Ed-tech firm Physics Wallah was caught in yet another controversy after a student raised a hand on a teacher during an online class.
00:30This is how you are going to pay for it.
00:39People are crying.
00:40They are crying.
00:41The people who worked for you.
00:42Sir, you will not be able to save yourself.
00:45False allegations.
00:46This is not fair.
00:48They built your whole system.
00:52What kind of justice is this that you have built your system, you have worked properly for 3 years, and you are doing the ending properly.
01:00You have given proper resignation, we are finishing the entire course of the children properly,
01:05still you will have this plus way that if anyone leaves PW, we will ruin his career.
01:11We will put allegations on him.
01:22You finish our career, but we will continue to teach like this till our last breath.
01:33We will teach free on the app and also on YouTube.
01:35Sir, do one thing, your company is of 2000 crores, you have earned a profit of 300 crores, give this money to the children.
01:43You free all the batches of the app, we will also make an app by begging, we will tell him that we also want to teach free.
01:49Free on the app, I am ready to teach free for the rest of my life.
01:53You are ready, you will teach free on YouTube, you will teach free on the app.
01:56And we will run this video now, you don't know, the people who died and taught for you, we will run this video and answer this.
02:05Children, you must know that I did not take class for 10 days.
02:08Children, I told them at the same time that there is a riot in Khota.
02:12Children are dying, sir, look at Khota.
02:14They have ruined the money of the children.
02:17They have ruined the money of the children.
02:48What happened?
02:53Sir was slapped and left.