Budh Ast 2024: 29 नवंबर 2024 को बुध ग्रह वक्री अवस्था में वृश्चिक राशि में अस्त हो रहे हैं, जो 12 दिसंबर तक उदय नहीं होंगे। बुध ग्रह को बुद्धि, व्यापार और संचार का कारक माना जाता है।इनके अस्त होने से कुछ राशियों को विशेष सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता है। आर्थिक नुकसान, करियर में रुकावटें, और पारिवारिक समस्याएं इन राशियों के लिए बड़ी चुनौतियां ला सकती हैं।
Budh Ast 2024: On November 29, 2024, Mercury is setting in Scorpio in a retrograde state, which will not rise until December 12. Mercury is considered to be the factor of intelligence, business and communication.Due to their setting, some zodiac signs need to be extra cautious. Financial losses, career obstacles, and family problems can bring big challenges for these zodiac signs.
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Budh Ast 2024: On November 29, 2024, Mercury is setting in Scorpio in a retrograde state, which will not rise until December 12. Mercury is considered to be the factor of intelligence, business and communication.Due to their setting, some zodiac signs need to be extra cautious. Financial losses, career obstacles, and family problems can bring big challenges for these zodiac signs.
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