• last year
50 Cent is Just Like Us! The Rapper Shares the Last Thing He Cooked, What He Last Ordered Online and More


00:00I usually wake up on a regular day, I'm up early, like 7, 8 o'clock.
00:07I try to train.
00:08I get in physical, I start working out, and then I can kind of get my thoughts together
00:13before everyone gets up.
00:14I start calling people around 9, 10 o'clock.
00:16It's stuff in the house, like you got something that I'm supposed to fix myself.
00:20I'm like, yeah, I'm going to do it, don't worry about it, I'm going to do it myself.
00:23Because I make these projects for myself, it's like, yeah, I'm going to do that, I'm
00:27not calling.
00:28I'm definitely not paying nobody to do it, because I can paint that, I can put this in.
00:32But I put those projects off, and you know, I'm picking it.
00:35But I don't want to pay anyone else to do it, leave it.
00:38I'm going to do that.
00:39The last thing I ordered online was clothes, clothing.
00:42A lot of times we use a stylist, right, and they'll bring.
00:45So I'm wearing things out of the things that they pick.
00:48I start looking for things now, like I look for shoes specifically that I want the shoes
00:52that I pick, so they can just put those shoes in with everything else that they're developing
00:57as an outfit.
00:58Because I think that the shoes almost like, it's like 70% of the outfit.
01:04The last thing I made for myself was a grilled cheese sandwich.
01:06I am the best grilled cheese sandwich maker in the world, you understand?
01:10This is like five star cuisine when I'm around and I'm doing it.
01:15I sit there, I get the whole thing together.
01:17It's the bread.
01:18The kind of bread that I use.
01:21Recently I've been not just telling people that I don't want to do something.
01:25I wait and I know that I'm not registering I don't want to do it, but I'm not telling
01:29them that I want to do it right away.
01:31And I'm just like, all right, well, we'll see what happens or we'll see what's going
01:37And I'm just going to say no.
01:38It could be considered stringing people along without being conscious of it.
01:42It's just, I don't feel like, I'm just like, maybe, or maybe let's see what happens.
01:47But I'm already thinking though.
01:49The new clothes, you see this new, they put these super baggy pants.
01:53What the f**k?
01:54Who's going to wear that?
01:55Not me, bro.
01:56I'm not going to wear that.
01:58Look, it felt like the fashion people just decided we needed to have tight clothes and
02:03everything was so straight leg fit.
02:05Like so, I mean, so tight, the clothes, like straight, I feel like I'm trying to show you
02:10my booty.
02:11They're going back the other way now.
02:12So now it's starting to get oversized again, but too oversized.
