• last month
At 17, she released her first song as part of her senior year project. Today, she's being called indie pop's breakout star.

Here's 5 things to know about Maude Latour who performed at the The Governors Ball Music Festival.
00:00this like thing that a crush does to you where you are just like coated in some euphoria pink
00:06sparkling blanket and the whole world is just brighter and i feel like i've put all of those
00:12feelings into a little body of work that you can just click a button and those feelings can just
00:16be inserted into your bloodstream no matter what is going on in your life hey my name is
00:20maude the tour and i'm with brew and i'm telling them five things to know about me
00:35although i say that i'm from new york city i've lived in a couple different places
00:40i grew up in hong kong as well i was born in sweden moved to london um and but i mostly lived
00:46in new york i've lived here for more than 15 years gosh and um i think that's just all part
00:51of my whole story um i every song that i've written about is about my transition to moving
00:59to new york and i was a um kid and i got to go around the city by myself and that was my first
01:05taste of these huge romantic feelings of putting your headphones on and like being free in this
01:11city i wrote my first song after uh some boyfriend driving me uh to on his handlebars
01:18across the williamsburg bridge and that's the day i wrote my first song ever was called handlebars
01:22and um that was the beginning first song i put out was called shoot and run and it was my final
01:34project in high school i put it out as my senior project which we had to do
01:39and um i put it on spotify and it got a reaction and it was actually like the hundredth song that
01:47i had written i'd been writing songs throughout all of high school and it was the first song that
01:51i ever shared publicly but people had been following me on instagram for so long and
01:57would come to my shows in the city and um yeah i love writing songs i've been lying to myself
02:03since last october because i saw you across the campus and i wished it wasn't over here's a fun
02:09fact about one more weekend i didn't want to put it out at first and i didn't like it at first for
02:15a full year i didn't like it until one day my little sister played it on her phone and we danced
02:23so hard and i realized like it was i loved it and so it came out a year after i initially wrote it
02:32um so but that song has breathed a whole new life into my project when you sing it live it just
02:39the crowd it's something else happens in the room and it's become such a magical part of my life and
02:44i love that song now see you sitting on the park bench telling me you miss me i graduated college
02:53one year ago and for a long time my music career was growing alongside my school career
02:59um i love being at school i'm such a nerd and so all of my classes like inspired my music and
03:05they were all intertwined um and all the friends i met in college are so crucial to like my whole
03:11project i made music videos with them we shot every picture together we shot the one more
03:17weekend music video on the campus it's all like a the soundtrack to the life that like we live
03:30together so it's a very important part of my story and now i'm a year out of school and life
03:35is different like what what the heck so this is my first gov ball that i've ever played
03:46um and this is kind of the moment that i've been waiting for since i was 14 years old
03:52this is so the dream coming true i came to gov ball for the first time the the morning after
03:58my prom we stayed up all night after senior prom and then we went to gov ball in the morning
04:03um and i swore that i would play it one day and here we are six years later it takes a second
04:08for your dreams to come true god um but yeah it's this is like everything i've dreamed about
04:14all of my friends are in the crowd right now i'm gonna go hang out with them later
04:18and it's just perfect full circle i heart nyc i'm working on my next my first album i haven't put out
04:26an album yet but it's slowly coming together you heard it here first but anyway that's a secret
04:31i'm not supposed to talk about that so um but yeah just working on all the stuff and um tour in the
04:37fall and yeah i'm excited to have a perfect summer and hopefully have all the memories that the
04:43future music is gonna be about so happy summer