• last year
00:00Thanks for getting us this far, but I'll be taking that back.
00:21Possession is not into the law. You want it? Try and take it.
00:30I'm gonna strip the flesh from your bones.
00:51I'll spit out your soul.
01:06You're going to hell, Constantine.
01:21I'm gonna strip the flesh from your bones.
01:50I'm gonna strip the flesh from your bones.
02:11Another part of the shotgun.
02:19Old, obviously. That is to say, ancient. Roman, maybe. Spearhead, perhaps. Yes, probably. Other than that...
02:30A half-breed angel died protecting it, Beeman. And demons came through to get it.
02:35It has received a great deal of attention.
02:38Without question. That a symbol?
02:41Never seen it before. At least, not in any earthly references.
02:46What about the Naissance de Demoniacs?
02:48It might be in there, if you can find a copy.
02:51But, John, the only known Naissance de Demoniacs is in the ancient text section of...
02:57Hell's library. At least I won't have to pack for the cold.
03:02While I'm gone, find out where they're storing El Rio's body.
03:05Sure, sure.
03:07Can't be that many dead angels at the morgue.
03:10And I want to look them in the eyes when I get back.
03:37Cangor. I thought I could smell you. This place will take anyone, huh?
03:48You're not still upset with me, are you?
03:55Welcome to my world, son. Welcome to my life.
06:55I don't know how much further down you can get than this dump, but I'm sure you can find it.
08:55Didn't get enough the first time, huh?
08:58This time I've come for your soul.
09:03Take a number.
09:48This is the seal of Lucifer. One of the three I need to reach the Lexicon.
10:25Not again!
11:26Getting to Hell doesn't take a lot of effort.
11:28Getting through Hell, that can cause you to break a sweat.
11:40That's what I need, but first...
11:43I'll have to deal with this.
12:43I've been anticipating this moment for such a long time, Constantine.
12:48Know that Mammon will rip Adger apart crossing over.
12:52It's a pity you won't be there to see it. Who says I lack compassion?
12:57See you in Hell, Constantine.
13:27That's better.
13:35You have my gratitude.
14:07Son of a motherfucker!
14:42Awesome job.
14:49Son of a motherfucker!
14:59Temper, temper, John.
15:01I was born of fire!
15:18Son of a motherfucker!
15:29Son of a motherfucker!
15:48You can't cheat it. You're going to Hell.
16:12Son of a motherfucker!
16:18Son of a motherfucker!
16:40Son of a motherfucker!
16:49Try to save the world, John. Too late.
17:05Son of a motherfucker!
17:12Son of a motherfucker!
17:18Son of a motherfucker!
17:24There are things I need to know. You're going to tell me.
17:27Burn in Hell, Constantine.
17:29I'm taking requests. How about our father, who art in...
17:32No! Stop! Please!
17:36Don't beg, Balthasar. Not yet.
17:39What happened to... to the other cheek?
17:42Got the wrong JC. Now, why's the upstairs got you so worried?
17:47Food sucks. Milk and honey. They've got to be kidding.
17:52Wrong. Try again. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On Earth...
17:56All right. Stop. Just stop.
18:00Perfection. It's torture.
18:03It's the damned. The spearhead. It's the weapon that killed your savior on the cross.
18:10His father's sacrifice. It has his blood.
18:14And Angela?
18:15Mammon will use her as a bridge to cross over.
18:22That wasn't so tough.
18:24Just for a moment. Imagine it, Constantine.
18:28Imagine the glory of this city or this world when Mammon takes over.
18:35Where do I find her?
18:36Ravenscar Mental Hospital.
18:39But you're too late.
18:43Mammon's almost here. I've been stalling you, Constantine.
18:47You should never trust a demon.
18:52Or a man with a loaded cross.
19:12Angela! Fight! Fight it!
19:22Omnis Satanus Abspiritum. Deus Ex Paradisio.
19:26Ma Bello Hadesium. Destructus Ex Rex Demonici.
19:32Come on.
19:34Temerum Obscurus.
19:43I was wondering when you'd get here.
19:45Really, Jon? Do tell.
19:47You gave up Balthasar too quickly. Made it too easy.
19:50He would have gotten in the way.
19:53But why you'd hook up with Mammon? That one still got me stumped.
19:57I have my reasons.
19:59Unfortunately, I was hoping for more of a fight from Balthasar.
20:03You know I don't like to get my hands dirty, Jon. Especially when it comes to an old friend.
20:07I'm touched, kid.
20:09Especially when it comes to an old friend.
20:11I'm touched, Gabriel. I know it's beneath you.
20:14Everything is beneath me.
20:16You know your mistake, Gabriel?
20:18You counted on a complete ass of a demon to do the work of a half-assed angel.
20:38Hades, the language you understand best.
20:41I will bring you power.
20:50I will bring you power.
21:05I will bring you power.
21:11I will bring you power.
21:15You are so much better than this.
21:28You're not worthy, Gabriel.
21:36I will transform you.
21:41I will transform you.
21:51I will make you worthy.
22:07Blood and fire.
22:14You are eternally now.
22:41It's Mammon. He's pulled Angela into the Underworld.
22:44He needs her to destroy the boundary between Earth and Hell.
22:47Then evil will be born, and humans will once again turn to us for their salvation.
22:52Shut up.
22:55You are eternally now.
22:57It's Mammon. He's pulled Angela into the Underworld.
23:00He needs her to destroy the boundary between Earth and Hell.
23:03Then evil will be born, and humans will once again turn to us for their salvation.
23:08Shut up.
23:15Ego por sit para.
23:24Ego por sit para.
23:36Artakhas found, sir.
23:54Artakhas found, sir.
24:24Artakhas found, sir.
24:26Artakhas found, sir.
24:51Hey, Junior. Remember to tell Daddy who sent you back.
25:03Once again, John. You've left me speechless.
25:06Then why do I hear you?
25:08If it's any consolation.
25:10You set me up, Gabriel. Used me. Betrayed me.
25:13All part of his plan.
25:15Learn to look at the outcome, John. Then you'll understand.
25:18What I understand is that you made a deal with the Devil.
25:21And for what, Gabriel? A bigger audience?
25:24Perhaps a more committed one?
25:26The world has become too complacent, John.
25:29Obsessed with the material at the expense of the spiritual.
25:32And yet, when the mortals are fearful,
25:35when terror catches their breath and shoves it down their throats so deep they can't cry for their mummies,
25:40then they pray, and then they believe.
25:44Faith is a luxury when times are good.
25:47But in troubled times, we are a growth industry.
25:50Are all angels such jerks?
25:52Only the really good ones.
25:59You should have that cough looked at, John.
26:01The inevitable is coming, but there's no reason to rush it.
26:05See you around.
26:06Not where I'm going.
26:08Oh. My mistake.
26:15Yeah, Angela. I've got you. Go slow.
26:18What happened?
26:20Things went to hell. Some others, I had to send there.
26:24Bad, huh? All that biblical stuff you told me.
26:28They did write the book.
26:29You never quit, do you, Constantine?
26:32Quitting's not my style. But there's always tomorrow.
