• 3 years ago
Watch TMC MP Mahua Moitra invoke Vajpayee and compare PM Modi to a gladiator... 🤯


00:00Like a gladiator, the Honourable Prime Minister enters to chants of Modi, Modi
00:04Modi, Modi, Modi, Modi
00:08I would like to quote former Prime Minister Bajpai in 1972, who said in Parliament
00:13These days the atmosphere in New Delhi makes one choke
00:17It is not easy to breathe freely
00:19The chanting of a Prime Minister's name on All India Radio from morning to night
00:23Saturated propaganda on cinema screens
00:25How can people sitting in opposition fight this?
00:30People should be aware that there is no country in the world apart from India and Bangladesh
00:45which has a separate and independent Ministry for Civil Aviation
00:49No one else
00:50Everyone has evolved as they have sold and privatized their national carriers
00:54I am going to name a few examples
00:55The US, Department of Transport
00:57Canada, Transport Canada
00:59UK, Department for Transport
01:01Germany, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport
01:03Singapore, which still owns 55% in Singapore Airlines through Temasek
01:07Ministry of Transport
01:08Japan, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
01:11The question I raise here, or rather the proposal I put forward
01:14is that now that this ministry is no longer in the business of running a national airline
01:19why does it even need to be a separate ministry?
01:21So it is established beyond doubt that the ministry and indeed this government
01:25is not in the business of either running an airline
01:27or controlling commercial aviation in India
01:29In which case, let the government do away with this ministry
01:32merge it into a larger consolidated transport ministry
01:35and instead concentrate on making life easier for those private players
01:39who are the only ones operating in the Indian airspace today
01:42There's no government player, it's only private
01:44Let's make life easier for private players
01:46This government has seen, actually both the UPA and the NDA
01:49how hard it is to run an airline successfully in this country
01:53We have written off over 100,000 crores of public exchequer's money in Air India
01:58Even then, this government refuses, absolutely refuses to take any steps
02:03when it comes to fixing the taxes on aviation turbine fuel ATF
02:08that are crippling this industry with every up-cycle of crude price
02:12And the government, with all due respect, should stop focusing on building
02:15so many new airports in a race for bragging rights
02:17and instead focus on increasing capacity and facilities at existing airports
02:22Most major airports are operating at 85-120% of handling capacity
02:26This is a safety issue
02:28Terminals at Baghdogra, Jodhpur are ancient, tiny
02:31Airports like Srinagar, Leh have no proper aircraft de-icing facilities
02:35very primitive landing and navigation
02:37Let us fix the basics
02:38The Honourable Minister, your predecessor said in Parliament
02:41when he was explaining the need for privatisation
02:43that the government cannot be in the business of running airlines
02:46Well now, that you're out of it, it is only fair that you create a level playing field
02:50for those private operators who are running airlines
02:52I would like to quote former Prime Minister Vajpayee in 1972
02:56who said in Parliament
02:57These days the atmosphere in New Delhi makes one choke
03:01It is not easy to breathe freely
03:03The chanting of a Prime Minister's name on All India Radio from morning to night
03:07saturated propaganda on cinema screens
03:09How can people sitting in opposition fight this?
03:12It is India's greatest tragedy perhaps
03:15that the very party Vajpayee ji led as Prime Minister
03:18Today leads a government that has turned this very same Parliament
03:21into the Coliseum in Rome in the first century
03:24where like a gladiator the Honourable Prime Minister enters
03:26to chants of Modi, Modi
03:29And sadly those entrusted with the decorum of this house
03:33the Garima, as they like to put it
03:34smile smugly through it all
03:36So today as a woman parliamentarian
03:38let me chant some names that truly deserve applause
03:42both in this house and in the annals of civil aviation history of India
03:46The first Indian woman to get a pilot's license, Urmila Parekh
03:49The first woman commercial pilot, Prem Mathur
03:52The first woman pilot of Indian Airlines, Durbar Barraji
03:55The first woman IAF officer to fly in a combat zone, Gunjan Saxena
03:59The captain of the first Boeing having an all-women flight crew, Sadamini Deshmukh
04:04The youngest pilot in civil aviation history to command a jet aircraft, Nivedita Basin
04:09And on this celebratory note, my esteemed colleagues
04:11let us do what needs to be done
04:13Keep the Maharaja out of the skies by all means
04:16but let's keep the Aam Aadmi flying high
04:18Jai Hind, thank you very much
