• 3 years ago
"Meditation is the easiest thing in the world, but people judge it right away."

Producer, DJ, and eco-activist BLOND:ISH shares her tools for meditation and why she believes it's the key to staying grounded.

Throughout the month of September, Brut is partnering with Aurora Institute to discuss all things mental health and wellness.
00:00A lot of people, you know, they judge meditation right away, you know what I mean?
00:05Why do they judge meditation when that is actually the answer to connecting to yourself?
00:20Before I go play a show, you know, there could be thousands of people at that show
00:25so there's a lot of different energies in that room. I stand, I find my footing, I visualize
00:32a bubble around me, an energy bubble, so that I can push energy out, positive energy to the crowd,
00:41but I don't necessarily get affected by all the infinite energies that are there. As a DJ
00:47and traveling, you're always kind of off your center. I have a lot of different techniques
00:52that I work on to ground myself. I personally, I use qigong before I go on stage. Qigong is
00:58working with energy. I use this connection through music to kind of propagate energy out to the crowd.
01:11The way I can get to the present moment really quickly is just by doing counts of four,
01:16so we're gonna do it right now.
01:18I'm breathing through the nose, one, two, three, four, holding it for four seconds,
01:26and then breathing out for four,
01:30and you put it out, you put all of it out, and as you do that, the action of holding in between the breaths,
01:39for me, it just stops the thinking, and that's where you start to go crazy and you get those
01:45loops. So the more you can get out of those loops that are in your head, the more you're going
01:52straight for the present moment where all the magic is. So what I can give as advice to people
01:58going through anything is find, gather your tools. There's infinite tools, and exploring your breath
02:09is one of the best tools you can practice, because it's like fuel, it's like jet fuel
02:16to connecting to yourself.
02:31Breath is how you connect to yourself, and meditation, and meditation is the easiest thing
02:37in the world, but you have to work the muscle, and so many people don't start meditating because
02:43they just judge it for some reason right away, and it's the easiest thing to do. Being in the present
02:47moment and not getting affected by the past or future is the ultimate way to keep your
02:57mental health happy.
