বর্ষায় জলের তোড়ে ভেঙে গিয়েছে বাঁশের সাঁকো। হেঁটে নদী পার করছে স্কুল পড়ুয়ারা!
00:00Our small river flows in the water.
00:03In the monsoons, it is full of water.
00:06It flows and flows.
00:09It flows and flows.
00:12Poet Rabindranath Thakur's poem,
00:15Our Small River,
00:17has been introduced to at least a few people.
00:20In fact, the poem was written
00:23in a river in the plains of Sahebwadi,
00:26Plain Ghat in Jalpaiguri.
00:29There is no branch in that river.
00:32There used to be a branch,
00:35but now it is broken.
00:38There is only one river nearby,
00:41the Elakabashi river.
00:44The branch of the Elakabashi river is broken.
00:47So, after going to school,
00:50the family takes the water from the river.
00:53The incident took place in Jalpaiguri,
00:56where the Panga river flows.
00:59For a year and a half,
01:02there is less water in this river.
01:05Even if a branch is made on the river,
01:08it breaks under the water in the rainy season.
01:11The school, college, office workers
01:14and businessmen in the area
01:17are almost in trouble.
01:20On this day, many students
01:23were seen crossing the river
01:26with their full pants and shorts.
01:29They have also accepted the problem.
01:32Abhijit Parmonra from Sagarika said,
01:35I am going from Arvindu, Anandnagar
01:38to the school in Mahadev Munna.
01:41If there is a problem in the rainy season,
01:44we have to cycle 6-5 km to reach the school.
01:47Now that there is less water in the river,
01:50I am going to school.
02:00What do you want to happen
02:03if there is a branch in the river?
02:06It will be convenient for everyone.
02:09I want to go to school in Mahadev Munna.
02:12Which river is this?
02:15This is the Panga river.
02:18Do you go to school in this river?
02:21Yes, I go to school in Panga river.
02:24It is 3-4 km away.
02:27So, you are not afraid of crossing the river?
02:33A resident of Arvindu village,
02:36Rupani Rai Shochin Rai said,
02:39We have been crossing the river for many years.
02:42It's been a year since we crossed the river.
02:46Where is this place?
02:49This is Arvindu village.
02:52Where are you going now?
02:55I am going to Panga river.
02:58Do you go to school every day?
03:01Yes, I go to school every day.
03:04I don't know where I will go.
03:07I don't know where I will go.
03:10I don't know where I will go.
03:13When will the government pay attention
03:16to the poor condition of the villagers?
03:19When will another bridge be built
03:22to cross the river?
03:25The villagers are waiting for that day.
গভীর রাতে আচমকা গঙ্গা গর্ভে তলিয়ে গেল দোকান! দেড়শো মিটার এলাকা জুড়ে শুরু হল ভাঙ্গন
Oneindia Bengali
হুড়মুড়িয়ে ভেঙে পড়ল টার্মিনালের ছাদ! দেখুন দিল্লি বিমানবন্দরের হাড় হিম করা ভিডিও
Oneindia Bengali