Agronomist Patrick Jones discussed new incisive trials to eradicate fall armyworm in sorghum crops.
00:00In this crop we've applied soft chemistry and that's viabas and viabas is a virus for heliothis
00:09and we've also applied a mixture of it and folagin together and folagin is the virus for fall armyworms.
00:16So the combination of the two are very selective so you need one for heliothis and one for fall armyworm.
00:23And you use these chemicals less than you would hard chemicals?
00:27Yes I do but they work much better when they're mixed with conventional chemistry, conventional soft chemistry.
00:35Really what we need to do is talk about carbamates and organophosphates.
00:43So in the information supplied by Agbiotech, chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate, methamol is a carbamate
00:51and you get a cross resistance between carbamates and organophosphates
00:55and it's already been documented by all of our research stations here in Australia.