• last year
Dog was Born Bigger than the Other Brothers Understand

If you noticed that a dog was born bigger than all his other siblings, pay close attention to this video.

The growth and development of the puppy varies according to factors specific to the animal and factors linked to its environment.

Growth is a phenomenon that can be assessed quantitatively by monitoring the puppy's weight gain. As for development, this is a qualitative phenomenon that corresponds to the transformation of an embryo into an adult cat with the ability to procreate. These phenomena involve factors intrinsic to the breed, sex and genotype relative to the parents, in addition to extrinsic factors linked to the environment in which the puppy lives and which influences its growth and development.

To know how big a dog will be as an adult, you can do a calculation: divide the puppy's weight by his age in weeks and multiply by 52.

The size of the puppy can also be influenced by the size of the parents:
In breeds with similar sizes, female dogs tend to take after their mother and males after their father.
In mixed breeds, the puppy will likely be an average size between the two breeds.

The growth of dogs varies according to the size of the breed:
Small and medium-sized dogs stop growing around eight to ten months.
Giant dogs only reach their growth limit at 24 months.

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