Genres: Comedy, Action, Crime
A team of narcotics detectives goes undercover at a chicken restaurant to bust a crime ring. Chaos ensues when their secret operation is disrupted by the unexpected fame of their delicious chicken recipe.
#ExtremeJob2019, #KoreanActionComedy, #CrimeComedy, #UndercoverCops, #KoreanCinema, #HilariousAction, #ComedyGold, #ChickenRestaurant, #ActionPacked, #MustWatchComedy, #KoreanMovies, #DetectiveComedy, #CrimeAndHumor, #AsianCinema, #ActionComedy, #KoreanBuddyFilm, #UnexpectedFame, #PoliceDrama, #ThrillingAndFunny, #DynamicCops
A team of narcotics detectives goes undercover at a chicken restaurant to bust a crime ring. Chaos ensues when their secret operation is disrupted by the unexpected fame of their delicious chicken recipe.
#ExtremeJob2019, #KoreanActionComedy, #CrimeComedy, #UndercoverCops, #KoreanCinema, #HilariousAction, #ComedyGold, #ChickenRestaurant, #ActionPacked, #MustWatchComedy, #KoreanMovies, #DetectiveComedy, #CrimeAndHumor, #AsianCinema, #ActionComedy, #KoreanBuddyFilm, #UnexpectedFame, #PoliceDrama, #ThrillingAndFunny, #DynamicCops
Short film