• last year
শীতের মরশুম শুরু হতেই তামিলনাড়ুর কিলিউর হ্রদে বিপুল সংখ্যায় পরিযায়ী পাখি উড়ে এসেছে। পাখি প্রেমিরা হ্রদটিকে পাখির অভয়ারণ্য বলে থাকেন


00:00From mid-November, the season of winter has begun.
00:05The snow-capped mountains are covered with snow and the sea is snow-covered.
00:09In the winter, not only mango trees, but also different birds are seen dancing in the air.
00:15From the end of October, the season of birds starts in different parts of India.
00:22These birds stay until January.
00:25Similarly, in the beginning of winter, thousands of birds started flying around Tamil Nadu.
00:32These birds are flying around the world.
00:35These birds come from thousands of miles away and travel around the world.
00:43These birds come from Siberia, Central Asia, South China and Ladakh.
00:49Among them, there are different species of birds, such as Hamsa, Chota Kanpecha,
00:54Titash, Tishabaj, Jiriya, Titi, Mankand, Chakha Chokhi, etc.
01:01At the end, different species of birds from 50 to 55 species come here.
01:07As soon as the season of winter begins, a large number of familiar birds come to Tamil Nadu's Kiliur River.
01:15Bird lovers call the river a bird sanctuary.
01:19At this time, there are about 25,000 birds of more than 40 species from all over the world in the river.
01:27Nardar Pintel, Brout Shrike, Gargin, Nardar Shevlar, Black Tail Odd, Godwin, Cotton Pygmy, Goose, Openbilled,
01:37Like Stalkers, many birds come here at this time.
01:42Many familiar birds come from Asian and European countries.
01:46These birds come here to protect them from the cold and frost in their country.
01:53In a word, this river of Tamil Nadu is known as heaven for birds.
02:00I have been watching birds for the last 40 years in and around Trichy.
02:04Trichy is a very potential area for avian flora because it has both types of habitats, both wetlands and dry land.
02:14Especially the dry land in the Toriyur and Pachamalai area supports a large number of raptors and other carnivore birds.
02:22Whereas the other side of the Trichy, which is a wetland, which is fed by river Cauvery, has numerous water bodies which support waterfowl.
02:32Especially the Clear Lake is a very interesting area where you have around 160 species of birds, including some 70 migratory birds.
02:41It is an IBA site, Important Birding Area site, which supports a large amount of waterfowl.
02:47The migratory birds comprise mainly of ducks like Shevlar, Gargini, Vijan and other ducks.
02:55And also the raptors also like great spotted eagle come there to feed on the waterfowl.
03:25Bureau report, One India, Bangla.
