• letztes Jahr
Mayas Vater war ein Spion, der in eine internationale Verschwörung verwickelt wurde. Nach dieser Enthüllung versucht Maya in Inheritance die Geheimnisse ihres Vaters zu enträtseln und wird dabei selbst zur Zielscheibe.

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00:00It's written all over you.
00:06You're an artist.
00:09No, you're in a band.
00:14No, no you're not.
00:17You're a spy.
00:23You've had a brutal year.
00:25You've just lost your mother.
00:28Let me be your father.
00:31I thought you were trying to get control of your life.
00:35I'll do anything to get out of this place.
00:39I've built something here.
00:42And I want you and I to run it together.
00:46Doing what?
00:48Gathering information.
00:50Like a spy.
00:52That's a big word.
00:54Maya, leave now. Go.
00:57Where are you? What is going on?
01:00Where's my dad?
01:02Something happened to him.
01:04This is Interpol.
01:06You're in possession of stolen U.S. government property.
01:09If you go to the police, he's dead.
01:12If you don't bring it to us, you are dead.
01:15Do not go to India.
01:19I'll do it.
01:24You can't get to South Korea. Watch me.
01:28You're willing to take risks and get things done.
01:32You know what you want and you know how to get it.
01:36Aren't they looking for you?
01:38He'll kill me if he finds me.
01:41Go, go, go!
01:44Who are you spying on?
01:46I'll never tell.
01:57I'll never tell.