Foreign Office will inform the nations of the Commonwealth, which
02:28were once British colonies, to let them know of the sad news.
02:35The News Will Be Released To The Public And The Press
02:39You must be wondering when the news will be released to the public.
02:43After all, the Queen was not only important to royals and governments, she was a beloved
02:48figure for many both in the UK as well as across the world.
02:52Well, it's only after the royals and the government have been informed that the news
02:56will then be released simultaneously to both the public and the press.
03:01A similar course of action was taken with the death of Prince Philip in 2021.
03:08The Royal Family's Online Presence Will Change
03:13With the popularity of the internet and social media, the royals will use both to put out
03:17the information about the Queen's passing, while also blacking out the website and all
03:22social media platforms, except for this message.
03:26There will be a period of respectful mourning where they will not post any new content unless
03:31it's an emergency.
03:36The Press Will Have Their Plans
03:39Once the press is notified, they will have their plans and stories that they will use
03:43to break the news and provide coverage for what is without a doubt going to be one of
03:48the most historic deaths ever covered in the news.
03:51Most major news outlets usually keep stories ready when there are public figures who are
03:56reaching the end of their lives in terms of age, and in the case of someone as prominent
04:01as the Queen, there will be many of these.
04:07The Press Will Have To Follow Certain Mourning Protocols
04:11Even though the press will be in charge of covering the mourning of the Queen, they will
04:15also be expected to follow certain mourning protocols.
04:19Presenters on television will be expected to wear black suits and ties like people who
04:23are mourning, and it will be strictly forbidden for them or anyone to record any footage of
04:28anyone in the royal family during this time.
04:34The Programming Will Change
04:37If you're in the UK on the day of the Queen's death and the days following it, the media
04:42available on television will likely be very different from how it normally is.
04:47All comedy programs will be stopped out of respect, and likely all that will be available
04:52to watch is complete coverage of the Queen's life and legacy.
04:56Around the rest of the world, there will probably be less of this, but there will still be plenty
05:02of coverage of her death, life, and what they meant, regardless of where you are in
05:07the world.
05:11There Will Be A Lot Of Grief
05:14The Queen was a beloved figure to many both inside the UK and outside it.
05:19In addition to this, due to her advanced age and a long spell of sitting on the throne,
05:24she is the only ruler that most people in the world have seen sit upon the throne of
05:30The loss of such an iconic figure is sure to bring up emotions in people all over the
05:34world and there will likely be a huge outpouring of grief, especially within the UK.
05:43London Could Be Extremely Crowded
05:47It is expected by the governing bodies that upon the Queen's death, London is likely
05:52to get overwhelmed by the huge numbers of people coming to mourn her and pay their respects.
05:58The numbers are expected to go into the hundreds of thousands and this many individuals, on
06:02top of London's already massive population, could overwhelm the city's services, such
06:08as transport systems, hospitality, and so on.
06:12There will also be a need for policing and crowd control, which may not be possible with
06:17so many people.
06:21The Bells Will Toll
06:24In keeping with the traditions of the ancient British monarchy, the bells in churches across
06:28the city of London will toll to inform the people of the death of the monarch.
06:32Westminster Abbey's bell, which has been rung in the event of the deaths of many royals,
06:37will ring once again.
06:42Flags Will Fly at Half-Mast
06:46Another tradition that will be honoured because of the Queen's passing is that all national
06:50flags will be flown at half-mast in all government and civic buildings in a sign of respect and
07:00There Will Be Gun Salutes and Cannon Firing
07:03In another tradition of the British monarchy, within hours of the news of her death going
07:08public, there will be organized gun salutes taking place in the garrison station in London,
07:13Belfast, and Edinburgh, along with other garrison stations.
07:21There Will Be a Period of Mourning Before the Funeral
07:25The funeral will not be immediate.
07:27There will be a period of approximately 10 days from when the news is broken for everyone
07:32to mourn and for the preparations for the funeral to fall into place.
07:37There will also be details issued to the public of the timing for a national minute's silence
07:41when the entire country will stop and maintain silence for a minute out of respect for their
07:51What Will Happen If The Queen Is Abroad or Outside the UK?
07:55Now while these scenarios will take place regardless of where the Queen dies, they are
08:00also based on the assumption that she was residing in London at the time.
08:04You must no doubt have questioned what would happen if she was outside the UK at the time
08:09of her death.
08:10Well, if this were the case, the Royal Air Force of Britain would send a coffin, with
08:14a team of Royal Undertakers to bring her back by air.
08:21What Will Happen If The Queen Is Outside London?
08:24Similarly, if she were to pass away within the UK, but outside London where the Royals
08:29reside for most of the year, then a Royal train would likely be used to transport her
08:34to London.
08:38If She Is In Scotland
08:41The most complicated scenario would likely be if she were to pass away when in her summer
08:45residence in Balmoral, Scotland.
08:48Why though?
08:49Scotland is fairly close to London, so why should this situation be more complex than
08:54any other place within the UK?
08:56Well, if the Queen passes when in Scotland, then Scottish ceremonies would have to be
09:01carried out on her after her death.
09:04This would delay the time it took to get her body back to London, as well as alert the
09:08public regarding her death before she could be transported back to London.
09:17The Body Will Be Guarded Until The Funeral
09:21You must also be asking yourself, where will her body be stored for the mourning period
09:25of 10 days before her death and the funeral?
09:28Well, if she is outside Buckingham Palace at the time of her death, it will first be
09:33transported there.
09:35But if she was already there when she passed, then she will remain there, in a coffin in
09:39the throne room.
09:41Her body will be guarded constantly by Four Grenadier Guards, the famous guards with big
09:46black hats and red coats that you must have seen in pictures or videos of the palace.
09:52Now before we move on to the remaining things that will happen when the Queen eventually
09:56passes away, we would just like to take a moment to ask if your experience with this
10:00video has been good, and if it has, whether you could take a moment out of your time to
10:05subscribe to our channel, so you never miss out on content like this.
10:10Okay, now that that's done, let's keep going.
10:17Prince Charles Will Become King
10:19Yes, there will be a number of ceremonies and official meetings before his actual coronation,
10:26but none of those are really necessary.
10:28The succession is instant, and upon the Queen's death, the next in line in this case, Prince
10:34Charles will immediately become the new King of England.
10:38Interestingly, the code phrase for Charles' accession to the throne is Operation Springtide.
10:47Members of Parliament Will Gather to Swear Allegiance to the New King
10:52Once the flags have been lowered and the cannons have been fired to mark the death of the Queen,
10:56the Prime Minister will hold his first audience with the new King.
11:00After this, to ensure a smooth transition of power, all the members of Parliament will
11:04gather at Buckingham Palace and they will swear allegiance to their new King.
11:10This may seem to you to be especially harsh on Prince Charles himself, as hours after
11:14his mother's death he has to take part in this official business, but royals are trained
11:19for this moment from the day they are born, and he will no doubt be ready for it.
11:27The New King Will Address the Nation
11:31On the very same evening of the Queen's death, the new King will address the entire
11:35United Kingdom from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.
11:38In a televised speech that will be shown around the world and watched by millions, he will
11:43both mourn the loss of the Queen while ensuring the people that the royal line will now continue
11:48with him.
11:52Charles Will Take the Throne
11:56The next day after the speech, Charles will take the throne.
11:59He will be proclaimed King by senior government figures who will gather that day, and then
12:04he will swear an oath called the Accession Declaration.
12:08Then the trumpets will sound, the flag will be raised and the cannons will be fired, and
12:13he will take the throne as the new King of Britain.
12:20The Coronation Will Take Time
12:23Though the taking of the throne takes place immediately after the passing of the Queen,
12:27the coronation takes much longer, usually a couple of months.
12:32Well, it is for two reasons.
12:34They wish to give the people and royals enough time to mourn the passing of the Queen.
12:39And two, the coronation is a grand ceremony and preparing it takes time, and celebrating
12:44that so close to the death of the Queen is in bad taste.
12:52Charles Will Choose His Name
12:54Did you know that every ruler of Britain gets to choose their name when taking the throne?
12:59While the current Queen Elizabeth II kept her name when taking the throne, her father
13:03who was born Prince Albert chose to be King George when he took the throne, in honor of
13:08his father before him.
13:10So Charles too will have the option to choose a new name or stick with his own when he takes
13:14the throne.
13:20Charles Will Tour The Home Nations
13:23After a short period of mourning after taking the throne, before the Queen's funeral,
13:27Charles will have to tour the UK, visiting Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, where
13:33he will meet leaders and attend services to solidify attitudes around the country towards
13:38the new king.
13:43The Queen's Coffin Will Be Made Open To The Public
13:47A few days before the funeral, the Queen's body will be moved from Buckingham Palace
13:52to Westminster Hall where she will remain for a few days to allow the people to come
13:56and pay their respects to her.
13:59It is expected that the procession from the palace to the hall in the following days will
14:03draw in hundreds of thousands of people from all over the UK and the world who will come
14:07to pay their respects to the fallen monarch.
14:14Queen Will Have Estate Funeral
14:17On the 10th day after her death, the Queen's body will be brought into Westminster Abbey
14:21for the state funeral that will be held for her.
14:25This funeral will be a huge event and will likely be attended by political leaders from
14:29around the world.
14:31The day of the funeral will also be a day of mourning in Britain and is expected to
14:35draw huge crowds onto the streets again.
14:41The Queen's Body Will Be Put To Rest
14:44After all this, when the funeral has ended, the Queen's body will be brought to Windsor
14:49Castle outside of London where, over the centuries, many of the royal family have been buried
14:54in St. George's Chapel.
14:56She will likely be buried with her husband Prince Philip and alongside the rest of her
15:00family in King George VI Memorial Chapel.
15:06The Line Of Succession Will Change
15:10Now with the Queen laid to rest, you must be wondering how the line of succession within
15:14the royal family will change.
15:16Well Charles, who will take the throne after the Queen, is already an old man in his 70s.
15:22Most do not expect him to rule for very long, so it is to the younger royals that we must
15:27turn our attention.
15:29Once Charles becomes King, it will be William, one of Elizabeth II's grandchildren who will
15:34become the heir to the throne.
15:37After him, it will be his children George, Charlotte and Louis, who will be second, third
15:42and fourth in line for the throne respectively.
15:45Finally will be Prince Harry, who famously married Meghan Markle a few years, who will
15:49be fifth in line for the throne.
15:55The Royals Will Take On New Titles
15:59The change in the line of succession will also lead to a change in the titles of many
16:03of the royals we know so well.
16:06Prince Charles who was known as the Prince of Wales and his wife Camilla, till now known
16:10as the Duchess of Cornwall would become King Charles and the Queen Consort respectively.
16:15It is expected that Camilla will take the title Queen Consort as this is something that
16:19the current Queen requested.
16:21William would take on the title of the Prince of Wales from Charles and it is likely his
16:26wife Kate would take on the title of the Duchess of Cornwall.
16:30Both Camilla and Kate should be called Princess of Cornwall, but both avoid a title out of
16:34respect for Princess Diana, one of the most beloved royals who used the title until she
16:39died in 1997.
16:45The Monarchy Will Remain, But Commonwealth Is Unclear
16:50Once the Queen is dead, it remains to be seen what will happen to the Commonwealth which
16:54are the former colonies of the British together under one name.
16:57While the monarchy and royals will remain as the heads of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth
17:02is under no compulsion to recognize the new king as the head of the Commonwealth.
17:07Whether this happens remains to be seen.
17:11That was a long one, wasn't it?
17:14We hope that despite the time it took, you learned something about the many processes
17:18that will be taking place when the Queen eventually passes away.
17:23While it will undoubtedly be a sad day for many, didn't you also find it fascinating
17:27to see how well planned the succession to the throne is so that it takes place in as
17:32smooth a manner as possible?
17:34What do you think of everything we discussed in the video?
17:37Do you think the process of succession is well thought out and planned or do you think
17:41it could be better to give the royals more time to grieve?
17:45Let us know in the comments below.
17:47And if you enjoyed the video, consider sharing it with someone else who might.
17:52And smash that like button.
17:54See you next time and thank you for taking time out to watch our video.
