Sinopsis: Una juguetería propiedad de un cristiano tiene que lidiar con un competidor malvado que abre una tienda más grande al otro lado de la calle con el propósito de cerrar la tienda más pequeña. Esta es una historia conmovedora con un mensaje navideño muy evangelístico. Esta película tiene una sensación agradable y será bueno verla con la familia durante la temporada navideña.
Short filmTranscript
00:01:00CCoSp4 3.50 (-1.00)(Bonus 1.00)(Consolation 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Fall 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(Consolation 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60)(Bonus 1.00)(StSq2 2.60
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00:02:10We have in the store. The kids love it.
00:02:12But if you're interested, I can show you other toys.
00:02:15Yes, I'm interested.
00:02:20It's done.
00:02:21Hi, Lauren. You found something. You're fast.
00:02:23Yes, it didn't take long. I know my brother loves this.
00:02:27It would be $10.59.
00:02:29Oh, no, Gary. I'm sorry. I forgot to add the taxes.
00:02:33I'm going to look for something else.
00:02:35No, how much do you have?
00:02:37Okay, I'll leave it at $10.
00:02:39Are you sure, Gary?
00:02:40Of course.
00:02:41Thank you very much. I know my brother will love it.
00:02:44Here you go.
00:02:45Thank you. See you later, Gary.
00:02:47Come home safe.
00:02:48I will. I'll see you on Sunday?
00:02:50Yes, I'll see you there.
00:02:52What's up, Neil? What do we have here?
00:02:53Did you see this? A great toy comes to Cargo Street.
00:02:56What is this?
00:02:57Read it.
00:02:58Tolman Toys. A paradise toy shop.
00:03:01A thousand square meters.
00:03:03It comes this fall to...
00:03:05Cargo Street?
00:03:07You mean our street?
00:03:09What else?
00:03:10In fact, they are renovating the abandoned warehouse on the other side of the street.
00:03:14We are talking about a great competition for you.
00:03:17Yes, it seems so.
00:03:19What are you going to do about it?
00:03:21I think there's not much I can do besides put it in God's hands.
00:03:29Well, I have to go. I just came to let you know about this.
00:03:34Okay, Neil. Thanks for letting me know.
00:03:36See you later.
00:03:37See you. Take care.
00:03:54Tolman Toys
00:04:04I can't believe they've already finished remodeling the building.
00:04:08Hey, can you stop by before your appointment?
00:04:11No, I'd better go. It'll be late.
00:04:13Okay, see you later, Sheila.
00:04:14Bye, love. Have a nice day.
00:04:15You too.
00:04:27Gary's Toys
00:04:34Gary's Toys
00:04:39Hello. Welcome.
00:04:44Can I help you find something, sir?
00:04:47No, I'm just looking.
00:04:49Very well.
00:05:04It's a very unfortunate selection of toys.
00:05:07I'm sorry to hear that.
00:05:09Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
00:05:11If I don't have it here, maybe in the warehouse.
00:05:13Okay, let's get to the point.
00:05:15Do you know the store that will open up here in front?
00:05:18Well, yes.
00:05:19I'm the owner of that store. It's Mr. Tolman.
00:05:22Ah, well, nice to meet you. I'm Gary.
00:05:25Who are you fooling?
00:05:27Taste is null and is completely mutual.
00:05:30Let's get this straight, pal.
00:05:32You and I are competitors.
00:05:34We're not going to be friends.
00:05:37Mr. Tolman, I know we're competitors,
00:05:40but that doesn't mean we can't take each other to a professional level.
00:05:43How noble of you.
00:05:45I didn't come here to make friends.
00:05:47Then what did you come here for?
00:05:49I'll be frank with you.
00:05:51I came here to see the store and the owner who will be the thorn in my side.
00:05:56I think I told you everything I wanted to know for now.
00:06:00Oh, and one last thing.
00:06:02If I were you, I'd start looking for another location.
00:06:06Judging by the store you have,
00:06:08you won't have a chance when mine opens in a week.
00:06:12Good morning.
00:06:22Toys Tolman
00:06:29Toys Tolman
00:06:37Wow, look at this place.
00:06:39Yeah, it's great.
00:06:40Hey, let's see what's around here.
00:06:50I love these.
00:07:00Hey, Loren.
00:07:04Zero against zero.
00:07:06Hey, again.
00:07:09Zero against one.
00:07:12Run, run, run, run.
00:07:15Gentlemen, excuse me for a moment.
00:07:20Poor girl.
00:07:23Oh, that was ugly.
00:07:25It was funny.
00:07:27I think the girls forgot their ball.
00:07:29Who are you?
00:07:30I'm Mr. Tolman, the owner of the store.
00:07:33Oh, excuse us for throwing the ball like that.
00:07:36We didn't think it was going to go through the store.
00:07:38And did you see any sign that said,
00:07:40Can you play with me?
00:07:43Then why did you throw it out there?
00:07:45We just wanted to have fun.
00:07:47We didn't want to cause trouble, really.
00:07:49Well, you did cause trouble.
00:07:50And I really don't want any trouble in my store.
00:07:53So this is what's going to happen.
00:07:55I want you both to get out of here.
00:07:57And don't come back unless you're with your parents.
00:08:00Okay, we're leaving.
00:08:01Let's go, Megan.
00:08:10I think it's these.
00:08:11Yeah, it's those. Give them to me, please.
00:08:13Organize the boxes in the back, please.
00:08:21Gary's toys.
00:08:25Good morning.
00:08:26Good morning.
00:08:33Hey, can we talk for a minute?
00:08:36Come with me.
00:08:48Would you really like to make money?
00:08:59Hey, Frank.
00:09:00Come here for a minute.
00:09:14You agree, right?
00:09:16I think so.
00:09:47¿Está bien?
00:10:01Gary's toys.
00:10:07¿Ya está?
00:10:11¿Sabes que van a descubrirnos, verdad?
00:10:14Si lo hacen, no me importa.
00:10:16Y eso significa que nos despedirían.
00:10:20Sí, pero ¿viste cuánto dinero nos dio por hacerlo?
00:10:23Sí, lo noté.
00:10:24Suena a que te está dando remordimiento, Frank.
00:10:31Pero vas a cerrar la boca, ¿verdad?
00:10:38¿Cómo que ya entregaron los paquetes?
00:10:41Pues yo no los recibí, y tampoco los firmé.
00:10:43Así que debe haber un error.
00:10:48Porque necesito esa entrega antes de Navidad.
00:10:51Ah, sí, de acuerdo.
00:10:53Los llamaré mañana.
00:10:56¿Eran los de las entregas?
00:10:58Parece que hubo una confusión.
00:11:05Sí, parece que hubo una confusión.
00:11:07Porque dicen que recibimos la entrega del otro día, lo cual no pasó.
00:11:10Y ahora dicen que firmé por ella.
00:11:12Pues tienen que solucionar este lío.
00:11:15¿Debieron entregar nuestro paquete a alguien más?
00:11:18¿Y cómo consiguieron mi firma?
00:11:21Sí, eso es raro, ¿no?
00:11:23Espero que puedan aclararlo pronto.
00:11:25No sé qué vamos a hacer si no tenemos los productos para Navidad.
00:11:28¿Sabes qué?
00:11:29Todo debe ser solamente un malentendido.
00:11:31Y todo va a solucionarse en unos días.
00:11:35Espero que sí.
00:11:37Ya me voy a dormir. Estoy muy cansado.
00:11:40Yo te alcanzaré en un momento.
00:11:44Tu igual.
00:12:06Buenos días.
00:12:11Buenos días, cielo.
00:12:15Estás de muy buen humor esta mañana.
00:12:17Pues, tengo una excelente razón para estar de buenas en esta mañana.
00:12:23¿Ah, sí? ¿Cuál?
00:12:25Te daré una pista.
00:12:28¿Recuerdas el otro día que me dijiste lo mucho que quería ser papá un día?
00:12:39¿Estás embarazada?
00:12:43Es maravilloso.
00:12:45Lo sé.
00:13:05Los juguetes de Gary
00:13:35Hola, Scarlett.
00:13:47Hola, ¿Cómo les va?
00:13:49Todo va muy bien.
00:13:51Ah, bueno, este negocio ha visto mejores días, pero...
00:13:54Disculpa un momento.
00:13:56Bienvenida a la juguetería de Gary.
00:13:58¿Puedo ayudarla a buscar algo?
00:14:00No, solo miro, gracias.
00:14:02Ok, estaré platicando por allá.
00:14:04No duda en interrumpirme o preguntarle a mi esposa si necesita algo.
00:14:07Ok, gracias.
00:14:09Sí, por supuesto, avísame.
00:14:10Sí, lo haré.
00:14:12Dime, Scarlett, ¿qué te trae por aquí?
00:14:14¿Qué? ¿No puedo pasar a saludar a mis amigos?
00:14:17¿Ah, y para eso viniste?
00:14:19Sí, ya veo.
00:14:21Ya saben que los amo, pero la verdad es que sí tengo una misión.
00:14:25Hay unas muñecas que quiero darle a mi hija para Navidad.
00:14:27¿Ah, sí? ¿Cuáles?
00:14:28Pues, seguro que conocen a las famosas muñecas Bambi, ¿no?
00:14:32Pues, estoy buscando a la Bambi neurocirujana y a la Bambi ingeniera de combustible de hidrógeno.
00:14:37Ay, Scarlett, comiste payaso hoy.
00:14:40No, en serio, ¿cuál estás buscando?
00:14:42Estoy buscando a la Bambi neurocirujana y a la Bambi ingeniera de combustible de hidrógeno.
00:14:46Ok, pero ¿qué pasó con la Bambi maestra de kinder o la Bambi cocinera de pasteles?
00:14:52Esas eran mejores.
00:14:54No, creo que no.
00:14:56Pero las niñas las aman.
00:14:57Sí, supongo que no las tienes, ¿o sí?
00:14:59Bueno, sí ordené algunas de las nuevas, pero el paquete que debí recibir hace unas semanas aún no me llega.
00:15:05Ay, qué lástima. Esperaba comprarlas para mi hija hoy.
00:15:08Tendré que seguir buscando entonces.
00:15:10Perdóname, Scarlett, desearía tenerlas aquí.
00:15:13Está bien, me voy a ver si las encuentro.
00:15:15Pero si no los veo antes, que tengan feliz Navidad.
00:15:18Ah, gracias. Tú igual, Scarlett. Feliz Navidad.
00:15:20Feliz Navidad, Scarlett.
00:15:22Disculpe, señora.
00:15:24No pude evitar oír su conversación sobre las muñecas.
00:15:27¿Sabe dónde comprarlas?
00:15:28De hecho, sí lo sé. Justo enfrente, en Tolman Toys, y tiene una gran selección.
00:15:33Y creo que vi a esa ingeniera de combustible, lo que sea que fuera.
00:15:38No son fáciles de recordar, ¿o sí?
00:15:41Ok, pues iré a buscarlas ahora. Gracias por decírmelo.
00:15:44Ah, es un placer. Me gusta ayudar.
00:15:46Con ello, feliz Navidad.
00:15:47A usted igual.
00:15:54Vamos a estar bien, ¿no?
00:15:55¿Por la tienda?
00:16:00Pues eso espero.
00:16:42Hola, Neil.
00:16:44¡Wow! Era verdad, está cerrando la tienda.
00:16:48Es cierto. Cuesta creerlo, pero no hay más remedio.
00:16:52¿Qué pasó?
00:16:53Porque siempre parecías tener una gran clientela con mucha libertad.
00:16:58Hubo varios factores.
00:17:00Y el mayor que alejó a los clientes, y creo que hablé de eso contigo, fue lo que pasó con esa entrega.
00:17:05Lo resolvimos después de Navidad, pero para entonces el daño estaba hecho.
00:17:10¿Y qué pasó con eso?
00:17:12Pues aparentemente uno de los repartidores falsificó mi firma e hizo quién sabe qué con el paquete.
00:17:18Tuvo un cómplice también y ambos los despidieron.
00:17:23Eso es todo lo que sé.
00:17:25Aparte de eso, es un misterio por qué lo hicieron.
00:17:29Vaya, eso es muy lamentable.
00:17:32Ni me lo digas.
00:17:34¿Y qué harás ahora?
00:17:37Buscar trabajo.
00:17:40Y orar por la guía de Dios.
00:17:43¿En serio crees que Dios te estará cuidando?
00:17:46Pues sí. No he dejado de creerlo.
00:17:48Tal vez no tengo idea de qué hace, pero está haciendo algo.
00:17:53Siempre me dijiste que Dios es un Dios amoroso.
00:17:57Pero dejar que esto te pase a ti, no concuerda con tu perspectiva de Él.
00:18:04Dios es amoroso.
00:18:07Eso no significa que siempre sepamos qué hace o por qué.
00:18:11Claro, Gary.
00:18:13Bueno, mejor me voy.
00:18:14Solo quería venir a verte antes de que lo empacaras todo y desearte suerte.
00:18:19Gracias por venir, Neil.
00:18:21Siempre fuiste un gran amigo y un cliente leal.
00:18:24Un placer. Te veo luego, ¿ok?
00:18:26Por supuesto. Te llamo para juntarnos algún día.
00:18:29Eso espero. Cuídate, Gary.
00:18:31Sí, igual tú, Neil.
00:18:45Ya está hecho.
00:18:48La tienda está oficialmente cerrada.
00:18:52Lo empacaste todo.
00:18:54Cielo, ojalá hubiera podido ayudarte.
00:18:57No, ya... me has ayudado mucho con el inventario.
00:19:01Y no estás en condición para estar moviendo cajas.
00:19:05No. Eso creo, pero al menos te hubiera acompañado.
00:19:10Bueno, tener tu compañía me hace muy feliz.
00:19:12Gary, lo que necesites, aquí me tienes.
00:19:16Gracias, Susana.
00:19:25¿Y ahora qué, Susana?
00:19:27Quisiera poder decírtelo.
00:19:29Es que no entiendo.
00:19:31¿Por qué Dios dejó que pasara esto?
00:19:34Pasamos siete años construyendo este negocio y todo estaba yendo bien,
00:19:38y así como así ya no está.
00:19:39¿Qué crees que Dios quiera decirnos?
00:19:42Estoy tan confundida como tú, Cielo.
00:19:45Le preguntas a la persona equivocada.
00:19:49¿Sabes qué? Tenemos que confiar en Dios, ¿o no?
00:19:53Él tiene todas las respuestas. Él tiene todo bajo control, ¿no lo crees?
00:19:58Así es.
00:20:00Eso es verdad. Solo hablaba por la frustración.
00:20:05Eso lo entiendo.
00:20:08Estaremos bien. Dios nos sacará de esto.
00:20:13Lo sé.
00:20:25Solo por curiosidad, ¿alguien de aquí ha tenido problemas?
00:20:29Sí, sí.
00:20:31Solo por curiosidad, ¿alguien de aquí ha tenido problemas?
00:20:35Ah, entonces yo no soy el único.
00:20:38¿Es algo universal o no?
00:20:40Jesús nos dice en Juan 16, 33,
00:20:44En este mundo van a encontrar sufrimiento, pero tengan confianza, pues yo he vencido al mundo.
00:20:50Y con ese verso en mente, tengo dos preguntas para ustedes.
00:20:55Uno, ¿deberíamos sorprendernos cuando los problemas se den?
00:20:58Y dos, ¿deberíamos, pues, preocuparnos por esos problemas?
00:21:03Seamos claros, Jesús no tenía pelos en la lengua.
00:21:06Él dice, van a encontrar sufrimiento.
00:21:09Eso nos trae a la pregunta mayor.
00:21:12¿Cómo respondemos cuando los problemas se den?
00:21:16Notarán que en la segunda parte del verso, Él dice, pero tengan confianza.
00:21:21Nuestra actitud no debería ser de preocupación,
00:21:24sino de confianza, en que Dios lo tiene bajo control.
00:21:29Ahora, eso no significa que no intentemos resolver el problema,
00:21:33sino hablarlo con Dios en la oración.
00:21:36Dejarlo guiar.
00:21:38Dejarlo hacer las cosas de las cuales no tenemos el control.
00:21:44Ahora pasemos todos a Romanos 8, 28, para otro verso pertinente a todo esto.
00:21:50Se lo agradezco muchísimo.
00:21:52Y yo a usted.
00:21:54Tenga buen día.
00:21:55Igual usted.
00:21:57Hasta luego.
00:21:59Ese fue un mensaje muy motivador.
00:22:01¿Lo fue? Estoy de acuerdo.
00:22:06Hola, Loren.
00:22:07Hola, Loren.
00:22:08Escuchen, lamento oír que cerraron la tienda.
00:22:10Ah, gracias, Loren.
00:22:12¿Cómo lo han llevado?
00:22:13Un día a la vez.
00:22:15Estamos mejor que la semana pasada, seguro.
00:22:17Voy a extrañar mucho ir a su tienda.
00:22:19Ahora voy a tener que ir a Tolman Toys o algo parecido.
00:22:22Ah, al menos Tolman Toys tiene una selección muy grande que ver.
00:22:25Sí, pero el dueño es muy malo con todos.
00:22:27Sí, ya lo conocí, y no te culpo por decir eso.
00:22:31Tal vez, él solo necesita que más gente sea amable.
00:22:34Más cristianos con actitude amorosa hacia él.
00:22:37Sí, eso le hace falta.
00:22:39Oye, si tú te lo encuentras otra vez o ves la oportunidad,
00:22:42puedes pensar en algo lindo que hacer por él.
00:22:44¿Qué podría hacer yo?
00:22:45No lo sé, ponte creativa.
00:22:47Dios está en las cosas pequeñas, no solo en las grandes.
00:22:50Si el señor Tolman sabe que eres cristiano y que quieres ayudarlo,
00:22:53Dios también está ahí.
00:22:55Nunca sabes.
00:22:56Podría ser una gran oportunidad para ti después.
00:23:12¿No te sientes mejor, Silo?
00:23:14No, en realidad, no.
00:23:16Bueno, ¿quieres que te traiga algo de la cocina?
00:23:18¿O quieres otra almohada, tal vez?
00:23:21No, no, no, no, estoy bien.
00:23:22Solo tú sigue buscando trabajo y estaré bien.
00:23:26Entonces, solo dime si necesitas algo.
00:23:29Muchas gracias por recibirme.
00:23:31El honor es completamente mío.
00:23:33La misión de esta fundación me llega al alma.
00:23:36Es el mejor trabajo del mundo.
00:23:38Entonces, felicidades, felicidades.
00:23:43Gary, creo que el bebé ya está viniendo.
00:23:47Lo sé, Susan, ya está muy cerca.
00:23:49No, no, no, Silo.
00:23:50Es que creo que acabo de romper fuente.
00:23:53¿En serio?
00:23:54Sí, el bebé ya está en camino.
00:23:57Ok, todo va a estar bien.
00:23:59Te llevaré al hospital.
00:24:01Bien, déjate ayuda.
00:24:03Arregla con cuidado.
00:24:05Aquí vamos.
00:24:23Así que tú eres mi hijo.
00:24:26Estoy feliz de al fin conocerte.
00:24:30Y mira a tu hermosa madre durmiendo.
00:24:33Está muerta del cansancio.
00:24:37Pero seguro que es un alivio que ella haya salido.
00:24:41Yo siento alivio por ella.
00:24:45Qué alegría que ya estés aquí.
00:24:49Te prometo que voy a ser el mejor papá que pueda ser.
00:24:56Tal vez no tenga trabajo ahora,
00:24:59pero hallaré la manera de ver por ti y tu mamá.
00:25:03Y sé que Dios me dará alguna forma de hacerlo.
00:25:21Acabo de confirmar su cita de las dos de mañana,
00:25:24pero estaba revisando la presentación de hoy.
00:25:26Me preguntaba cuántas copias de ella necesita.
00:25:29Espera, Michelle.
00:25:30Vuelvo contigo en un momento.
00:25:40¿Qué tal, señorita?
00:25:44¿No te dije que no volvieras a mi tienda sin tus padres?
00:25:47¿Y en dónde están?
00:25:49Hola, mamá.
00:25:51Ahí estás, Lauren.
00:25:52¿Ya podemos irnos?
00:25:54Hola, usted debe ser su madre.
00:25:56Sí, lo soy. ¿Y quién es usted?
00:25:58Soy el señor Tolman, el dueño de la tienda.
00:26:00Ah, pues es una tienda muy linda la suya.
00:26:04Entonces, ¿qué estaba hablando con mi hija?
00:26:06Pues, nada importante.
00:26:08Ella y su amiga estuvieron jugando con algunas cosas de la tienda
00:26:11y tuve una charla con ellas.
00:26:13Pero eso fue hace un año, es el pasado.
00:26:16Una mejor pregunta es, ¿cómo puedo ayudarle hoy?
00:26:19¿Hay algo que estuviera buscando?
00:26:21No, yo creo que estamos bien.
00:26:23De acuerdo, si necesitan ayuda, solo díganme.
00:26:28Vaya que puedes ver su falsedad, hija.
00:26:32Si hay algo que no soporto, es la falsa amabilidad.
00:26:35Salgamos de aquí.
00:26:39Entonces, ¿de qué se trató todo eso?
00:26:41¿Podemos hablar fuera de la tienda?
00:26:46Es por aquí, mamá. Quiero mostrarte algo.
00:26:49Ok, tú guíame.
00:26:52Mira, ya tienen las nuevas.
00:26:56¿Puedo comprar una, por favor?
00:26:59Te dije que solo veníamos a ver.
00:27:01Mira, mamá, hay una en oferta.
00:27:04Te dije que no compraremos nada.
00:27:07Por favor, solo quiero una.
00:27:09Y te prometo no volver a molestar el resto del día.
00:27:12Ay, me darás todo el día, ¿eh?
00:27:15Déjame verla.
00:27:17Ok, puedes comprar la muñeca.
00:27:19Pero consíderalo como un regalo de Navidad.
00:27:21Gracias, mamá.
00:27:27Gracias, señor.
00:27:28Por nada. Y que tenga un buen día.
00:27:30Lo haré. Tenga un buen día también.
00:27:33¿Cómo están?
00:27:34Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y usted?
00:27:39Serían $26.49.
00:27:41Ah, un minuto. Esta tenía descuento del 25%.
00:27:45Sí, la semana pasada, pero la oferta terminó.
00:27:47Pero todavía tiene la etiqueta de la oferta.
00:27:53Es que no puedo dársela ese precio.
00:27:55He tenido problemas con el señor Trollman.
00:27:57Por haber hecho eso.
00:28:00Es nuestra política. Cuando la oferta termina, se termina.
00:28:05Entiendo. Pues tendría que preguntarle esto.
00:28:08¿Por qué dice que son $25 y no los $20 de siempre?
00:28:11Porque aumentaron los precios después de la oferta.
00:28:13¿Entonces terminó la oferta e inmediatamente los subieron?
00:28:16Sí. Así es como lo hacen.
00:28:20Oiga, no sé mucho de mercadotecnia,
00:28:22pero evidentemente subir los precios no ha afectado a las ventas.
00:28:26Es obvio que la demanda está ahí, a pesar del mayor precio.
00:28:29Pues no me cuenten en esa demanda. Ya no queremos la muñeca.
00:28:32No, mamá. Por favor.
00:28:34Perdón, Chrissy. No puedo gastar tanto dinero en ella.
00:28:37Tenga buen día.
00:28:40¿Sabes qué, Chrissy?
00:28:42La verdad extraño la tena de Gary.
00:28:54Muchas gracias a todos por habernos acompañado.
00:28:57Espero que se la hayan pasado excelente.
00:29:06Espero que se la hayan pasado excelente.
00:29:09Ahora, tengan una linda noche y un buen regreso a casa.
00:29:18A comer.
00:29:19Los mejores neumáticos.
00:29:22Descuentos para el hogar.
00:29:23Invadiendo África y sus recursos cruciales.
00:29:25De hecho, se fueron tanto tiempo que termine todo el programa.
00:29:30Mira, es súper, súper lindo.
00:29:34Tiene todas las facilidades.
00:29:37No se equivoca.
00:29:40No cualquiera puede hacer eso.
00:29:44Mira, hizo una foto.
00:29:49Mira, sí.
00:29:51¿Te ha gustado?
00:29:59¿Qué pasa?
00:30:01¿Qué pasa?
00:30:06Hola, Susan.
00:30:07¿Qué tal el dentista?
00:30:08Nada mal para una visita al dentista.
00:30:11Ven aquí un momento.
00:30:12Quiero enseñarte algo.
00:30:14Te ves emocionado.
00:30:15¿Qué te sucede?
00:30:17Es cierto.
00:30:18Estoy emocionado por algo.
00:30:19Y Grande está bien.
00:30:20Está durmiendo en el cuarto.
00:30:22Dije que está bien.
00:30:23Ahora ven aquí.
00:30:27Se me acaba de ocurrir una idea.
00:30:29Estaba sentado viendo la televisión cuando vi unos imanes en el piso y luego vino a mí.
00:30:34¿Qué vino a ti?
00:30:35¿La lámpara que cayó en tu cabeza?
00:30:38Me vino la idea de un juego nuevo.
00:30:41Imagínate esto.
00:30:42¿Conoces los yoyos que vuelven a ti en automáticos y los lanzas?
00:30:46Pues, imagínate uno de esos, pero que en vez de estar hecho de plástico, estuviera cubierto con un imán.
00:31:13Se incluirán piezas diferentes cada una con un valor diferente de puntos.
00:31:18Ahora desarrollé un juego alrededor de él.
00:31:21La idea básica es que cada jugador tendrá uno de estos joneticos.
00:31:25of these genetics will have a time limit in which they will have to collect as many pieces as they can.
00:31:31There are different types of pieces, each with a different value of points.
00:31:35The player with the most points when the time is up is the winner.
00:31:40Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you allow me, I would like to show you how it will look in action.
00:31:56Basically, this is how it will work.
00:31:59Well, ladies and gentlemen, that concludes my presentation.
00:32:05Does anyone have any questions?
00:32:16Hello, Cielo. How was the meeting?
00:32:20Do you want to know?
00:32:22But of course. Why? Did it go wrong?
00:32:29Well, I got in there and did what I could to show the game.
00:32:34What happened?
00:32:36Well, I finished talking and answered all the questions.
00:32:41What did they tell you?
00:32:43They were just impressed. In fact, they loved my idea and agreed to do a test.
00:32:51Gary, why did you do that? Nice, but you made me believe something bad happened to you. Why did you do that?
00:32:58Because I could.
00:33:01You're horrible.
00:33:03Okay, there will be a test. How good. And when are you going to do it?
00:33:08Well, first they want to work with me on the product to change it and make it a little more commercial.
00:33:12Then they have to manufacture it.
00:33:15That could take months before even starting the tests.
00:33:18It's great, Gary. I hope it goes well.
00:33:27And the reason for this conference is that there has been a streak of robberies.
00:33:32Of course, this is something that all minorities face, but they have recently increased.
00:33:39Here's Mr. Tolman's coffee.
00:33:43The coffee barely has cream. You know I need cream with my coffee.
00:33:47Sorry, Mr. Tolman. I'll put more cream on it.
00:33:49Leave it. It only brings another cup.
00:33:54It's okay.
00:33:55Very good. Relax, will you?
00:33:58Continuing with what I was saying, I need everyone to be more vigilant if we are going to fix the robot problem.
00:34:05If you see someone doing a suspicious activity, do not ignore it.
00:34:09Face the person immediately or report it to the security personnel.
00:34:14Some things you should be aware of are the extra bags, as well as ...
00:34:27Hi, Sky.
00:34:28Hi, love. I have the mail.
00:34:31Good. Listen, when you have time, do you think you can help clean the apartment?
00:34:36Yes, I just want to check the mail first.
00:34:39Okay, because Grant didn't sleep and couldn't do anything.
00:34:43I just want to rest a few minutes. I just ran.
00:34:50New ideas.
00:34:51Look at what arrived in the mail.
00:34:54What is that? Open it up. Let's see what it says.
00:34:59It says,
00:35:00Dear Mr. Sage,
00:35:01We are pleased to inform you that the last test of the Volatesoro product was a success.
00:35:05The initial shipment of 1,000 units was completely exhausted in the time expected.
00:35:10Therefore, we have decided to invest completely for its future production and distribution.
00:35:16We have attached a copy of our proposal for you to review.
00:35:20We have also attached a check of 40% of the profits, according to the preliminary contract of the tests.
00:35:26We offer you sincere congratulations on the success of the product and we look forward to working with you in the near future.
00:35:32Signed Larry Holder, President of Fresha Idea.
00:35:37I can't believe it.
00:35:39It sounds surprising.
00:35:40Well, no Gary, I liked the idea from the start. I just didn't know it was going to work so soon.
00:35:45A woman of little faith.
00:35:47It's not true.
00:35:48Let's see how much I won.
00:35:49Yes, let's see.
00:35:54What are you going to do if you keep making so much money with this?
00:35:58Well, I've prayed about it and I was hoping we could reopen our toy store.
00:36:04Maybe it's God's way of giving me that opportunity.
00:36:07It would be an excellent idea.
00:36:10Okay, Mr. Successful Inventor, do you think you have time to help me clean the apartment?
00:36:16Okay, let's get to cleaning.
00:36:28The toys of Gary.
00:36:32Good morning.
00:36:37It's fantastic that you have it open.
00:36:40I thought we wouldn't have that opportunity again.
00:36:43It's thanks to our prayer.
00:36:58Rest. Thank you for coming.
00:36:59Take care.
00:37:00Good night.
00:37:03I think it was a very successful reopening, wasn't it?
00:37:06I'm happy with how it all turned out.
00:37:08Yeah? It's not even nine yet.
00:37:11There's still a little more to go.
00:37:13I think we need to fill the table with sandwiches in case more customers arrive, honey.
00:37:17Good idea.
00:37:18Could you go get them?
00:37:38I thought this store was already closed.
00:37:41Hello, Mr. Tormann.
00:37:43Gary, it almost sounds so happy to see me.
00:37:46Why would that be?
00:37:48I'm just your friendly competition crossing the street.
00:37:53What can I do for you, Mr. Tormann?
00:37:55Listen, Gary, your store couldn't keep up with mine, and that's why you had to close.
00:38:00And here you are again, about to take the same path again.
00:38:05You should do yourself a favor and stop wasting time in your store.
00:38:09It's just a matter of time before it forces you to close again.
00:38:13I think I'm going to risk it, but thanks for the warning.
00:38:17What makes you think this time will be different from the other?
00:38:21I don't know for sure.
00:38:22But I trust God, and it looks like he's given me another chance.
00:38:28So you're going to put God in this?
00:38:31Where was God when he closed the store the first time?
00:38:35He was here.
00:38:37If you ask me why he closed the store the first time, I wouldn't know.
00:38:40But I know he did it for a reason.
00:38:43If you ask me, I think God gave you the message to get out of the toy business.
00:38:48Well, I'm glad I didn't ask him.
00:38:49Listen, Gary, don't expect this reopening of yours to last long.
00:38:54Trust me, I'll do everything I can to snatch you to the last customer you can get again.
00:39:00I finally found the sandwiches. You had them pretty hidden.
00:39:06Well, I think I said everything I had to say.
00:39:14Guess who?
00:39:16Was it Mr. Tolman?
00:39:17Yes, it was him.
00:39:29Merry Christmas!
00:39:47Merry Christmas!
00:40:18Do you realize this is the first time we've been away from Grant for a while?
00:40:23I think you're right.
00:40:26I hope my sister can handle him.
00:40:29I'm sure she'll be fine. Don't worry.
00:40:31Look, we have customers.
00:40:35Good morning, everyone. Come on in.
00:40:38Thank you. Hello.
00:40:40How are you?
00:40:42Good morning.
00:40:45Good morning. Thank you.
00:40:47You can have sandwiches at the table, please.
00:40:50In a minute.
00:40:52Okay, I can steal your attention, please. We can get together here. We'll start right away.
00:40:56Come on, kids, come on.
00:40:58Look at this.
00:41:00To begin with, my name is Gary Sage, and I'm the game inventor we're going to show you.
00:41:04My wife and I welcome you.
00:41:06And thank you for coming to the event.
00:41:08It will be a great way to start the Christmas shopping season.
00:41:10And now, could everyone who knows the game Treasure Ball raise their hands?
00:41:17Okay, half of you. Good.
00:41:20Well, today we're going to do a little demonstration and competition of this game.
00:41:25Without further ado, I present to you the Treasure Ball.
00:41:31Could you come over here and help me demonstrate the game?
00:41:34Very good. I think you're ready. Do you want to play?
00:41:38Okay, wait for me to say go. Ready?
00:41:43On your marks, get set, go!
00:41:47I already won one!
00:41:49It's so much fun!
00:41:51Keep going! Keep going!
00:41:53That's it!
00:41:55I think you did it before.
00:41:57Don't give up!
00:41:59That's how you play.
00:42:01What could it be?
00:42:03What could it be?
00:42:05It's so much fun.
00:42:06It's so much fun.
00:42:08Look, Dad!
00:42:10It's over.
00:42:12It's so much fun.
00:42:14Bring your treasure over here and let's count the winners.
00:42:17Oh, look how many!
00:42:20Okay, it looks like we have a winner.
00:42:23You have a gift certificate worth anything from the store.
00:42:27Why don't we give them a round of applause?
00:42:30Thank you, kids. You can go back to your families.
00:42:33We'll have a tournament in a few minutes,
00:42:36so don't forget to sign up and participate in the draw.
00:42:39In the meantime, you can take a walk, look around, and eat some snacks.
00:42:45Thank you, thank you all.
00:42:46I'll see you later.
00:43:00I'm very happy.
00:43:02I think it's going to be a very nice night.
00:43:05Okay, so where are we supposed to go now?
00:43:08I want to go to La Florista.
00:43:10Oh, that's a million blocks away.
00:43:13It's not too far from here.
00:43:14Do you have a better suggestion?
00:43:16Okay, calm down, guys.
00:43:18Oh, I have a suggestion.
00:43:20Why don't we go to the toy store with Mr. Tolman?
00:43:22That's a bad idea.
00:43:25Because if we go there, they're going to rip our heads off.
00:43:27Hey, I don't think we should bother Mr. Tolman.
00:43:29No, Lauren, you're right.
00:43:31Do you remember how we met Mr. Tolman?
00:43:34Of course I do, but I don't care about that.
00:43:36Maybe he needs Christmas cheer.
00:43:38Okay, but even if we go, how will Mr. Tolman hear us?
00:43:41Besides, at this hour, he must be in his office counting his pile of money.
00:43:46Can we sing through the window?
00:43:50Okay, let's do this.
00:43:52Let it be by vote.
00:43:54If you want to go see Mr. Tolman, raise your hand.
00:43:56We could give him Christmas cheer.
00:43:59And those who oppose...
00:44:02Apparently won to go see Mr. Tolman.
00:44:05Well, Lauren, guide us.
00:44:23Okay, guys, are you ready?
00:44:41Save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
00:44:47Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
00:44:52What do you think you're doing outside my window?
00:44:55We just came to sing some carols.
00:44:57And, uh, excuse us if we bother you.
00:44:59Of course you're bothering me.
00:45:01I come to my office to work, not to hear your song out of tune through the window.
00:45:06Was it your idea to come and bother me at my job?
00:45:08Whether it was or not, I take responsibility and apologize for bothering you.
00:45:13It was my idea, Mr. Tolman.
00:45:15You again?
00:45:17Yes, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
00:45:20I thought coming to sing would give you Christmas cheer.
00:45:23What makes you think I enjoy listening to this kind of music?
00:45:26When I come to my office, I just want peace and tranquility.
00:45:30Is that too much to ask?
00:45:34Well, I'm glad to agree.
00:45:35If you really want to do me a favor, don't show up here again.
00:45:40You only cause me trouble every time you come.
00:45:43Very well. Now get out of here. I have to get back to work.
00:45:48Merry Christmas.
00:46:05Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day
00:46:12To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray
00:46:18Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
00:46:23Comfort and joy
00:46:25Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
00:46:31Now, Jimmy, let's read the Christmas story.
00:46:33Are you ready?
00:46:35In the same region there were shepherds who were in the field
00:46:39taking care of their flocks during the night
00:46:42And suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them
00:46:46And the glory of the Lord surrounded them with splendor
00:46:49And they had great fear
00:46:51And the angel said to them,
00:46:53Fear not, for I have here the good news of great joy
00:46:57Which will be for all the people
00:46:58Because on this day a Savior has been born to them in the city of David
00:47:03Who is Christ the Lord
00:47:05And this will serve as a sign
00:47:07They will find a child wrapped in diapers and lying in a manger
00:47:11Suddenly an angel appeared
00:47:14A multitude of the heavenly army
00:47:16Praising God and saying,
00:47:18Glory to God in the heights
00:47:20And on earth peace to men of good will
00:47:28Glory to God in the heights
00:47:30And on earth peace to men of good will
00:47:59Christmas Eve
00:48:11Mr. Toberman, is something bothering you?
00:48:14Yes, is it just me or have you noticed fewer people coming to the store in recent weeks?
00:48:19Yes, I noticed it too
00:48:21But what could be causing that?
00:48:24Customers should be increasing as Christmas approaches
00:48:28Well, I have a theory, but you won't like it
00:48:32What is it, Michelle?
00:48:35Well, it was just a few months ago that Gary's store reopened
00:48:40Are you serious?
00:48:42Do you think that thing in front of you is stealing from my customers?
00:48:47Hey, I'm just saying it's a theory
00:48:49I heard that the game he invented is very popular
00:48:52It could attract a lot of customers to his store
00:48:54I don't care what he invented
00:48:55My store has twice as many products as his
00:48:58Look at this huge store we have here
00:49:01Compare it to Gary's little hut
00:49:05Michelle, why don't we talk when you have a more reasonable theory?
00:49:23I think someone is tired
00:49:26It's time to sleep
00:49:29Can you go to bed?
00:49:33Okay, my friend, let's go to sleep
00:49:38Very good
00:49:44That's it, champ
00:49:53I was thinking about what I told you when you were born
00:49:57About what I was going to provide and that God would see the way I did
00:50:04God has fulfilled my requests with more than I imagined at this time
00:50:10I know you don't understand a word of what I'm telling you
00:50:16But I hope that one day you can understand how amazing God is
00:50:27I'll let you sleep
00:50:29Good night, champ
00:50:33Good night
00:50:43Who is it?
00:50:44I'm Michelle
00:50:45Come in
00:50:47Mr. Tolman, there is a gentleman who came to see you
00:50:51Well, I'm busy
00:50:52I told him and he says it's urgent
00:50:54Well, what's his name?
00:50:56His name is John and I think he was delivering here a while ago
00:51:01Okay, tell him to come in
00:51:08Michelle, you can go
00:51:11Close the door
00:51:15Why are you here?
00:51:17Please, you don't have to be so rude to your criminal accomplice, don't you think?
00:51:21Lower your voice and I'll ask you again
00:51:24What are you doing here?
00:51:26Well, Mr. Tolman
00:51:28I'm having a bad time financially
00:51:31Yeah? And what does it have to do with me?
00:51:34Well, I was hoping you could help me
00:51:36And exactly why should I be interested in helping you?
00:51:39Well, since I've helped you in the past
00:51:43Listen carefully
00:51:44I made a deal with you
00:51:46You helped me and I paid you for it
00:51:49Our deal ended with that
00:51:51And if you're done...
00:51:52No, I'm not done yet
00:51:55I don't think you want a scandal to come to light, do you?
00:51:59So I'll ask you again
00:52:01Are you going to help me financially?
00:52:07So you're going to extort me
00:52:11But who's going to believe you?
00:52:13It's your word against mine
00:52:16I want you to leave now and never come back here
00:52:19Is that clear?
00:52:22You're going to regret this, Mr. Tolman
00:52:24You can be sure of that
00:52:39As you all know
00:52:41The store is in trouble
00:52:43Customers have decreased
00:52:45And therefore sales have dropped drastically
00:52:49In fact, we haven't made a profit in two months
00:52:53Unless the trend is reversed
00:52:55We're in serious trouble
00:52:58I made this deal because we need new strategies
00:53:01And I want to hear from you all
00:53:03I want to know what you think
00:53:05What do you think is the problem and how can we solve it?
00:53:08Gentlemen, I give the floor
00:53:10What do you think?
00:53:11I think...
00:53:13We need new toys
00:53:15We always offer new toys
00:53:20I think we need to form a research group
00:53:22That develops exclusive toys from our company
00:53:24I like that
00:53:25Good idea
00:53:26We can definitely do it
00:53:28That worked well for you...
00:53:30In the store...
00:53:31No, what were you going to say?
00:53:33I don't want to talk only about him
00:53:36But I was going to mention Gary and his toy shop right here
00:53:40The new game he invented has become very popular
00:53:43I knew his name was going to come up at some point in the discussion
00:53:46Listen, gentlemen
00:53:47We have to stay focused
00:53:49I don't care what stupid games Gary makes
00:53:52Or if he has made a little money with them
00:53:55I don't think that will last
00:53:57But we need changes now
00:53:59So that this store survives
00:54:01With all due respect, Mr. Tolman
00:54:03I think it's a good idea to examine what's going on in Gary's store
00:54:06Ok, do you want to talk about Gary?
00:54:09Do you want to talk about Gary?
00:54:11Then talk!
00:54:12What do you think we should do?
00:54:15There's the fact that he developed that game
00:54:17And it's working very well
00:54:19We had already established that
00:54:22Do you really think I haven't asked myself that same question?
00:54:24Why is Gary winning and we're sinking?
00:54:27I've asked myself that question several times in the last few months
00:54:32He made a new game
00:54:34What do I care?
00:54:35I've been in this business for a long time
00:54:37To know that a new game, toy or concept
00:54:39Is not enough to survive in the long run
00:54:42It will improve sales temporarily
00:54:44But not month after month after month
00:54:47I don't think the toy is the reason
00:54:52There's something else going on there
00:55:26Dear God
00:55:28Thank you for your blessings and provisions for this store
00:55:33I pray for the continuous prosperity of the store, Lord
00:55:37But more than all that, I ask you
00:55:39To continue to represent you correctly with my clients
00:55:43And Lord
00:55:45I ask you for Mr. Tolman
00:55:48I know he doesn't want anything to do with me
00:55:51But Lord, I ask you for the opportunity to talk to him and get to know him
00:55:57And I ask you for the opportunity to talk to him about you
00:56:04Lord, I ask you this in the name of Jesus
00:56:38Yes, you look familiar. It was a few years ago, wasn't it?
00:56:42What do you want us to talk about?
00:56:45It's about the delivery you never received a few years ago
00:56:50Can I talk to you for a moment?
00:56:52Yes, Lorraine
00:56:53What's up?
00:56:54Well, I don't know if my mom told you, but we're moving in a few weeks
00:56:58Oh, no, she didn't tell us
00:57:00Why are you moving?
00:57:01She got a job in another state, and she's starting to get tired of it
00:57:05She's going to move to another state
00:57:07She's going to move to another state
00:57:09She's going to move to another state
00:57:11She's going to move to another state
00:57:13She's going to move to another state
00:57:15She's going to move to another state
00:57:17She got a job in another state, and she's starting in three weeks
00:57:20Oh, wow, I didn't expect that
00:57:22Are you excited to move?
00:57:24Not really
00:57:25Why not?
00:57:26Well, for several reasons. I'm going to change schools, I'm going to stay away from my friends
00:57:30And I'm going to miss everyone at the church, especially you
00:57:33Wow, you're going to come visit us from time to time, aren't you?
00:57:37I hope so, but it's going to be busy at first, and we'll be far away
00:57:41I don't know how often we can come
00:57:43We hope everything goes well for your family
00:57:45We're going to pray for you
00:57:46Thank you
00:57:47And keep trying with Mr. Tolman
00:57:49Maybe I failed, but if God uses someone to get to him, it's going to be you
00:57:53Oh, thank you very much for your trust, Lauren
00:57:55But it's not like you failed
00:57:57Hey, you offered him a friendly gesture and you sang him part of a song that has very meaningful lyrics
00:58:04You never know, maybe you had more impact than you think
00:58:08Maybe it's true
00:58:09You always knew exactly what to say
00:58:11I'll really miss you
00:58:16Gary's Toys
00:59:01Closing of store
00:59:11Hello Michelle
00:59:13I would like to go through the inventory with you
00:59:15Could you please go through the store and write down all the toys that are left here?
00:59:19Thank you very much, that's all
00:59:23Excuse me, do you work here?
00:59:25Yes, that's right, I'm Mr. Tolman's assistant
00:59:27Oh, perfect, could you take me to him? I need to talk to him
00:59:30In fact, he's in a meeting right now, but if it's about business, I should make an appointment with him
00:59:35He doesn't like people to surprise him
00:59:37Or maybe you could answer my questions
00:59:40Yes, I'll try
00:59:41I saw the sign outside, when does the store officially close?
00:59:44It closes next month, unless a miracle happens
00:59:48What kind of miracle?
00:59:49I just know that the store has a lot of financial problems, so I guess if you get a good amount of money on time, you could continue with the store
00:59:58How much do you need?
00:59:59I don't know, they don't give me that kind of information
01:00:02Do you have any idea why the store has gone so bad all of a sudden?
01:00:07If I ask Mr. Tolman, he'll deny the reason, but...
01:00:12Everyone here, even Mr. Tolman, they know it's because of Gary's toy store across the street
01:00:18Anyone with eyes would see that his store is always full and we've lost customers
01:00:25I understand
01:00:29Do you have any more questions for me?
01:00:31No, that's all, it was very helpful, what's your name?
01:00:34Thank you for the help, Michelle
01:00:35No problem, what's your name? So I can tell Mr. Tolman that you came to talk to him
01:00:41I prefer to be anonymous, but if you want, tell him that a friend came to visit him
01:00:55Susan, believe me, I know it sounds crazy, but I really think it's something God wants me to do
01:01:01And why would God want you to do this?
01:01:03We talked about the man who bribed two distributors to get rid of a package that was for our store
01:01:09And he was responsible for closing the business
01:01:12I'm aware of that, Susan, you don't have to remind me
01:01:15But the store opened again, and God blessed her tremendously
01:01:20And it doesn't matter what Mr. Tolman's intentions, God had other plans
01:01:24Do you think it's God's plan that you save Mr. Tolman's store?
01:01:27Yes, I think so
01:01:28Well, I don't understand it at all
01:01:31But I guess I can't dissuade you, can I?
01:01:34No, love
01:01:37Tell me something, why so much? It's a lot of money
01:01:41Mr. Tolman's store is bigger than ours, it requires more capital to function
01:01:45And we don't lack money anymore, Susan
01:01:48God blessed our store even more than we thought possible
01:01:52And I think he had a reason to do it
01:01:54A reason, of course
01:01:55But save our competition and the man who tried to destroy our business?
01:02:00I thought you were going to stop fighting
01:02:03Sorry, I won't mention it again
01:02:06Susan, I'm going to need your support in this
01:02:13And I need your help
01:02:16What do you want me to do?
01:02:17I want you to deliver the check
01:02:20Gary, don't you think they'll recognize me?
01:02:23I don't think so
01:02:24Not if you give it to your assistant, Michelle
01:02:26She didn't recognize me
01:02:30Okay, I'll do it
01:02:33Just tell me what you want me to do
01:02:36I think my niece will like it, right?
01:02:38Oh, I don't doubt it
01:02:39Very good, thank you
01:02:40Take care
01:02:42Hello, Mr. Tolman's assistant?
01:02:45Oh, there she is
01:02:47Yes, how can I help you?
01:02:48Hello, it's Mr. Tolman
01:02:54Who is it?
01:02:55It's Michelle
01:02:56Come in
01:03:00What's going on, Michelle?
01:03:01Sorry to interrupt, sir, but they gave me this envelope for you
01:03:06From whom?
01:03:07I don't know, he didn't tell me his name
01:03:09But he said it was a gift for you
01:03:13A gift?
01:03:23Is this a bad taste joke, Michelle?
01:03:26Did the employees put you in this?
01:03:27No, not at all, Mr. Tolman
01:03:29Everything I know is what I said
01:03:32Let's see if I understand
01:03:33An anonymous person came out of nowhere and gave you this?
01:03:37Yes, that's what happened
01:03:41So what is it?
01:03:43Well, I doubt it's real
01:03:45But it's a $200,000 check for Tolman toys
01:03:52Yes, it's definitely a bad joke
01:03:54I don't know anyone who would give me that much money
01:03:59What if it's real?
01:04:02That's the most suspicious thing about this check
01:04:05$200,000 is exactly the loan I needed to not close the store
01:04:10So yes, it would be a miracle if it were real
01:04:14And that's exactly what we need
01:04:18I'll be back later, Michelle
01:04:20Try to write down the messages for me
01:04:23Where are you going?
01:04:24To the bank. I'll get to the bottom of this
01:04:50Christ, you married a devil, but nothing you dismay
01:04:56Remember, Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day
01:05:02To save us all from Satan's foe when we were gone astray
01:05:08O tidings of comfort and joy
01:05:14O tidings of comfort and joy
01:05:27Where is your father?
01:05:29He has no father
01:05:31From what I understand, his father abandoned him and his mother when he was a baby
01:05:37What's going to happen to him?
01:05:39Well, the government is going to take him to an orphanage
01:05:42Hopefully he'll find a good home
01:06:07Hello, Michelle
01:06:10Any messages for me?
01:06:11Oh yes, a couple arrived. I wrote them down for you
01:06:15And what did the bank say?
01:06:17They need a couple of days to confirm if it's real
01:06:20But I have a mission for you in the meantime
01:06:23I want you to find out where the check came from
01:06:26I got a copy. Find out if you can trace the origin
01:06:31Let me know what you know by the end of the day
01:07:02I don't know where else to look
01:07:05Keep looking and tell me if you find anything
01:07:08I'll think of another search strategy
01:07:15Well, the toy is still in the box
01:07:18I know that, ma'am, but that's the return policy
01:07:21Oh, I'm sorry
01:07:22All right, honey. Thanks
01:07:24Have a nice day
01:07:25You too. Bye
01:07:26You too. Bye
01:07:32There you are, Michelle
01:07:35Did you find out anything else?
01:07:38Well, don't throw the towel. You'll find it
01:07:41On the other hand, I got some good news today
01:07:44The bank called me
01:07:45Turns out the check is real
01:07:48And you know what that means?
01:07:50The store is not going to close
01:07:52I need you to make double efforts to find out where it came from
01:07:55I need you to find out who it was and why he gave us this money
01:08:00Whatever. If you find out anything, call me
01:08:26Excuse me, are you the lady who gave me an envelope the other day?
01:08:31Yes, that was me
01:08:33Could you tell me why you gave Mr. Toolman the money?
01:08:37It wasn't entirely on my part
01:08:40What are you talking about?
01:08:43Do you see what store just came out?
01:08:45Yes, it's Gary's store
01:08:46Exactly. Well, Gary is my husband
01:08:49We own the store and he's the one who gave Mr. Toolman the money
01:09:06It can't be, Michelle. It must be a mistake
01:09:09I don't think so, Mr. Toolman
01:09:11I thought he meant it
01:09:13And I don't know why he'd lie about it
01:09:17But that doesn't make any sense
01:09:19Why would Gary give me money?
01:09:22I don't know
01:09:23Didn't he give you any reason to do this?
01:09:26No, he just told me that she didn't know why Gary did it
01:09:31And if we wanted to find out, we should've asked him
01:09:35I... can't do it
01:09:38Why not? You had already confronted Gary before, didn't you?
01:09:42And now he gave you a super generous gift
01:09:45Why don't you want to ask him why he did it?
01:09:48There are things between Gary and me that... complicate everything
01:09:53Well, it doesn't seem to complicate them in Gary's eyes
01:09:56I don't know what I'd tell that man if I went there
01:10:01You could start by saying thank you
01:10:06Would you leave me alone? I have to think about this
01:10:10Of course
01:10:18I love you
01:10:49Mr. Toolman, how may I help you?
01:10:52May I come in for a moment?
01:10:54Of course, come in
01:11:04So, this is Gary?
01:11:08And this is Gary?
01:11:11And this is Gary?
01:11:14And this is Gary?
01:11:17So, how may I help you, Mr. Toolman?
01:11:20Tell me why you did it, Gary
01:11:22Do what?
01:11:23You know what I'm talking about
01:11:25The money
01:11:28How did you know?
01:11:31I'll tell you
01:11:32But I think the most important question now is
01:11:36Why did you give me the money?
01:11:38I could take some time to explain
01:11:40I have time, don't I?
01:11:43You don't know how much that meant to me
01:11:46My store is my life
01:11:48I don't know what I would have done if I had closed it
01:11:51Thanks to you and your gift
01:11:53I don't have to find out
01:11:58You saved my life
01:12:01I wouldn't put it that way
01:12:04But I was guided by someone who could save his life
01:12:10What are you talking about?
01:12:12You know, giving him that money wasn't my idea
01:12:17God told my heart to give him that money
01:12:21Whatever, Gary
01:12:23I'm glad you gave me the money
01:12:26Why are you so sure that God guided you to do it?
01:12:30It's hard to explain
01:12:32It's something you have to experience in order to understand it well
01:12:37But when a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior
01:12:41A whole new relationship is formed between him and God
01:12:46And with prayer and the Holy Spirit
01:12:48God made it clear to me that this is what he wanted me to do
01:12:56There was a time in my life
01:12:59When I thought I might have believed everything you're telling me
01:13:04I used to believe in God
01:13:08I can tell you this for sure, Mr. Tolman
01:13:12That God has never forgotten you
01:13:15And it's not a coincidence that we've crossed paths
01:13:19Or that he put in me the desire and longing to help you when I need it
01:13:24I'll ask you something, Mr. Tolman
01:13:27Who is Jesus Christ to you?
01:13:30I'm not sure how you want me to answer
01:13:33With the truth
01:13:34How do you see Jesus?
01:13:37Well, I think he was a good guy
01:13:40Who lived about 2,000 years ago
01:13:42I know we celebrated his birthday at Christmas and all that
01:13:47But I'm not sure what it has to do with you giving me the money
01:13:51It has everything to do with why I gave him the money
01:13:55Without God's grace
01:13:56Or the salvation that came to me by my faith in Jesus Christ
01:13:59I would never have given him $200,000
01:14:02I would never have crossed my head
01:14:05And logically speaking, why would I?
01:14:08Give $200,000 to my biggest rival?
01:14:12And the man who...
01:14:14Bribed that distributor causing him to have to close my store?
01:14:19Did you know about the bribe?
01:14:24That is the difference that Christ has made in my life
01:14:27He has given me grace
01:14:29And praying every day has made me have grace with you
01:14:33Is that what you did for me?
01:14:36Is that what you did for me?
01:14:40It's not about what I did for you
01:14:43I'm just the instrument in God's hands
01:14:46The important thing is God's gift of salvation
01:14:48That he extends to everyone with his grace
01:14:51And that includes you, Mr. Tolman
01:14:56Hey Gary, I would like to experience it
01:14:59But I don't think God would accept me
01:15:03Not with everything I've done in my life
01:15:05That's the beauty of grace
01:15:08No one deserves salvation
01:15:11But God already loves you
01:15:13And Jesus already paid for all your sins on the cross
01:15:17And the gift of salvation is there
01:15:20Ready for you to accept it, Mr. Tolman
01:15:23The question is...
01:15:25If you will accept it
01:15:29How, Gary?
01:15:32How can I accept it?
01:15:35Would you pray with me?
01:15:37And would you ask Jesus the Savior?
01:15:53Beloved God
01:16:02God's gift of salvation
01:16:25Christmas collection of toys and food
01:16:27Because God did not send his Son to judge the world
01:16:30But for the world to be saved by him
01:16:32John 3.17
01:16:33Do you see the signs there?
01:16:34They are not even
01:16:35You think? I think they look very good
01:16:37Oh, Lola! How are you?
01:16:39Wow, you're back! We haven't seen you in a long time
01:16:42Yes, a few years at least
01:16:44Why didn't you come here to visit us?
01:16:46Believe me, I would have loved to
01:16:48I miss you a lot
01:16:49And my mom would love to see you
01:16:51But she's very busy and we couldn't come back
01:16:53Yes, I understand
01:16:54But look at you, you've grown a lot
01:16:56You look amazing
01:16:57Thank you
01:16:58Look at you, I see that you are already waiting for another
01:17:00Yes, it's the second and she will be born in March
01:17:04Well, congratulations!
01:17:05Thank you
01:17:07What else has happened?
01:17:08For example, what are you doing here?
01:17:10What happened to the other store?
01:17:12I can answer both at the same time
01:17:14What happened to the other store is that we closed it
01:17:16And why we are here is because we are in the new store
01:17:20Wow, I didn't expect to hear that
01:17:22And why did you close the previous one?
01:17:24We closed it to be able to open this one
01:17:26And how did you buy Mr. Tolman's property?
01:17:28Oh, no, we didn't buy Mr. Tolman's property
01:17:31And how did you get it?
01:17:33And what do the initials J and G mean?
01:17:35Wow, you are very fast at asking questions
01:17:37That's right, sorry
01:17:38It's a lot, I know
01:17:39It's okay, it's okay
01:17:40The answers are the initials
01:17:42The G means Gary
01:17:45And the J?
01:17:48The J means...
01:17:52Cielo, is everything okay?
01:17:54Yes, yes, no, no, everything is fine
01:17:56Hey, Susan, can you come with me for a moment?
01:17:58I want to show you something
01:18:00We'll be back in a few moments, Loren
01:18:02If you want, you can take a walk and we'll look for you later
01:18:04Okay, yes, yes, I'll do that
01:18:05Excellent, wait for us, we won't be long
01:18:08What's going on?
01:18:09I have a question
01:18:10The new deliveries of the week
01:18:12Do you want to put them on display right away?
01:18:15Or do we wait a few days to make room for them?
01:18:17Do you agree?
01:18:18Yes, let's do it
01:18:19No problem
01:18:20Thank you
01:18:21What's going on, Cielo?
01:18:25Gary, I'm very confused
01:18:27Why did you do that?
01:18:28While I was talking, I realized that you have no idea that Jim is now my partner
01:18:32And it would be great if he came out and surprised you
01:18:36That's a great idea, Gary
01:18:38I know
01:18:40Hi, Loren
01:18:41Mr. Tolman?
01:18:42What are you doing here?
01:18:43I work here
01:18:44I thought Gary was the owner
01:18:46Well, he is
01:18:49Do you work for Gary?
01:18:51No, now we're partners
01:18:53Sorry, I'm sorry
01:18:55I'm sorry, I'm sorry
01:18:57I'm sorry
01:18:58I'm sorry
01:18:59I'm sorry
01:19:00I'm sorry
01:19:01I'm sorry
01:19:02I'm sorry
01:19:03I'm sorry
01:19:04I'm sorry
01:19:05I'm sorry
01:19:06I'm sorry
01:19:07I'm sorry
01:19:08I'm sorry
01:19:09I'm sorry
01:19:10I thought you were rivals
01:19:12We were
01:19:13And what changed?
01:19:15Everything changed
01:19:18I'm not the same man you knew
01:19:20I'm a follower of Christ now
01:19:23I understand that this is something surprising for you
01:19:27I think I'm overwhelmed
01:19:29I prayed for you all these years
01:19:32Thank you, I needed it
01:19:35And how did God come to your heart?
01:19:37Well, God used the man
01:19:39Who later became my partner
01:19:42That's amazing
01:19:43God used his rival to reach him
01:19:46Loren, Gary wasn't the only one God came to me with
01:19:49Who else?
01:19:51You, Loren
01:19:54It may be insignificant to you, but
01:19:57I think God used you when the Villancicos band
01:20:01came to sing that song to me that night
01:20:06Because I just wanted to be kind
01:20:08And I hoped that the message of the song would impact you
01:20:12It did
01:20:13More than you think
01:20:17Because my mother was a Christian
01:20:19And she sang that song to me when I was very young
01:20:24She died when I was 9
01:20:27And I remember that I became bitter and angry with God when that happened
01:20:32And then
01:20:35You appeared and sang that song to me
01:20:40And all the memories ran back to me
01:20:44Then I knew that he wanted me to open my heart to you
01:20:52Do you feel good?
01:20:54Yes, it's something incredible
01:20:57I didn't think the song would make a difference or have an effect on you at all
01:21:02It's wonderful to hear it
01:21:04Hey, Mr. Tolman, I never thought I'd say this, but
01:21:07I'm glad to see you again
01:21:09Thank you
01:21:14Merry Christmas
01:21:16Merry Christmas to you
01:21:34Merry Christmas to you
01:22:04Merry Christmas
01:22:34Merry Christmas
01:23:04Merry Christmas
01:23:34Merry Christmas
01:24:04Merry Christmas