दिल्ली : दिल्ली में एक बार फिर यमुना नदी का प्रदूषण चिंताजनक स्तर पर पहुंच गया है। कालिंदी कुंज में यमुना नदी के पानी में एक बार फिर बड़े पैमाने पर झाग तैरता दिखाई दिया है और यह तब होता है जब पानी में अमोनिया की मात्रा बढ़ जाती है। सरकार भले ही यमुना की सफाई के लाख दावे कर ले, लेकिन जमीनी हकीकत कुछ और ही है। यमुना नदी पर पूजा के लिए पहुंचने वाले लोग बताते हैं कि यमुना की इस स्थिति को देखकर उन्हें बेहद दुख हो रहा है। जो यमुना स्वच्छ होती थी, आज वह पूरी तरह गंदी हो चुकी है। यमुना का पानी गंदे नाली के समान हो चुका है। यमुना के तट पर खड़ा होना भी मुश्किल हो रहा है क्योंकि बदबू से बुरा हाल हो रहा है। दिल्ली में बड़े-बड़े नालों का पानी सीधे यमुना में गिराया जा रहा है। कुछ दिनों के बाद दिल्ली के लोगों पर जल संकट उत्पन्न हो सकता है।
#Delhi #Yamuna #YamunaRiver #YamunaRiverPollution #KalindiKunj #WaterPollution
#Delhi #Yamuna #YamunaRiver #YamunaRiverPollution #KalindiKunj #WaterPollution
01:00The water is so dirty that I don't have the courage to wash my hands in it.
01:06I want to go inside and wash my hands.
01:09The water is so dirty.
01:11The water is so polluted that I don't have the courage to go inside and pray.
01:17But I have no choice but to go inside and pray.
01:21I request the government to take care of the cleanliness.
01:27People are suffering.
01:31People are suffering.
01:33What will happen to people if people drink this water?
01:35The disease will spread.
01:37People will be worried.
01:39I request the government to take care of this and clean it properly.
01:46Looking at the condition of Jamuna, it has become a dirty drain.
01:53It is so dirty.
01:55The smell of water is so bad.
01:57The beauty of this drain is so bad.
01:59It is all over now.
02:01The water is very dirty.
02:03I have no courage to drink it.
02:05I have no courage to take a shower in it.
02:07There is a lot to do.
02:09Both the Delhi government and the central government have to think about it.
02:14Because the situation in Jamuna, the nearby industries in Delhi, the big cities, all the
02:21drains, the businesses that are going on, all the dirt is coming down from Jamuna to
02:28This is why there is so much pollution.
02:29The Delhi government cannot work alone for this.
02:31For this, the central government has to work together and pay attention to cleanliness.
02:36Like we believe in Hinduism, we consider it our mother, it has become so dirty.
02:41We come to wash our hands on this thing or do any cleaning, smell comes, there is a lot
02:46of trouble.
02:47We have a request from both our governments, not only from the Delhi government, we have
02:51a request from both the governments, together.
02:53Because we cannot compare in this thing that the Delhi government or the central government,
02:57we are Indian citizens, this responsibility is ours.
03:00We should get everything clean and clean.
03:03I want to say this to both the people.
03:05Look, Jamuna is very polluted in today's date.
03:10Even the nearby temples are coming here.
03:14It is so polluted that we come here to roam around in the present time.
03:19We all came for the 6th puja.
03:21Cleaning was also done.
03:22But in today's date, the 22 km of Jamuna flowing in Delhi, and earlier it was clean,
03:29but since the rule of Arvind Kejriwal has been going on here, the rule of unruly elements,
03:35and if you pick up water in your hand, it is very polluted.
03:47Arvind Kejriwal has proved to be a very useless chief minister.
03:52And because of him, there is a lot of pollution in Delhi.
03:56So Arvind Kejriwal is very unfortunate.
03:59Arvind Kejriwal has never seen such a chief minister,
04:03who is very much troubled by the people of Delhi in today's date.
04:06Today, when Yamuna came to Kalandikunj Ghat,
04:09then the situation of Yamuna is very bad.
04:11There is a bad smell of water all around.
04:13There is fog in the water.
04:15It is not even possible to stand here in Yamuna.
04:19While there is about 22 km of Yamuna in Delhi.
04:22During this journey, Yamuna has become so polluted and dirty.
04:26While the water from Haryana is clean and pure.
04:29And the biggest misfortune is that we, the people of Delhi,
04:33for us, Ma Yamuna is a life line.
04:36The water of Yamuna is polluted and given by the Delhi government.
04:40We drink it.
04:41And on this, about 8000 crore rupees were given to the Delhi government by the Kerala government.
04:45And whenever the elections come, Arvind Kejriwal says,
04:48till the time I am a member of the party, next time I will put a dam in Yamuna along with the people of Delhi.
04:52And it has been almost 10 years since then.
04:54Till now, there has been no proper work done on Yamuna.
04:59The treatment plants that were put up, the STP plants,
05:02the Kerala government gave a lot of money for that.
05:04Even those treatment plants are not working today.
05:06Kejriwal will definitely find Ma Yamuna a curse.