Take a sneak peek at Tracker Season 2 Episode 8—a gripping installment of the acclaimed crime drama helmed by renowned director Ken Olin. Starring Justin Hartley, Eric Graise, and a stellar ensemble cast, this high-stakes episode delivers relentless suspense, shocking twists, and nail-biting tension from start to finish. Each scene adds layers to the mystery, building to an unforgettable climax that will leave you breathless. Tune in to CBS for this unmissable chapter and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Tracker!
Tracker Cast:
Justin Hartley, Mary McDonnel, Robin Weigert, Abby McEnany, Eric Graise, Bob Exley and Fiona Rene
Stream Tracker Season 2 now Paramount+!
Tracker Cast:
Justin Hartley, Mary McDonnel, Robin Weigert, Abby McEnany, Eric Graise, Bob Exley and Fiona Rene
Stream Tracker Season 2 now Paramount+!
00:00Looking for ghosts now, are we?
00:02She lost her brother.
00:03She's about ready to lose her mother.
00:04People grieve in different ways.
00:06So what are we looking for exactly?
00:08All I know is somebody visited the hospital.
00:10She immediately jumps to dead brother?
00:12Signed in under a fake name.
00:14I took a look at the handwriting.
00:15It is similar.
00:16We've had less to go on, right?
00:18You're telling me.
00:19I just want to give her some answers,
00:20even if it's not what she wants to hear.
00:22OK, so was there any video footage from the security
00:26cameras at the hospital?
00:27There's no footage of this visitor coming or going.
00:29There's no cameras at the nurse's station.
00:31And we're sure someone was there.
00:32Just look into it, will you?
00:33See what Lucas was into.
00:35Maybe there's some answers there.
00:37Or maybe he's just dead.
00:40Sister said he was coming from work
00:42at the time of the accident.
00:43Yeah, I'm looking into it now.
00:46The place is called Big Bite Computer Repair.
00:52That's sus.
00:54You know something about computer repair stores
00:56that look like a front?
00:58A little bit.
00:59Looks like the place was broken into two days ago.
01:03The same time Lucas supposedly visited the hospital.
01:05I'll look into it.
01:06Well, good luck, Ghostbuster.
01:08I'll keep snooping on my end.