पटना : बिहार में आज से विधानमंडल का शीतकालीन सत्र शुरू हो रहा है । उससे पहले मंत्री अशोक चौधरी ने कहा कि विपक्ष स्मार्ट मीटर सहित कई मुद्दों पर सरकार को घेरने की तैयारी में है । इसको लेकर बिहार सरकार के मंत्री अशोक चौधरी ने कहा कि स्मार्ट मीटर पर जो रेवेन्यू हम लोगों ने जनरेट किया है और हर घर जो बिजली देने का हमारे नेता का वादा है , ये तभी संभव हो पाया है जब हम लोग रेवेन्यू मॉडल तैयार कर रहे हैं । स्मार्ट मीटर का मुद्दा चलने वाला नहीं है । जहां तक करप्शन का मुद्दा है । 18-19 साल में हमारे नेता पर कोई चार्ज आया है क्या ? इन लोग का क्या है । उन्होंने कहा कि लॉ एंड ऑर्डर की स्थिति की तो क्या एक भी स्कॉर्पियो में राइफल निकलते हुए आप देखते हैं क्या ? लॉ एंड आर्डर भी समझ में आ गया उन लोगों को । विपक्ष में हैं तो इनको कुछ तो कहना है । ललन सिंह के बयान पर अशोक चौधरी ने कहा कि इसमें कोई दो मत नहीं है कि माननीय नेता ने जिस तरह से अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए काम किया वो पहले नहीं हुआ है। पहले बजट था 300 करोड़ , आज अल्पसंख्यकों का बजट है 700 करोड़ । निश्चित तौर पर अल्पसंख्यकों के ऊपर काम हुआ है ।
00:00The revenue that we have generated on Smart Meter
00:06and the electricity that our leaders have generated
00:10is only possible when we are preparing a revenue model.
00:15If there are any flaws, we will rectify them.
00:18So this Smart Meter issue is not going to work.
00:21Secondly, as far as corruption is concerned,
00:23in the last 18-19 years,
00:25have our leaders faced corruption charges?
00:28Have they faced corruption charges?
00:30What about these people?
00:32They have been in this position for 15 years.
00:34This is not going to work.
00:36What is the next issue?
00:38Law and order is a big issue.
00:40Let's look at the situation of law and order.
00:42There is a rifle in Scorpio today.
00:44There is a rifle in Scorpio today.
00:46It came out of a Scorpio vehicle.
00:48We have understood the law and order.
00:50Can anyone ask for a donation of Rs. 5 today?
00:53Saraswati Puja, Durga Puja.
00:55Can anyone force a trader?
00:57Is there a model in the state?
00:59Can anyone force a trader to take donation from us?
01:04There is no such issue.
01:06Because they are in opposition.
01:08They have to say something.
01:09It is their role. They will say it.
01:11There is no duality in this.
01:13The way honest leaders have budgeted Alps.
01:17How much was the budget of Ansalsika?
01:19In 22,000 crores.
01:21Only 3.5-4 crores of budget.
01:24And what is the budget of Alpsankhika today?
01:26700 crores.
01:27So definitely work has been done on Alpsankhikas.
01:30In India, Bihar is the only state
01:32where the work of coaching the children of Alpsankhikas
01:35to BPSC and IAS has been started by a leader in Haj Bhavan.
01:39So their thought is that the children of Alpsankhikas
01:43who are not able to compete in BPSC and IAS,
01:46we should encourage them.
01:48Pay commission in this state.
01:50According to the leaders of Madrasas,
01:52we have done a lot of work.
01:54But the amount of work that we have done,
01:56according to our President and Central Minister,
01:58the amount of work that has been done,
02:00according to that, we are not getting votes.
02:02We need to work on this.
02:04And we need to make people understand.
02:06For this, our team is going everywhere.
02:10To tell people, our workers and these people.
02:13Look, we don't live in the debt of those people,
02:15Jamaat-e-Ulema, Pandit, Maulana, etc.
02:18Our leaders live in the work of development.
02:20We develop.
02:21And this is a direct relationship between me and the people.
02:24We don't need anyone's leadership in between.
02:27We work for the people, go among the people,
02:29and get votes from the people.
02:31The amount of work we are doing in Alpsankhikas,
02:33we are not getting the same return.
02:35This is what the leaders have said.